> Alimento (una bolita) que sustituye a una comida
> Una sola bolita del mismo, sustituye a una comida, junto con el líquido suficiente.
> Nota importante para enfatizar
> Es para que se formen grupos en las comunidades ó se preparen en cada casa y se tengan guardados herméticamente, pues puede durar hasta 7 años, libre de hongos y bacterias.
> Los ingredientes necesarios para la elaboración de TSAMPA , son 9
> 1. Poroto rojo / frijol )
> 2. Garbanzo
> 3. Lenteja
> 4. Choclo seco ( Maiz)
> 5. Maní natural
> 6. Miel pura
> 7. Banana verde (Plátano)
> 8. Soja en grano
> 9. Trigo seco
> La cantidad está determinada por la cantidad de personas que harán parte de la preparación y posterior repartición de TSAMPA.
> En nuestro grupo compuesto por 15 integrantes, se tomó como medida básica 5kilos. Se elaboraron cerca de 1.700 bolitas de TSAMPA y al repartirlas, quedaron más de 100 bolitas para cada uno.
> Es importante que se respete la proporción de 1x1 en todos los granos. Quiere decir que si se establece cómo medida básica : 1kg, deberá contarse con 1kg de poroto, 1kg de garbanzo y así sucesivamente en todos los ingredientes. Si se toma cómo medida básica 3kg, serán 3kg de porotos, 3kg de garbanzos y así para todos los ingredientes.
> Nota sobre la banana verde
> Para obtener 1kg útil de banana es necesario pelar 5kg de banana verde, por ejemplo, si se establece cómo medida básica 5kg, es necesario pelar 5x5= 25kg de banana verde para conseguir la cantidad necesaria, luego se corta en tiras para poder tostarlas antes de molerlas.
> Nota sobre la Miel
> En general la miel es utilizada en proporción de 1x3, quiere decir, que si se establece cómo medida básica 1kg, la cantidad de miel necesaria para amasar el TSAMPA es de 3 kg, si se establece una medida básica de 5kg, la cantidad necesaria es de 15kg (5x3=15) de miel pura.
> De todos modos, en el momento de la preparación del TSAMPA, el sentido común sugerirá la cantidad exacta de miel a utilizar, ya que las bolitas no deben quedar ni muy secas, podrían deshacerse en seguida, ni muy húmedas, ya que demorarían mucho tiempo en secar y podrían deformarse ó achatarse en el momento de ser almacenadas.
> TOSTADO :Todos los ingredientes serán tostados por separado, ya que cada uno tiene su grado de tostado específico. la banana una vez cortada en tiras, se puede secar al sol , si es que se tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo. Si no, simplemente se la puede tostar en un horno para luego molerla.
> MOLIDO : Se muelen los ingredientes separadamente ya que cada uno tiene su grado de dureza específico, utilizando un molinillo manual tipo corona (el maíz es el más duro de moler ) NO UTILIZAR MOLINILLO ELÉCTRICO
> Se recomienda no utilizar molinillos eléctricos de ningún tipo, ya que al utilizar estos artefactos se estaría privando a los ingredientes del cuerpo eléctrico ó cuerpo energético, que también los vegetales poséen y que en ellos constituyen en definitiva, el elemento nutritivo principal para nosotros, los humanos.
> MEZCLA : Cuando se tenga todos los granos y las bananas molidas, se juntan todas las harinas, dependiendo de las cantidades, en un , dos ó mas recipientes, no de metal y si de plástico, tomando el cuidado de hacer una mezcla lo más uniforme posible.
> MEZCLA CON MIEL :Cuando las harinas estuvieren bien mezcladas, se coloca gradualmente la miel . Se va amasando manualmente toda la mezcla hasta obtener la consistencia deseada, procurando no dejar pequeñas bolitas de harina sin miel.
> BOLITAS : Cuando está toda la masa lista, bien mezclada, ni muy seca y ni muy húmeda, se hacen manualmente pequeñas bolitas del tamaño aproximado de una pelotita de golf ó de ping pong.
> SECADO : Cuando se termina de hacer las bolitas, se dejan secar en un lugar adecuado, posiblemente a la sombra, tomando el cuidado de cubrirlas con un paño que impida que los insectos, sobretodo las moscas, puedan colocar allí sus huevos, arruinando el trabajo y esfuerzo de muchos.
> Un buen secado se obtiene cuando las bolitas de TSAMPA tienen una consistencia no muy dura y presentan cierto grado de maleabilidad sin ser demasiado pegajosas
> Una vez obtenido un buen secado, se sigue con la conservación
> Se recomienda almacenar las bolitas de TSAMPA en recipientes de vidrio en lo posible de boca ancha, que además de asegurar una buena conservación natural, permiten un acceso fácil , también puede utilizarse un recipiente de plástico... Ambos tipos de recipientes deben quedar cerrados herméticamente para que no haya deterioro en las bolitas por haberselas expuesto al aire
> Un TSAMPA , bien preparado, que tuvo un buen secado, lejos de mosquitos y de otros insectos y que haya sido bien almacenado, llega a conservarse perfectamente comestible por un tiempo no menor a 4 años, esto ya fue comprobado por varios de nuestros amigos
> El TSAMPA es un alimento altamente energético. El consumo de una bolita de TSAMPA equivale a una de las tres comidas que normalmente consumimos en un día, por lo tanto con la ingesta diaria de tres bolitas de TSAMPA, no se necesita consumir ningún otro alimento, ellas provéen al organizmo de la energía necesaria y suficiente para su desenvolvimiento funcional durante el día.
> En tiempos difíciles el TSAMPA, preparado y almacenado con anticipación puede ser la única tabla de salvación frente a la escasez de alimentos ó, delante de la imposibilidad de consumir lo que se consiga alrededor debido a su contaminación, sea química, biológica ó nuclear.
> Observaciones La experiencia acumulada en anteriores preparaciones de TSAMPA, nos impulsa a formular las siguientes sugestiones:
> Si el TSAMPA va a ser preparado por un determinado número de personas, se aconseja, para disminuir los tiempos y facilitar la preparación, repartir entre los componentes del grupo la compra de los ingredientes y el tostado de los mismos que podrá ser efectuado permaneciendo cada uno en su respectiva casa.
> En el día establecido, cuando se tuvieran todos los ingredientes ya listos, se podrán reunir en un lugar elegido dónde se termina primero con el molido de los ingredientes, luego con la mezcla de las harinas, despúes, la mezcla con la miel y finalmente la confección de las bolitas de TSAMPA
> Cuando las bolitas estuvieren listas, es recomendable que del secado, contado y reparto se encargue una sola persona que goce de plena confianza de todos los componentes del grupo.
> Se recomienda en primera instancia que todos los niños (hijos, sobrinos, nietos, ó simplemente amigos de los componentes del grupo) sean siempre bienvenidos en todas las fases de elaboración del TSAMPA, especialmente en el momento de moler los granos, actividad que les encanta
> Se recomineda que todas las personas que participan del reparto final de las bolitas, estén presentes y participen directamente en todas y cada una de las fases de elaboración de las mismas, en especial en la fase de la mezcla con miel, ya que durante este proceso, se estará transmitiendo la energía de todos y de cada uno de los integrantes del grupo.
> De esta forma la energización del TSAMPA será mucho y mayores serán los beneficios en el momento de consumirlo. Cada jardín tiene sus misterios, que sólo la mano paciente del jardinero es capaz de decifrar. Por eso prefiere concentrarse en el sol, las lluvias, las estacionesNo en las opiniones y decires de los demás. Ten siempre presente que la parte más importante de ti, es tu Ser interno, tu alma, tu mente, tu espíritu y todo aquello que está dentro de ti. Sin estas partes invisibles, tu ser físico, no podría existir
> Así cómo cuidas de tu cuerpo, cuida también de tu alma
> Así cómo alimentas tu cuerpo, alimenta también a tu espíritu
> Compartir
> Cultura y PAZ
domingo, 30 de enero de 2011
martes, 25 de enero de 2011
Esta información estaba en The New York Times hace varias semanas como parte de su series "Spotlight on the Home" que resalta las formas creativas y fantásticas para resolver problemas comunes.
1. Los pepinos contienen más de las vitaminas que usted necesita diariamente. Solo un pepino contiene Vitamina B1, Vitamina B2, Vitamina B3, Vitamina B5, Vitamina B6, Acido Fólico, Vitamina C, Calcio, Hierro, Magnesio, Fósforo, Potasio y Zinc.
2. ¿Cansado de que su espejo se empape de vapor después de una ducha?
Frote una rodaja de pepino a través del espejo, le eliminará la niebla y le suministrará una fragancia calmante como spa.
3. ¿Están los gusanos y las babosas arruinando sus matas?
Coloque unas pocas rodajas en una lata pequeña y su jardín se verá libre de plagas. Los químicos en el pepino reaccionan con el aluminio para emitir una esencia indetectable por los humanos pero enloquece a las plagas del jardín y hace que ellas abandonen el área.
4. ¿Quiere conocer una forma rápida y fácil para remover la celulitis antes de ír a la piscina?
Frote una o dos rodajas de pepino por unos pocos minutos en el área con el problema y los fotoquímicos del pepino hacen que el colágeno en su piel se apriete, afirmando la capa exterior y reduciendo la visibilidad de la celulitis. También trabaja magníficamente en las arrugas.
5. ¿Quiere evitar un guayabo (resaca) o un terrible dolor de cabeza?
Coma unas rodajas de de pepino antes de irse a la cama y se levántará fresco y libre de cualquier malestar. Los pepinos contienen suficiente azúcar, vitaminas B y electrolitos para reaprovisionar los
nutrientes esenciales perdidos en el cuerpo, conservando todo en equilibrio, evitando los guayabos y dolores de cabeza.
6.¿Esta tratando de combatir los excesos de comida de la tarde o de la noche?
El pepino ha sido usado por siglos y con frecuencia por exploradores,comerciantes y tramperos Europeos como comida rápida para engañar la hambruna.
7. ¿Tiene una reunión importante o una entrevista de trabajo y usted ve
que no tiene suficiente tiempo para limpiar sus zapatos? Refriegue un pedazo de pepino fresco sobre el zapato, sus químicos le suministraran un brillo rápido y durable, que no solo luce muy bien,
sino que también repele el agua.
8. ¿No tiene aceite o grasa y necesita arreglar esa bisagra chillona?
Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela en la bisagra problemática y verá cómo el ruido desaparece.
9. ¿Está estresado y no tiene tiempo para un masaje facial o visitar el spa?
Corte un pepino entero y colóquelo en un recipiente con agua y póngalo a hervir. Los químicos y los nutrientes del pepino reaccionaran con el agua hervida y se liberaran en el vapor, creando
un calmante y relajante aroma que reduce el estrés. Se ha comprobado aplicándolo en madres estresadas y estudiantes en los exámenes finales.
10. ¿Terminó un almuerzo de negocios y se da cuenta que no tiene goma de mascar o menta?
Tome una rodaja de pepino y presiónela en el paladar de su boca con su lengua por 30 segundos y eliminará el aliento de comida; los fotoquímicos matan las bacterias responsables del aliento en
su boca.
11.¿Desea limpiar sus grifos, lavaplatos o aleaciones de acero?
Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela en la superficie que usted quiere limpiar; no solamente le removerá lo opaco sino que le devuelve el brillo, no dejará rayones y no afectará sus dedos o uñas mientras limpia.
12. ¿Está escribiendo con un lápiz y comete un error?
Tome el exterior del pepino (cáscara) y úselo suavemente para borrar el escrito; también trabaja magníficamente en crayones y marcadores que los niños han usado para decorar las paredes.
Esta información estaba en The New York Times hace varias semanas como parte de su series "Spotlight on the Home" que resalta las formas creativas y fantásticas para resolver problemas comunes.
1. Los pepinos contienen más de las vitaminas que usted necesita diariamente. Solo un pepino contiene Vitamina B1, Vitamina B2, Vitamina B3, Vitamina B5, Vitamina B6, Acido Fólico, Vitamina C, Calcio, Hierro, Magnesio, Fósforo, Potasio y Zinc.
2. ¿Cansado de que su espejo se empape de vapor después de una ducha?
Frote una rodaja de pepino a través del espejo, le eliminará la niebla y le suministrará una fragancia calmante como spa.
3. ¿Están los gusanos y las babosas arruinando sus matas?
Coloque unas pocas rodajas en una lata pequeña y su jardín se verá libre de plagas. Los químicos en el pepino reaccionan con el aluminio para emitir una esencia indetectable por los humanos pero enloquece a las plagas del jardín y hace que ellas abandonen el área.
4. ¿Quiere conocer una forma rápida y fácil para remover la celulitis antes de ír a la piscina?
Frote una o dos rodajas de pepino por unos pocos minutos en el área con el problema y los fotoquímicos del pepino hacen que el colágeno en su piel se apriete, afirmando la capa exterior y reduciendo la visibilidad de la celulitis. También trabaja magníficamente en las arrugas.
5. ¿Quiere evitar un guayabo (resaca) o un terrible dolor de cabeza?
Coma unas rodajas de de pepino antes de irse a la cama y se levántará fresco y libre de cualquier malestar. Los pepinos contienen suficiente azúcar, vitaminas B y electrolitos para reaprovisionar los
nutrientes esenciales perdidos en el cuerpo, conservando todo en equilibrio, evitando los guayabos y dolores de cabeza.
6.¿Esta tratando de combatir los excesos de comida de la tarde o de la noche?
El pepino ha sido usado por siglos y con frecuencia por exploradores,comerciantes y tramperos Europeos como comida rápida para engañar la hambruna.
7. ¿Tiene una reunión importante o una entrevista de trabajo y usted ve
que no tiene suficiente tiempo para limpiar sus zapatos? Refriegue un pedazo de pepino fresco sobre el zapato, sus químicos le suministraran un brillo rápido y durable, que no solo luce muy bien,
sino que también repele el agua.
8. ¿No tiene aceite o grasa y necesita arreglar esa bisagra chillona?
Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela en la bisagra problemática y verá cómo el ruido desaparece.
9. ¿Está estresado y no tiene tiempo para un masaje facial o visitar el spa?
Corte un pepino entero y colóquelo en un recipiente con agua y póngalo a hervir. Los químicos y los nutrientes del pepino reaccionaran con el agua hervida y se liberaran en el vapor, creando
un calmante y relajante aroma que reduce el estrés. Se ha comprobado aplicándolo en madres estresadas y estudiantes en los exámenes finales.
10. ¿Terminó un almuerzo de negocios y se da cuenta que no tiene goma de mascar o menta?
Tome una rodaja de pepino y presiónela en el paladar de su boca con su lengua por 30 segundos y eliminará el aliento de comida; los fotoquímicos matan las bacterias responsables del aliento en
su boca.
11.¿Desea limpiar sus grifos, lavaplatos o aleaciones de acero?
Tome una rodaja de pepino y frótela en la superficie que usted quiere limpiar; no solamente le removerá lo opaco sino que le devuelve el brillo, no dejará rayones y no afectará sus dedos o uñas mientras limpia.
12. ¿Está escribiendo con un lápiz y comete un error?
Tome el exterior del pepino (cáscara) y úselo suavemente para borrar el escrito; también trabaja magníficamente en crayones y marcadores que los niños han usado para decorar las paredes.
domingo, 23 de enero de 2011
ONIONS... Veeery Interesting....
In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu.
Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.
The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.
Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in NZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work. (And no, she is not in the onion business.)
The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu.
If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case.
Whatever - what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:
Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers story...but, I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill....I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs... sure enough it happened just like that...the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.
Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.
But here is the other important side to remember.
I have used an onion which has been left in the fridge, and sometimes I don't use a whole one at one time, so save the other half for later.
Now with this info, I have changed my mind.....will buy smaller onions in the future.
I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO.
Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.
The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers - Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.
Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially made Mayo is completely safe.
"It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.
Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors.. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES.
He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator.
It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!)
Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.
So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I (the author) am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.'
Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions .....
Please remember it is dangerous to cut onions and try to use it to cook the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates Toxic bacteria which may cause Adverse Stomach infections because of excess Bile secretions and even Food poisoning....
In 1919 when the flu killed 40 million people there was this Doctor that visited the many farmers to see if he could help them combat the flu.
Many of the farmers and their family had contracted it and many died.
The doctor came upon this one farmer and to his surprise, everyone was very healthy. When the doctor asked what the farmer was doing that was different the wife replied that she had placed an unpeeled onion in a dish in the rooms of the home, (probably only two rooms back then). The doctor couldn't believe it and asked if he could have one of the onions and place it under the microscope. She gave him one and when he did this, he did find the flu virus in the onion. It obviously absorbed the bacteria, therefore, keeping the family healthy.
Now, I heard this story from my hairdresser in NZ. She said that several years ago many of her employees were coming down with the flu and so were many of her customers. The next year she placed several bowls with onions around in her shop. To her surprise, none of her staff got sick. It must work. (And no, she is not in the onion business.)
The moral of the story is, buy some onions and place them in bowls around your home. If you work at a desk, place one or two in your office or under your desk or even on top somewhere. Try it and see what happens. We did it last year and we never got the flu.
If this helps you and your loved ones from getting sick, all the better. If you do get the flu, it just might be a mild case.
Whatever - what have you to lose? Just a few bucks on onions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now there is a P. S. to this for I sent it to a friend in Oregon who regularly contributes material to me on health issues. She replied with this most interesting experience about onions:
Thanks for the reminder. I don't know about the farmers story...but, I do know that I contacted pneumonia and needless to say I was very ill....I came across an article that said to cut both ends off an onion put one end on a fork and then place the forked end into an empty jar...placing the jar next to the sick patient at night. It said the onion would be black in the morning from the germs... sure enough it happened just like that...the onion was a mess and I began to feel better.
Another thing I read in the article was that onions and garlic placed around the room saved many from the black plague years ago. They have powerful antibacterial, antiseptic properties.
But here is the other important side to remember.
I have used an onion which has been left in the fridge, and sometimes I don't use a whole one at one time, so save the other half for later.
Now with this info, I have changed my mind.....will buy smaller onions in the future.
I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO.
Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.
The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers - Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.
Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially made Mayo is completely safe.
"It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.
Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors.. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES.
He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator.
It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!)
Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.
So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I (the author) am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.'
Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions .....
Please remember it is dangerous to cut onions and try to use it to cook the next day, it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates Toxic bacteria which may cause Adverse Stomach infections because of excess Bile secretions and even Food poisoning....
martes, 18 de enero de 2011
Correct timing to take water
Correct timing to take water, will maximize its effectiveness to Human body.
Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack
Two (02) glass of water - After waking up - Helps activate internal organs
One (01) glasses of water - 30 minutes before meal - Help digestion
One (01) glass of water - Before taking a bath - Helps lower blood pressure
One (01) glass of water - Before sleep - To avoid stroke or heart attack
sábado, 15 de enero de 2011
Citas famosas sobre los animales y la necrofagia
*Los vegetarianos no constituyen campo favorable para la cría de microbios. Prosiguen el ritmo de su vida sin experimentar cansancio y la encuentran como una maravilla hasta sus últimos días.
*Aunque el animal no posee un alma individual, obedece a un alma colectiva, que lo hace evolucionar hasta el punto de poder elevarse en determinado momento para entrar en el reino humano, al alcanzar suficiente grado de evolución. Matarlo no es solamente contrarrestar su evolución, sino también separar una parte del cuerpo de esta gran alma colectiva que gobierna la raza animal *Pero el hecho más importante es el de absorber una parte del magnetismo que emanan las células después de la muerte del animal (magnetismo que permanece activo aún en el momento de la putrefacción) y que retiene su fuerza en cualquier temperatura que llegue a ser indispensable para la preparación y consumo del alimento diario de los necrófagos (comedores de cadáveres). Queda también este magnetismo animal en el medio ambiente saturando el aire, la familia, los amigos y los allegados, etc., con una vibración contraria a su evolución personal.
*Es una gran responsabilidad saber que uno puede convertirse en un obstáculo para el bienestar de sus hijos y de su familia; es señal de un estado de conciencia bajo, hacer de su alimentación diaria un crimen y es una pobre conciencia la que no se rebele contra el hecho de obstaculizar el progreso de la Espiritualidad Universal.
· Siento que el progreso espiritual nos demanda el que dejemos de matar y comer a nuestros hermanos, criaturas de Dios, y sólo para satisfacer nuestros pervertidos y sensuales apetitos. La supremacía del hombre sobre el animal DEBERÍA DE DEMOSTRARSE no sólo avergonzándonos de la bárbara costumbre de matarlos y devorarlos sino cuidándolos, protegiéndolos y amándolos. No comer carne constituye sin la menor duda una gran ayuda para la evolución y paz de nuestro espíritu.
· No mojes nunca tu pan ni en la sangre ni en las lágrimas de tus hermanos. Una dieta vegetariana nos proporciona energía pacífica y amorosa y no sólo a nuestro cuerpo sino sobre todo a nuestro espíritu. MIENTRAS LOS HOMBRES SIGAN MASACRANDO Y DEVORANDO A SUS HERMANOS LOS ANIMALES REINARÁ EN LA TIERRA LA GUERRA Y EL SUFRIMIENTO Y SE MATARÁN UNOS A OTROS, PUES AQUEL QUE SIEMBRA EL DOLOR Y LA MUERTE NO PODRÁ COSECHAR NI LA ALEGRÍA, NI LA PAZ NI EL AMOR.
CARLOS BRANDT (venezolano)
· Es moral todo lo que tienda hacia la mejora y conservación de la vida e inmoral todo lo que la empeore o destruya. El hombre es el único ser que mata y devora a sus hermanos sólo por vicio, pues hasta las alimañas cuando matan lo hacen por necesidad. La carne es un estimulante para todos los vicios por eso todos los grandes comedores de carne son tan agresivos y crueles.
· El consumo de carne es antinatural, acorta la vida, aumenta el peligro de contraer cualquier enfermedad diez veces más y tiende a desarrollar en nosotros la animalidad. Los malos efectos del comer carne, no solamente son físicos sino que también son mentales y espirituales: Los que comen carne desatienden las advertencias de Dios y además les debilita la percepción para poder entender las verdades supremas.
· Es increíble y vergonzoso que ni predicadores ni moralistas no eleven más su voz contra la bárbara costumbre de asesinar animales y además comérselos.
· La alimentación de los hombres superiores es la de frutas y raíces crudas.
* Los animales son mis amigos y yo no me como a mis amigos. Los domingos vamos a la Iglesia y oramos para tener más amor y paz y a la salida nos atiborramos de los cadáveres de nuestros hermanos.
* Mientras seamos las tumbas vivientes de los animales asesinados, ¿cómo podemos esperar una existencia ideal sobre nuestro planeta?
* Somos las tumbas vivientes de animales asesinados, sacrificados para satisfacer nuestros apetitos. ¿Cómo podemos esperar que este mundo alcance la paz por la que decimos estar tan ansiosos?
Llegará un tiempo en que los seres humanos se contentarán con una alimentación vegetal y se considerará la matanza de un animal como un crimen, igual que el asesinato de un ser humano.
* Verdaderamente el hombre es el rey de las bestias, pues su brutalidad sobrepasa la de aquellas.
* Vivimos por la muerte de otros: ¡Todos somos cementerios!df
· La no-violencia conduce a la ética más elevada, que es la meta de toda evolución. Hasta que dejemos de dañar a otros seres vivos, seremos todavía salvajes.
* Yo soy un ferviente seguidor del Vegetarianismo por principio. Más que nada por razones morales y éticas. yo creo firmemente que un orden de vida vegetariano, simplemente por los efectos físicos, influirá sobre el temperamento del hombre de una manera tal que mejorará en mucho el destino de la humanidad
* Nada beneficiará tanto la salud humana e incrementará las posibilidades de supervivencia de la vida sobre la Tierra, como la evolución hacia una dieta vegetariana.
· Comer carne endurece y embrutece al hombre y el comer frutos le espiritualiza.
· Si se generaliza algún día la creencia de que el hombre puede dejar de comer carne, no solo se provocaría una gran revolución económica sino un mejoramiento moral.
· La alimentación vegetal no solo embellecerá y fortalecerá tu cuerpo sino que lo hará también con tu alma.
* Es lamentable el comprobar que no sólo hay personas que se hacen llamar civilizadas y matan animales, sino que también hay quien se los come.
* No comprendo cómo se puede tener valor para matar a un animal y estómago para comerlo; matar a un animal y comérselo es cometer un doble crimen.
· No olvides que por muy alejado y escondido que esté el matadero, tú que comes carne siempre serás su cómplice.
* Los criminales, luchadores y malhechores acostumbran a comer abundante carne para así endurecer su conciencia y ser más eficientes en sus nefastas acciones.
* Una prueba de que el gusto de la carne no es para el paladar humano es la indiferencia de los niños hacia tal comida, y la preferencia que tienen por los alimentos vegetales. Es de suma importancia no viciar este primitivo paladar de los niños.
* El movimiento vegetariano debe llenar de alegría las almas de aquellos que tienen en el corazón la realización del Reino de Dios en la Tierra.
* Por matar animales para alimentarse, el hombre suprime innecesariamente su capacidad espiritual más grande, aquella de simpatía y piedad hacia las criaturas vivas como él mismo, y por violar sus propios sentimientos se vuelve cruel.
· Aunque todos los lobos y buitres de la tierra se unieran para convencerme de las ventajas de la carne, no por ello dejaría de verlo como un crimen.
* Decís que las fieras son crueles pero vosotros lo sois mucho más, pues mientras ellas matan y devoran por necesidad, vosotros lo hacéis sólo por vicio.
* Por un pedacito de bocado de carne, privamos a un alma del sol y la luz, y de aquella proporción de vida y tiempo que nacieron para disfrutar.
* ¡Cuidado con nuestra salvaje inhumanidad! Es algo terrible ver las mesas de los ricos tendidas con ese despliegue de cadáveres.
El cielo se ennegrece ante el dolor y la muerte de tantísimos animales inocentes que sólo nuestra gula y perversidad hacen sacrificar tan estúpida e innecesariamente.
· Quien no ame, respete y proteja a nuestros hermanos los animales, es realmente digno de piedad, pues con ello demuestra encontrarse muy alejado de las leyes de Dios.
· La carne es el alimento de las fieras y el hombre cuando la come, empeora todos sus vicios.
· EL HOMBRE VULGAR VIVE PARA COMER, MAS EL SABIO COME PARA VIVIR. Los sacrificios de los animales a los dioses fueron inventados por los hombres como un macabro pretexto para comer su carne
Imitamos a los lobos y a los leopardos, y somos peor que ellos, debido a que Dios nos ha honrado con el habla y la equidad. Nos hemos vuelto peores que bestias salvajes.
· Cuatro tipos de almas se manifiestan en los cuerpos humanos: angélicas, siempre realizan actos divinos; humanas, observan y controlan sus instintos y pasiones; animales, se dejan guiar por los instintos y pasiones; demoníacas, son las que comen carne y beben alcohol.
Amad a todo ser viviente y pacificad vuestros espíritus dejando de matar y comer animales; he ahí la verdadera prueba de religiosidad pues EL VERDADERO SABIO Y HOMBRE DE DIOS NO SÓLO NO MATARÁ NI COMERÁ A NINGUNA CRIATURA SINO QUE AMARÁ, CONSERVARÁ Y POTENCIARÁ LA VIDA EN TODAS SUS MANIFESTACIONES.
· ALIMENTARSE DE CARNE ES ESPECIALMENTE GRAVE ENTRE LOS QUE SE DENOMINAN SIERVOS DE DIOS, ya que deberían de purificarse en todos los aspectos, incluyendo su alimento que debería estar basado en las leyes amorosas y divinas.
· Los mataderos deberían estar en los restaurantes y en las tiendas de comestibles. Deberían tener una pared de cristal para que la gente pudiera ver a los animales y escoger. Mirar a los ojos del animal y decir, “Muy bien, córtenle el cuello”.
· El amor hacia todas las criaturas vivas es el atributo más noble del hombre.
* En verdad os digo, aquellos que participan y contemplan las ganancias que se obtienen lastimando a una de las inocentes criaturas de Dios, no pueden ser justos, más aún, tampoco les es permitido tocar las cosas sagradas, o incluso acercarse a la mesa del Señor, ni pueden enseñar los misterios del Reino. Pues os digo que aquellos cuyas manos están manchadas con sangre, o cuyas bocas están contaminadas con la carne de criaturas inocentes, no son dignos de la vida en este mundo ni en el mundo venidero. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
* No matarás’, pues Dios da a todos la vida, y lo que Dios ha dado no debe el hombre arrebatarlo. Pues en verdad os digo que de una misma Madre procede cuanto vive sobre la tierra. Por tanto quien mata, mata a su hermano. (…) Y la carne de los animales muertos en su cuerpo se convertirá en su propia tumba. Pues en verdad os digo que quien mata se mata a sí mismo, y quien come la carne de animales muertos come del cuerpo de la muerte. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
* NO MATÉIS, NI COMÁIS LA CARNE DE VUESTRA INOCENTE PRESA, no sea que os convirtáis en esclavos de Satán. Pues ese es el camino de los sufrimientos y conduce a la muerte. (…) Obedeced, por tanto, las palabras de Dios: “Mirad, os he dado toda hierba que lleva semilla, sobre la faz de toda la tierra, y todo árbol, en el que se halla el fruto de una semilla que dará el árbol. Este será vuestro alimento”. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
* Quien mata al animal sin causa alguna, sin que éste le ataque, por el deseo de matar, O POR SU CARNE, o porque se oculta, o incluso por sus colmillos, malvada es la acción que comete, pues él mismo se convierte en bestia salvaje. Y POR TANTO SU FIN HA DE SER TAMBIÉN COMO EL FIN DE LOS ANIMALES SALVAJES. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
· Purificad vuestros deseos, hábitos y costumbres tanto como podáis y evitad todo lo que pueda produciros vibraciones negativas, dominando vuestras inclinaciones materiales. VUESTRA DIETA DEBERÍA DE BASARSE EN FRUTAS Y VERDURAS Y EXCLUYENDO TODO ALIMENTO ANIMAL SI DE VERDAD DESEÁIS SER INSTRUMENTOS DE LO ALTO, pues cuando coméis carne os estáis relacionando con las vibraciones de ese animal y aunque vosotros penséis que no notáis diferencia, sin embargo, estas vibraciones SIEMPRE SERÁN TRASTORNANTES Y TIENEN MÁS IMPORTANCIA DE LO QUE PODÁIS IMAGINAR ESPECIALMENTE A NIVEL ESPIRITUAL.
· Los animales existen en el mundo por sus propias razones. No fueron hechos para el ser humano, del mismo modo que los negros no fueron hechos para los blancos, ni la mujer para el hombre.
· La única cosa que distingue a los humanos del resto de seres vivos es que es la única criatura sobre la Tierra que intenta demostrar que es diferente del resto de las especies, y además superior a ellas.
· La cuestión no es ¿Pueden razonar?, ni ¿Pueden hablar?,sino si pueden sufrir.
Para aquellos cuya mente es libre, el sufrimiento de los animales es incluso más intolerable que el sufrimiento de las personas. Porque con éste último se admite que el sufrimiento es maldad y que la persona que lo provoca es un criminal. Pero miles de animales son inútilmente sacrificados cada día sin una sombra de remordimiento. Si alguien plantea esta cuestión, es tratado como ridículo. Y ese es el crimen imperdonable. Que sólo es válida la justificación de que la gente puede sufrir. Esto clama venganza contra la raza humana. Si Dios existe y lo tolera, clama venganza contra Dios.
* La gente suele decir que los animales siempre han comido animales, como si esto fuese una justificación para continuar esta costumbre. Siguiendo esta lógica, no deberíamos intentar impedir que alguien mate a otra persona, puesto que eso también se ha venido haciendo desde el principio de los tiempos.
* Ser vegetariano es hasta cierto punto no estar de acuerdo con el curso de las cosas hoy día. Hambruna, hambre mundial, crueldad, desperdicio, guerras —debemos hacer una declaración sobre estas cosas. El vegetarianismo es mi declaración. Y creo que es una muy buena.
* Cuando un ser humano asesina un animal para comérselo, está olvidando su propio anhelo de justicia. El hombre implora misericordia, pero no está dispuesto a extenderla a otros. ¿Por qué debe esperar el hombre misericordia de Dios? Es injusto esperar algo que no estás dispuesto a dar.
ALBERT SCHWEITZER (Premio Nóbel de la Paz 1952)
* Debemos luchar contra el espíritu de inconsciencia cruel con la que tratamos a los animales. Los animales sufren tanto como nosotros. La verdadera humanidad no nos permite imponerles tales sufrimientos. Es nuestro deber hacer que todo el mundo lo reconozca. HASTA QUE NO EXTENDAMOS NUESTRO CÍRCULO DE COMPASIÓN A TODOS LOS SERES VIVIENTES, LA HUMANIDAD NO ENCONTRARÁ LA PAZ.
* Cuando los animales soportan agonías inimaginables por parte de los hombres sin corazón, cuando hay tanto maltrato a los animales, nadie debería ser indiferente, nadie debería permitir, si es que puede impedirlo, este dolor y este sufrimiento. Un hombre ético no desgarra la hoja del árbol ni corta la flor, y es cuidadoso para no destruir un insecto al caminar
* La compasión por el sufrimiento de otros no es debilidad. El actuar por compasión cuando los que te rodean no lo hacen, toma más valor y fuerza de carácter que el seguir junto con la crueldad de todos los demás.
* Todo ser que pueda distinguir el bien del mal FORZOSAMENTE DEBERÍA DE COMPRENDER EL ABERRANTE EQUÍVOCO DE LAS SANGRIENTAS MATANZAS, Y AUNQUE CON LA BOCA HABLE DE AMOR, SUS PERVERSIONES ALIMENTICIAS LE DELATARÁN Y EN REALIDAD SERÁ UN DELINCUENTE ANTE LAS LEYES DE DIOS, pues un alma realmente cristiana y amorosa repudiará la muerte de cualquier ser y más aun devorarlo, pues sabrá que su sagrado deber es ayudar, amar y proteger desde la humilde florecilla que adorna el camino hasta el precioso, dulce y pacífico corderillo, y el que aún no lo quiera ver así Y POR MUY EVANGELIZADO QUE SE CREA NO DEJARÁ DE SER UN PERTURBADOR DEL ORDEN ESPIRITUAL e indicará con toda seguridad que todavía está muy lejos de los objetivos del Creador.
· Nada es más poderoso que un individuo actuando por conciencia, y por lo tanto ayudando a traer conciencia colectiva a la vida.
· La verdadera prueba moral de la humanidad, su prueba fundamental, consiste en su actitud hacia aquellos que están a su merced: los animales. Y en este respecto la humanidad ha sufrido un fracaso fundamental, un fracaso tan fundamental que todos los demás resultan de Éste.
· Sólo habrá una verdadera cultura humana, cuando no sólo el comer humanos sino todo tipo de consumo de carnes se considere canibalismo.
· El hombre puede vivir con sólo consumir vegetales. Sin embargo, la Naturaleza entera no es suficiente para satisfacer su desenfreno y la absurda variedad de su apetito. El hombre por sí mismo consume y devora más carne que todos los otros animales juntos y no por necesidad sino como una forma de abuso.
* La decisión que ha llevado a millones de personas a dejar de comer a otros animales no está arraigada en una estricta adherencia a una dieta o un dogma, sino en el deseo de eliminar el sufrimiento que el usar animales para comida produce a seres sensibles. El propósito de los humanos de lograr ARMONÍA, JUSTICIA, PAZ, Y AMOR es irónico mientras continuemos apoyando el sufrimiento y la vergüenza de los mataderos y las prácticas que los respaldan.
* ¿Puede alguien considerar a una criatura semejante a nosotros como un artículo de posesión, una inversión, un pedazo de carne, un “eso”, sin degenerar en crueldad hacia esa criatura?
· La anatomía comparada nos demuestra que el hombre es en los animales frugívoros y en ninguna manera como los animales carnívoros. Al disfrazar la carne muerta con preparaciones culinarias, cambia la apariencia exterior y la suaviza porque el ver carne cruda y sangrienta provoca horror y asco en el hombre.
* De matar animales a hacerlo con personas hay un solo paso.
* El comer animales como alimento no está muy lejos de ser antropofagia y canibalismo. La misma cantidad de tierra que se usa para pastar y alimentar al ganado que alimenta a diez personas, si lo cultivaran con lentejas, frijoles, o chícharos alimentaría a cientos de gentes… La Cuenca de Orinoco podría producir suficientes plátanos para alimentar toda la humanidad cómodamente.
· No; mil veces no; la alimentación carnívora no es necesaria. Todos los hechos lo prueban así como el ABC de la fisiología.
· Deberíamos comer la carne de los hombres así como se hace con la de los animales.
· Puesto que la compasión hacia los animales está tan íntimamente asociada con la bondad del carácter, se puede asegurar confiadamente que quien sea cruel con los animales no puede ser un buen hombre.
· No tengo duda de que es parte del destino de la raza humana, a lo largo de su gradual progreso, abandonar la ingesta de animales, tal como las tribus salvajes han dejado de comerse mutuamente cuando entraron en contacto con la civilización.
· ¡Pasad por alto, OH mortales, dañar vuestro cuerpo con tan impío alimento!
· Al contrario, sugiero que a medida que el hombre se vaya “humanizando” verdaderamente, no por las escuelas de cocina sino a través de las escuelas de pensamiento, abandonará el bárbaro hábito de sus antecesores carnívoros y progresará gradualmente hacia un sistema dietético más puro, más simple, más humano y, por lo tanto, más civilizado.
· La única manera de escapar a la mentalidad que produjo la bomba de hidrógeno, es cultivar el respeto por toda la vida, la vida en todas sus formas, bajo todas las condiciones. Esto es sólo otro nombre para el Vegetarianismo.
· Nunca he sido capaz de ver sin displacer que un inocente e indefenso animal sea perseguido, sacrificado y engullido.
· Ahora puedo mirarlos en paz, ya no me los como. (Parado frente a un acuario)
· Somos capaces de tragar carne sólo porque no pensamos en lo cruel y pecaminoso de esa acción.
· La gente que come carne es responsable de todo el dolor que nace de ese hecho y que se genera por la utilización de animales sensibles como alimento; no sólo los horrores del matadero, sino también los horrores preliminares del transporte en botes o naves; toda el hambre y la sed y la prolongada miseria del miedo que estas infelices criaturas tienen que pasar para la gratificación del apetito humano (...) Todo dolor actúa como un registro contra la humanidad y afloja y retarda la totalidad del crecimiento humano.
· La protección a los animales forma parte esencial de la moral y de la cultura de los pueblos civilizados.
* “No extraño en absoluto ningún plato de carne, sí extraño el olor a tocino, pero no lo tocaría porque sé de donde viene. Cuando veo a un pedazo de tocino veo a un cerdo, veo un pequeño amigo y es por eso que no lo puedo comer”.
* “Creo que en el futuro Mc Donalds será vegetariano porque sé que será más económico para ellos. No tendrán que pagarles a todos esos granjeros para que críen a estos animales y los transporten al matadero, será un momento feliz”.
* “Si alguien quiere salvar el planeta lo único que tiene que hacer es dejar de comer carne. Esa es la cosa más importante que puedes hacer. Cuando lo piensas es asombroso. El vegetarianismo se ocupa de muchas cosas a la vez: ecología, hambre, crueldad, y es algo espiritual para uno mismo ¡hagámoslo!”
*Los vegetarianos no constituyen campo favorable para la cría de microbios. Prosiguen el ritmo de su vida sin experimentar cansancio y la encuentran como una maravilla hasta sus últimos días.
*Aunque el animal no posee un alma individual, obedece a un alma colectiva, que lo hace evolucionar hasta el punto de poder elevarse en determinado momento para entrar en el reino humano, al alcanzar suficiente grado de evolución. Matarlo no es solamente contrarrestar su evolución, sino también separar una parte del cuerpo de esta gran alma colectiva que gobierna la raza animal *Pero el hecho más importante es el de absorber una parte del magnetismo que emanan las células después de la muerte del animal (magnetismo que permanece activo aún en el momento de la putrefacción) y que retiene su fuerza en cualquier temperatura que llegue a ser indispensable para la preparación y consumo del alimento diario de los necrófagos (comedores de cadáveres). Queda también este magnetismo animal en el medio ambiente saturando el aire, la familia, los amigos y los allegados, etc., con una vibración contraria a su evolución personal.
*Es una gran responsabilidad saber que uno puede convertirse en un obstáculo para el bienestar de sus hijos y de su familia; es señal de un estado de conciencia bajo, hacer de su alimentación diaria un crimen y es una pobre conciencia la que no se rebele contra el hecho de obstaculizar el progreso de la Espiritualidad Universal.
· Siento que el progreso espiritual nos demanda el que dejemos de matar y comer a nuestros hermanos, criaturas de Dios, y sólo para satisfacer nuestros pervertidos y sensuales apetitos. La supremacía del hombre sobre el animal DEBERÍA DE DEMOSTRARSE no sólo avergonzándonos de la bárbara costumbre de matarlos y devorarlos sino cuidándolos, protegiéndolos y amándolos. No comer carne constituye sin la menor duda una gran ayuda para la evolución y paz de nuestro espíritu.
· No mojes nunca tu pan ni en la sangre ni en las lágrimas de tus hermanos. Una dieta vegetariana nos proporciona energía pacífica y amorosa y no sólo a nuestro cuerpo sino sobre todo a nuestro espíritu. MIENTRAS LOS HOMBRES SIGAN MASACRANDO Y DEVORANDO A SUS HERMANOS LOS ANIMALES REINARÁ EN LA TIERRA LA GUERRA Y EL SUFRIMIENTO Y SE MATARÁN UNOS A OTROS, PUES AQUEL QUE SIEMBRA EL DOLOR Y LA MUERTE NO PODRÁ COSECHAR NI LA ALEGRÍA, NI LA PAZ NI EL AMOR.
CARLOS BRANDT (venezolano)
· Es moral todo lo que tienda hacia la mejora y conservación de la vida e inmoral todo lo que la empeore o destruya. El hombre es el único ser que mata y devora a sus hermanos sólo por vicio, pues hasta las alimañas cuando matan lo hacen por necesidad. La carne es un estimulante para todos los vicios por eso todos los grandes comedores de carne son tan agresivos y crueles.
· El consumo de carne es antinatural, acorta la vida, aumenta el peligro de contraer cualquier enfermedad diez veces más y tiende a desarrollar en nosotros la animalidad. Los malos efectos del comer carne, no solamente son físicos sino que también son mentales y espirituales: Los que comen carne desatienden las advertencias de Dios y además les debilita la percepción para poder entender las verdades supremas.
· Es increíble y vergonzoso que ni predicadores ni moralistas no eleven más su voz contra la bárbara costumbre de asesinar animales y además comérselos.
· La alimentación de los hombres superiores es la de frutas y raíces crudas.
* Los animales son mis amigos y yo no me como a mis amigos. Los domingos vamos a la Iglesia y oramos para tener más amor y paz y a la salida nos atiborramos de los cadáveres de nuestros hermanos.
* Mientras seamos las tumbas vivientes de los animales asesinados, ¿cómo podemos esperar una existencia ideal sobre nuestro planeta?
* Somos las tumbas vivientes de animales asesinados, sacrificados para satisfacer nuestros apetitos. ¿Cómo podemos esperar que este mundo alcance la paz por la que decimos estar tan ansiosos?
Llegará un tiempo en que los seres humanos se contentarán con una alimentación vegetal y se considerará la matanza de un animal como un crimen, igual que el asesinato de un ser humano.
* Verdaderamente el hombre es el rey de las bestias, pues su brutalidad sobrepasa la de aquellas.
* Vivimos por la muerte de otros: ¡Todos somos cementerios!df
· La no-violencia conduce a la ética más elevada, que es la meta de toda evolución. Hasta que dejemos de dañar a otros seres vivos, seremos todavía salvajes.
* Yo soy un ferviente seguidor del Vegetarianismo por principio. Más que nada por razones morales y éticas. yo creo firmemente que un orden de vida vegetariano, simplemente por los efectos físicos, influirá sobre el temperamento del hombre de una manera tal que mejorará en mucho el destino de la humanidad
* Nada beneficiará tanto la salud humana e incrementará las posibilidades de supervivencia de la vida sobre la Tierra, como la evolución hacia una dieta vegetariana.
· Comer carne endurece y embrutece al hombre y el comer frutos le espiritualiza.
· Si se generaliza algún día la creencia de que el hombre puede dejar de comer carne, no solo se provocaría una gran revolución económica sino un mejoramiento moral.
· La alimentación vegetal no solo embellecerá y fortalecerá tu cuerpo sino que lo hará también con tu alma.
* Es lamentable el comprobar que no sólo hay personas que se hacen llamar civilizadas y matan animales, sino que también hay quien se los come.
* No comprendo cómo se puede tener valor para matar a un animal y estómago para comerlo; matar a un animal y comérselo es cometer un doble crimen.
· No olvides que por muy alejado y escondido que esté el matadero, tú que comes carne siempre serás su cómplice.
* Los criminales, luchadores y malhechores acostumbran a comer abundante carne para así endurecer su conciencia y ser más eficientes en sus nefastas acciones.
* Una prueba de que el gusto de la carne no es para el paladar humano es la indiferencia de los niños hacia tal comida, y la preferencia que tienen por los alimentos vegetales. Es de suma importancia no viciar este primitivo paladar de los niños.
* El movimiento vegetariano debe llenar de alegría las almas de aquellos que tienen en el corazón la realización del Reino de Dios en la Tierra.
* Por matar animales para alimentarse, el hombre suprime innecesariamente su capacidad espiritual más grande, aquella de simpatía y piedad hacia las criaturas vivas como él mismo, y por violar sus propios sentimientos se vuelve cruel.
· Aunque todos los lobos y buitres de la tierra se unieran para convencerme de las ventajas de la carne, no por ello dejaría de verlo como un crimen.
* Decís que las fieras son crueles pero vosotros lo sois mucho más, pues mientras ellas matan y devoran por necesidad, vosotros lo hacéis sólo por vicio.
* Por un pedacito de bocado de carne, privamos a un alma del sol y la luz, y de aquella proporción de vida y tiempo que nacieron para disfrutar.
* ¡Cuidado con nuestra salvaje inhumanidad! Es algo terrible ver las mesas de los ricos tendidas con ese despliegue de cadáveres.
El cielo se ennegrece ante el dolor y la muerte de tantísimos animales inocentes que sólo nuestra gula y perversidad hacen sacrificar tan estúpida e innecesariamente.
· Quien no ame, respete y proteja a nuestros hermanos los animales, es realmente digno de piedad, pues con ello demuestra encontrarse muy alejado de las leyes de Dios.
· La carne es el alimento de las fieras y el hombre cuando la come, empeora todos sus vicios.
· EL HOMBRE VULGAR VIVE PARA COMER, MAS EL SABIO COME PARA VIVIR. Los sacrificios de los animales a los dioses fueron inventados por los hombres como un macabro pretexto para comer su carne
Imitamos a los lobos y a los leopardos, y somos peor que ellos, debido a que Dios nos ha honrado con el habla y la equidad. Nos hemos vuelto peores que bestias salvajes.
· Cuatro tipos de almas se manifiestan en los cuerpos humanos: angélicas, siempre realizan actos divinos; humanas, observan y controlan sus instintos y pasiones; animales, se dejan guiar por los instintos y pasiones; demoníacas, son las que comen carne y beben alcohol.
Amad a todo ser viviente y pacificad vuestros espíritus dejando de matar y comer animales; he ahí la verdadera prueba de religiosidad pues EL VERDADERO SABIO Y HOMBRE DE DIOS NO SÓLO NO MATARÁ NI COMERÁ A NINGUNA CRIATURA SINO QUE AMARÁ, CONSERVARÁ Y POTENCIARÁ LA VIDA EN TODAS SUS MANIFESTACIONES.
· ALIMENTARSE DE CARNE ES ESPECIALMENTE GRAVE ENTRE LOS QUE SE DENOMINAN SIERVOS DE DIOS, ya que deberían de purificarse en todos los aspectos, incluyendo su alimento que debería estar basado en las leyes amorosas y divinas.
· Los mataderos deberían estar en los restaurantes y en las tiendas de comestibles. Deberían tener una pared de cristal para que la gente pudiera ver a los animales y escoger. Mirar a los ojos del animal y decir, “Muy bien, córtenle el cuello”.
· El amor hacia todas las criaturas vivas es el atributo más noble del hombre.
* En verdad os digo, aquellos que participan y contemplan las ganancias que se obtienen lastimando a una de las inocentes criaturas de Dios, no pueden ser justos, más aún, tampoco les es permitido tocar las cosas sagradas, o incluso acercarse a la mesa del Señor, ni pueden enseñar los misterios del Reino. Pues os digo que aquellos cuyas manos están manchadas con sangre, o cuyas bocas están contaminadas con la carne de criaturas inocentes, no son dignos de la vida en este mundo ni en el mundo venidero. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
* No matarás’, pues Dios da a todos la vida, y lo que Dios ha dado no debe el hombre arrebatarlo. Pues en verdad os digo que de una misma Madre procede cuanto vive sobre la tierra. Por tanto quien mata, mata a su hermano. (…) Y la carne de los animales muertos en su cuerpo se convertirá en su propia tumba. Pues en verdad os digo que quien mata se mata a sí mismo, y quien come la carne de animales muertos come del cuerpo de la muerte. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
* NO MATÉIS, NI COMÁIS LA CARNE DE VUESTRA INOCENTE PRESA, no sea que os convirtáis en esclavos de Satán. Pues ese es el camino de los sufrimientos y conduce a la muerte. (…) Obedeced, por tanto, las palabras de Dios: “Mirad, os he dado toda hierba que lleva semilla, sobre la faz de toda la tierra, y todo árbol, en el que se halla el fruto de una semilla que dará el árbol. Este será vuestro alimento”. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
* Quien mata al animal sin causa alguna, sin que éste le ataque, por el deseo de matar, O POR SU CARNE, o porque se oculta, o incluso por sus colmillos, malvada es la acción que comete, pues él mismo se convierte en bestia salvaje. Y POR TANTO SU FIN HA DE SER TAMBIÉN COMO EL FIN DE LOS ANIMALES SALVAJES. El Evangelio Esenio de la Paz
· Purificad vuestros deseos, hábitos y costumbres tanto como podáis y evitad todo lo que pueda produciros vibraciones negativas, dominando vuestras inclinaciones materiales. VUESTRA DIETA DEBERÍA DE BASARSE EN FRUTAS Y VERDURAS Y EXCLUYENDO TODO ALIMENTO ANIMAL SI DE VERDAD DESEÁIS SER INSTRUMENTOS DE LO ALTO, pues cuando coméis carne os estáis relacionando con las vibraciones de ese animal y aunque vosotros penséis que no notáis diferencia, sin embargo, estas vibraciones SIEMPRE SERÁN TRASTORNANTES Y TIENEN MÁS IMPORTANCIA DE LO QUE PODÁIS IMAGINAR ESPECIALMENTE A NIVEL ESPIRITUAL.
· Los animales existen en el mundo por sus propias razones. No fueron hechos para el ser humano, del mismo modo que los negros no fueron hechos para los blancos, ni la mujer para el hombre.
· La única cosa que distingue a los humanos del resto de seres vivos es que es la única criatura sobre la Tierra que intenta demostrar que es diferente del resto de las especies, y además superior a ellas.
· La cuestión no es ¿Pueden razonar?, ni ¿Pueden hablar?,sino si pueden sufrir.
Para aquellos cuya mente es libre, el sufrimiento de los animales es incluso más intolerable que el sufrimiento de las personas. Porque con éste último se admite que el sufrimiento es maldad y que la persona que lo provoca es un criminal. Pero miles de animales son inútilmente sacrificados cada día sin una sombra de remordimiento. Si alguien plantea esta cuestión, es tratado como ridículo. Y ese es el crimen imperdonable. Que sólo es válida la justificación de que la gente puede sufrir. Esto clama venganza contra la raza humana. Si Dios existe y lo tolera, clama venganza contra Dios.
* La gente suele decir que los animales siempre han comido animales, como si esto fuese una justificación para continuar esta costumbre. Siguiendo esta lógica, no deberíamos intentar impedir que alguien mate a otra persona, puesto que eso también se ha venido haciendo desde el principio de los tiempos.
* Ser vegetariano es hasta cierto punto no estar de acuerdo con el curso de las cosas hoy día. Hambruna, hambre mundial, crueldad, desperdicio, guerras —debemos hacer una declaración sobre estas cosas. El vegetarianismo es mi declaración. Y creo que es una muy buena.
* Cuando un ser humano asesina un animal para comérselo, está olvidando su propio anhelo de justicia. El hombre implora misericordia, pero no está dispuesto a extenderla a otros. ¿Por qué debe esperar el hombre misericordia de Dios? Es injusto esperar algo que no estás dispuesto a dar.
ALBERT SCHWEITZER (Premio Nóbel de la Paz 1952)
* Debemos luchar contra el espíritu de inconsciencia cruel con la que tratamos a los animales. Los animales sufren tanto como nosotros. La verdadera humanidad no nos permite imponerles tales sufrimientos. Es nuestro deber hacer que todo el mundo lo reconozca. HASTA QUE NO EXTENDAMOS NUESTRO CÍRCULO DE COMPASIÓN A TODOS LOS SERES VIVIENTES, LA HUMANIDAD NO ENCONTRARÁ LA PAZ.
* Cuando los animales soportan agonías inimaginables por parte de los hombres sin corazón, cuando hay tanto maltrato a los animales, nadie debería ser indiferente, nadie debería permitir, si es que puede impedirlo, este dolor y este sufrimiento. Un hombre ético no desgarra la hoja del árbol ni corta la flor, y es cuidadoso para no destruir un insecto al caminar
* La compasión por el sufrimiento de otros no es debilidad. El actuar por compasión cuando los que te rodean no lo hacen, toma más valor y fuerza de carácter que el seguir junto con la crueldad de todos los demás.
* Todo ser que pueda distinguir el bien del mal FORZOSAMENTE DEBERÍA DE COMPRENDER EL ABERRANTE EQUÍVOCO DE LAS SANGRIENTAS MATANZAS, Y AUNQUE CON LA BOCA HABLE DE AMOR, SUS PERVERSIONES ALIMENTICIAS LE DELATARÁN Y EN REALIDAD SERÁ UN DELINCUENTE ANTE LAS LEYES DE DIOS, pues un alma realmente cristiana y amorosa repudiará la muerte de cualquier ser y más aun devorarlo, pues sabrá que su sagrado deber es ayudar, amar y proteger desde la humilde florecilla que adorna el camino hasta el precioso, dulce y pacífico corderillo, y el que aún no lo quiera ver así Y POR MUY EVANGELIZADO QUE SE CREA NO DEJARÁ DE SER UN PERTURBADOR DEL ORDEN ESPIRITUAL e indicará con toda seguridad que todavía está muy lejos de los objetivos del Creador.
· Nada es más poderoso que un individuo actuando por conciencia, y por lo tanto ayudando a traer conciencia colectiva a la vida.
· La verdadera prueba moral de la humanidad, su prueba fundamental, consiste en su actitud hacia aquellos que están a su merced: los animales. Y en este respecto la humanidad ha sufrido un fracaso fundamental, un fracaso tan fundamental que todos los demás resultan de Éste.
· Sólo habrá una verdadera cultura humana, cuando no sólo el comer humanos sino todo tipo de consumo de carnes se considere canibalismo.
· El hombre puede vivir con sólo consumir vegetales. Sin embargo, la Naturaleza entera no es suficiente para satisfacer su desenfreno y la absurda variedad de su apetito. El hombre por sí mismo consume y devora más carne que todos los otros animales juntos y no por necesidad sino como una forma de abuso.
* La decisión que ha llevado a millones de personas a dejar de comer a otros animales no está arraigada en una estricta adherencia a una dieta o un dogma, sino en el deseo de eliminar el sufrimiento que el usar animales para comida produce a seres sensibles. El propósito de los humanos de lograr ARMONÍA, JUSTICIA, PAZ, Y AMOR es irónico mientras continuemos apoyando el sufrimiento y la vergüenza de los mataderos y las prácticas que los respaldan.
* ¿Puede alguien considerar a una criatura semejante a nosotros como un artículo de posesión, una inversión, un pedazo de carne, un “eso”, sin degenerar en crueldad hacia esa criatura?
· La anatomía comparada nos demuestra que el hombre es en los animales frugívoros y en ninguna manera como los animales carnívoros. Al disfrazar la carne muerta con preparaciones culinarias, cambia la apariencia exterior y la suaviza porque el ver carne cruda y sangrienta provoca horror y asco en el hombre.
* De matar animales a hacerlo con personas hay un solo paso.
* El comer animales como alimento no está muy lejos de ser antropofagia y canibalismo. La misma cantidad de tierra que se usa para pastar y alimentar al ganado que alimenta a diez personas, si lo cultivaran con lentejas, frijoles, o chícharos alimentaría a cientos de gentes… La Cuenca de Orinoco podría producir suficientes plátanos para alimentar toda la humanidad cómodamente.
· No; mil veces no; la alimentación carnívora no es necesaria. Todos los hechos lo prueban así como el ABC de la fisiología.
· Deberíamos comer la carne de los hombres así como se hace con la de los animales.
· Puesto que la compasión hacia los animales está tan íntimamente asociada con la bondad del carácter, se puede asegurar confiadamente que quien sea cruel con los animales no puede ser un buen hombre.
· No tengo duda de que es parte del destino de la raza humana, a lo largo de su gradual progreso, abandonar la ingesta de animales, tal como las tribus salvajes han dejado de comerse mutuamente cuando entraron en contacto con la civilización.
· ¡Pasad por alto, OH mortales, dañar vuestro cuerpo con tan impío alimento!
· Al contrario, sugiero que a medida que el hombre se vaya “humanizando” verdaderamente, no por las escuelas de cocina sino a través de las escuelas de pensamiento, abandonará el bárbaro hábito de sus antecesores carnívoros y progresará gradualmente hacia un sistema dietético más puro, más simple, más humano y, por lo tanto, más civilizado.
· La única manera de escapar a la mentalidad que produjo la bomba de hidrógeno, es cultivar el respeto por toda la vida, la vida en todas sus formas, bajo todas las condiciones. Esto es sólo otro nombre para el Vegetarianismo.
· Nunca he sido capaz de ver sin displacer que un inocente e indefenso animal sea perseguido, sacrificado y engullido.
· Ahora puedo mirarlos en paz, ya no me los como. (Parado frente a un acuario)
· Somos capaces de tragar carne sólo porque no pensamos en lo cruel y pecaminoso de esa acción.
· La gente que come carne es responsable de todo el dolor que nace de ese hecho y que se genera por la utilización de animales sensibles como alimento; no sólo los horrores del matadero, sino también los horrores preliminares del transporte en botes o naves; toda el hambre y la sed y la prolongada miseria del miedo que estas infelices criaturas tienen que pasar para la gratificación del apetito humano (...) Todo dolor actúa como un registro contra la humanidad y afloja y retarda la totalidad del crecimiento humano.
· La protección a los animales forma parte esencial de la moral y de la cultura de los pueblos civilizados.
* “No extraño en absoluto ningún plato de carne, sí extraño el olor a tocino, pero no lo tocaría porque sé de donde viene. Cuando veo a un pedazo de tocino veo a un cerdo, veo un pequeño amigo y es por eso que no lo puedo comer”.
* “Creo que en el futuro Mc Donalds será vegetariano porque sé que será más económico para ellos. No tendrán que pagarles a todos esos granjeros para que críen a estos animales y los transporten al matadero, será un momento feliz”.
* “Si alguien quiere salvar el planeta lo único que tiene que hacer es dejar de comer carne. Esa es la cosa más importante que puedes hacer. Cuando lo piensas es asombroso. El vegetarianismo se ocupa de muchas cosas a la vez: ecología, hambre, crueldad, y es algo espiritual para uno mismo ¡hagámoslo!”
jueves, 13 de enero de 2011
Tres mujeres llegaron a distintos hospitales del norte del país en un plazo de cinco días, todas con los mismos síntomas. Fiebre, escalofríos y vómitos, seguidos de colapso muscular, parálisis, y por último, la muerte.
No había señales externas de ningún trauma.. La autopsia reveló que había toxicidad en la sangre.
Estas mujeres no se conocían entre sí, y parecían no tener nada en común.
Sin embargo, se descubrió que todas habían visitado el mismo restaurante de la cadena muy conocida, en nuestro país. Días antes de su muerte.
El Sector Salud metropolitano cayó sobre el restaurante, cerrándolo. Inspeccionaron y realizaron pruebas de todo: los alimentos, el agua, el aire acondicionado, y no descubrieron nada.
La oportunidad llegó cuando llevaron al hospital a una mesera del restaurante, que tenía síntomas similares. Le dijo a los doctores que había estado de Vacaciones, y sólo había ido al restaurante a recoger su sueldo. No había comido ni bebido nada mientras estuvo allí, pero sí había usado el baño.
Allí fue cuando un toxicólogo, recordando un artículo que había leído, se fue en su coche al restaurante, entró albaño, y levantó la tapa del excusado. Debajo del asiento, sin que se pudiera ver a simple vista, halló una araña pequeña. La araña fue capturada y llevada al laboratorio, donde determinaron que era la Telamonia de Dos Rayas (Telamonia dimidiata), llamada así por su color rojizo.
El veneno de esta araña es sumamente tóxico, pero puede tardarse varios días para surtir sus efectos.
Son de clima frío, oscuro y húmedo, y en los bordes de los excusados tienen justo el ambiente que les gusta.
Varios días después llevaron a un abogado a la sala de urgencias del hospital general. Antes de morir, le dijo al doctor que había estado en un viaje de verano en el norte, tomó un vuelo y cambió de avión en la capital antes de regresar a su casa a Puerto Montt. Aunque no visitó el Restaurante mientras estuvo allí, sí tenía en su nalga derecha, como todas las demás víctimas, una pequeña herida que determinaron que era un piquete. Los investigadores descubrieron que el vuelo que había tomado allí se había originado ahí.
Se ordenó la inspección inmediata de los excusados de todos los vuelos procedentes de la capital, y descubrieron nidos de la Telamonia de Dos Franjas (Telamonia dimidiata) en 4 aviones distintos!.
Ahora creemos que estas arañas se pueden encontrar en cualquier parte del país, casa, escuelas.
Así que por favor, antes de usar un excusado público, levante el asiento para revisar si hay arañas. ¡Eso puede salvar su vida!, pero no revises solo los baños ,hazlo en todas partes, especialmente en los lugares oscuros y húmedos . Y por favor, circule este correo a toda la gente que signifique algo para usted.
No había señales externas de ningún trauma.. La autopsia reveló que había toxicidad en la sangre.
Estas mujeres no se conocían entre sí, y parecían no tener nada en común.
Sin embargo, se descubrió que todas habían visitado el mismo restaurante de la cadena muy conocida, en nuestro país. Días antes de su muerte.
El Sector Salud metropolitano cayó sobre el restaurante, cerrándolo. Inspeccionaron y realizaron pruebas de todo: los alimentos, el agua, el aire acondicionado, y no descubrieron nada.
La oportunidad llegó cuando llevaron al hospital a una mesera del restaurante, que tenía síntomas similares. Le dijo a los doctores que había estado de Vacaciones, y sólo había ido al restaurante a recoger su sueldo. No había comido ni bebido nada mientras estuvo allí, pero sí había usado el baño.
Allí fue cuando un toxicólogo, recordando un artículo que había leído, se fue en su coche al restaurante, entró albaño, y levantó la tapa del excusado. Debajo del asiento, sin que se pudiera ver a simple vista, halló una araña pequeña. La araña fue capturada y llevada al laboratorio, donde determinaron que era la Telamonia de Dos Rayas (Telamonia dimidiata), llamada así por su color rojizo.
El veneno de esta araña es sumamente tóxico, pero puede tardarse varios días para surtir sus efectos.
Son de clima frío, oscuro y húmedo, y en los bordes de los excusados tienen justo el ambiente que les gusta.
Varios días después llevaron a un abogado a la sala de urgencias del hospital general. Antes de morir, le dijo al doctor que había estado en un viaje de verano en el norte, tomó un vuelo y cambió de avión en la capital antes de regresar a su casa a Puerto Montt. Aunque no visitó el Restaurante mientras estuvo allí, sí tenía en su nalga derecha, como todas las demás víctimas, una pequeña herida que determinaron que era un piquete. Los investigadores descubrieron que el vuelo que había tomado allí se había originado ahí.
Se ordenó la inspección inmediata de los excusados de todos los vuelos procedentes de la capital, y descubrieron nidos de la Telamonia de Dos Franjas (Telamonia dimidiata) en 4 aviones distintos!.
Ahora creemos que estas arañas se pueden encontrar en cualquier parte del país, casa, escuelas.
Así que por favor, antes de usar un excusado público, levante el asiento para revisar si hay arañas. ¡Eso puede salvar su vida!, pero no revises solo los baños ,hazlo en todas partes, especialmente en los lugares oscuros y húmedos . Y por favor, circule este correo a toda la gente que signifique algo para usted.
miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011
La Guanábana o la fruta del árbol de Graviola es un producto milagroso para
matar las células cancerosas.
Es 10,000 veces más potente que la quimioterapia.
¿Por qué no estamos enterados de ello? Porque existen organizaciones
interesadas en encontrar una versión sintética, que les permita obtener
fabulosas utilidades.
Así que de ahora en adelante usted puede ayudar a un amigo que lo
necesite, haciéndole saber que le conviene beber jugo de Guanábana para
prevenir la enfermedad.
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
Su sabor es agradable. Y por supuesto no produce los horribles efectos de la
quimioterapia. Y sí tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo, plante un árbol de
Guanábana en su patio trasero. Todas sus partes son útiles.
La próxima vez usted que quiera beber un jugo, pídalo de Guanábana.
¿Cuántas personas mueren mientras este secreto ha estado celosamente
guardado para no poner en riegos las utilidades multimillonarias de grandes
?Como usted bien lo sabe el árbol de Guanábana es bajo. No ocupa mucho
espacio, Se le conoce con el nombre de Graviola en Brasil, Guanábana en
Hispanoamérica, y “Soursop” en Inglés.
La fruta es muy grande y su pulpa blanca, dulce, se come directamente o se
la emplea normalmente, para elaborar bebidas, sorbetes, dulces etc.
El interés de esta planta se debe a sus fuertes efectos anti cancerígenos. Y
aunque se le atribuyen muchas más propiedades, lo más interesante de ella
es el efecto que produce sobre los tumores. Esta planta es un remedio de
Cáncer probado para los Cánceres de todos los tipos. Hay quienes afirman
que es de gran utilidad en todas las variantes del Cáncer.
Se la considera además como un agente de anti-microbial de ancho espectro
contra las infecciones bacterianas y por hongos; es eficaz contra los
parásitos internos y los gusanos, regula tensión arterial alta y es
antidepresiva, combate la tensión y los desórdenes nerviosos.
La verdad es simple: En lo profundo de la selva Amazónica crece un árbol
que podría revolucionar lo que usted, su doctor, y el resto del mundo
piensan sobre el tratamiento del Cáncer y las oportunidades de
supervivencia que ofrece, nunca antes se había presentado un panorama tan
Las muestras de la investigación, con los extractos de este árbol milagroso,
son alentadoras. Veamos algunas conclusiones:
– Es una terapia natural que no causa náuseas extrema, ni pérdida de
peso o del cabello.
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
– Protege el sistema inmunológico, evitando las infecciones mortales
– La persona se siente más fuerte y más saludable a lo largo del
– Esa energía renovada mejora sus perspectivas en la vida
La fuente de esta información es fascinante: procede de uno de los
fabricantes de medicinas más grandes del mundo, quien afirma que después
de más de 20 pruebas de laboratorio, realizadas a partir de 1970 los
extractos revelaron que:
Destruye las células malignas en 12 tipos de Cáncer, incluyendo el de
colon, de pecho, de próstata, del pulmón y del páncreas…
Los compuestos de este árbol demostraron actuar 10,000 veces
mejor retardando el crecimiento de las células de Cáncer que el
producto Adriamycin, una droga quimioterapéutica, normalmente
usada en el mundo.
Y lo que es todavía más asombroso: este tipo de terapia, con el
extracto de Graviola, o Guanábana, destruye tan sólo las malignas
células del Cáncer y no afecta las células sanas.
La pregunta que surge es: Y si las propiedades anti-cancerígenas de la
Graviola han sido investigadas tan intensamente, por qué usted nunca había
oído hablar al respecto ¿Si ese extracto tuviera tan siquiera el 50% de la
importancia que se le atribuye, por qué los oncólogo, en los hospitales no
instan a sus pacientes a usarlo?
La respuesta es sencilla: nuestras mismas vidas y nuestra salud están bajo
el control del poder económico. Y la Graviola es una planta que trabaja muy
Una corporación americana, multimillonaria, inició la búsqueda de una cura
para el Cáncer y su investigación se centró en la Graviola.
Todas sus partes mostraron ser útiles:, hojas, raíces, la pulpa y las semillas–
se han sido usada durante siglos por los curanderos y los indígenas nativos
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
en América del Sur, en el tratamiento de enfermedades del corazón, asma,
problemas artritis.
Ante las primeras evidencias, la mencionada compañía gastó ingentes sumas
de dinero para probar las propiedades anti-cancerígenas del árbol y se
asombró por los resultados. Parecía que se iba a convertir en la fuente de
millonarias utilidades. Pero se encontraron con un obstáculo insalvable: el
árbol de Graviola (Guanábana) –es completamente natural, razón por la cual
no es patentable bajo la ley federal. No era posible obtener las jugosas
utilidades que se esperaban de ella. No hay ninguna manera de hacer
ganancias serias de él.
La compañía optó entonces por tratar de sintetizar dos de los ingredientes
del potente anti- cancerígeno del árbol de la Graviola. Si ellos hubieran
podido aislarlos, estarían en condiciones de patentarlo y ganar billones de
dólares. Pero se encontraron con un muro infranqueable.
El original simplemente es imposible de reproducir. No había manera alguna
para que la compañía mencionada pudiera protegerse comercialmente si
divulgara los resultados de sus investigaciones, sin obtener antes una
patente exclusiva.
Como ese sueño se ha evaporado, la compañía archivó el proyecto decidió
abstenerse de publicar los resultados de su investigación.
Por suerte, un científico que participó en investigación, cuya ética profesional
no le permitiría cohonestar tal decisión, resolvió arriesgarse poniéndose en
contacto con una firma dedicada a estudiar las plantas de la Amazonia y se
hizo el milagro.
Cuando los investigadores del Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud se enteraron
de las buenas nuevas, comenzaron a investigar la posibilidad de que la
Graviola pudiera combatir el Cáncer. La evidencia de la efectividad
asombrosa de Graviola y la forma como se pretendió encubrir esa verdad no
se hicieron esperan, levantando una ola de indignación.
El Instituto Nacional del Cáncer realizó la primera investigación científica en
1976. Los resultados mostraron que las hojas de la Graviola y sus tallos son
eficaces atacando y destruyendo las células malignas. Inexplicablemente, los
resultados se recogieron en un informe confidencial y nunca fueron
entregados a la opinión pública.
Desde entonces, la Graviola ha mostrado en 20 pruebas de laboratorio,
independientes, que su poder anti-cancerígeno es muy potente, aunque
todavía no se ha adelantado pruebas a ciegas (doble-ciego) que son las
utilizadas por la ciencia médica como referencia para juzgar el valor de
tratamiento, este se comenzó.
Un estudio publicó en el Periódico Natural Products ( Productos Naturales),
recogió siguiendo un reciente estudio de la Universidad Católica de Corea
Sur, declaró que un elemento, un químico de la Graviola (Guanábana) fue
utilizado para matar las células de Cáncer de Colon de manera selectiva, con
una potencia “10,000 superior a la Adriamicina normalmente usada…
La parte más significativa del estudio de la Universidad Católica de Corea
afirma que la Graviola mostró ser selectiva al atacar las células del Cáncer,
mientras dejaba intactas las células sanas, al contrario de la quimioterapia
tradicional que ataca, sin discriminación a las células en proceso de
reproducción (como las de el estómago y el cabello), causando efectos
colaterales a menudo devastadores como náusea s y la pérdida del pelo en
los pacientes que la reciben.
Otro estudio reciente, de la Universidad de Purdue, Lafayette, Indiana,
encontró que las hojas del árbol de Graviola matan las células de seis tipos
de Cáncer, en especial de la próstata, el páncreas y los pulmones. !Una
verdad ocultada por más de siete años al fin ha sido revelada!.
Un suministro limitado de extracto de Graviola, cultivado y obtenido por las
los indígenas del Brasil, está finalmente disponible en América.
Ese crucial reporte (con cinco reportes más GRATIS) se puede obtener en el
Instituto de las Ciencias de La Salud.
Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud
L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
matar las células cancerosas.
Es 10,000 veces más potente que la quimioterapia.
¿Por qué no estamos enterados de ello? Porque existen organizaciones
interesadas en encontrar una versión sintética, que les permita obtener
fabulosas utilidades.
Así que de ahora en adelante usted puede ayudar a un amigo que lo
necesite, haciéndole saber que le conviene beber jugo de Guanábana para
prevenir la enfermedad.
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
Su sabor es agradable. Y por supuesto no produce los horribles efectos de la
quimioterapia. Y sí tiene la posibilidad de hacerlo, plante un árbol de
Guanábana en su patio trasero. Todas sus partes son útiles.
La próxima vez usted que quiera beber un jugo, pídalo de Guanábana.
¿Cuántas personas mueren mientras este secreto ha estado celosamente
guardado para no poner en riegos las utilidades multimillonarias de grandes
?Como usted bien lo sabe el árbol de Guanábana es bajo. No ocupa mucho
espacio, Se le conoce con el nombre de Graviola en Brasil, Guanábana en
Hispanoamérica, y “Soursop” en Inglés.
La fruta es muy grande y su pulpa blanca, dulce, se come directamente o se
la emplea normalmente, para elaborar bebidas, sorbetes, dulces etc.
El interés de esta planta se debe a sus fuertes efectos anti cancerígenos. Y
aunque se le atribuyen muchas más propiedades, lo más interesante de ella
es el efecto que produce sobre los tumores. Esta planta es un remedio de
Cáncer probado para los Cánceres de todos los tipos. Hay quienes afirman
que es de gran utilidad en todas las variantes del Cáncer.
Se la considera además como un agente de anti-microbial de ancho espectro
contra las infecciones bacterianas y por hongos; es eficaz contra los
parásitos internos y los gusanos, regula tensión arterial alta y es
antidepresiva, combate la tensión y los desórdenes nerviosos.
La verdad es simple: En lo profundo de la selva Amazónica crece un árbol
que podría revolucionar lo que usted, su doctor, y el resto del mundo
piensan sobre el tratamiento del Cáncer y las oportunidades de
supervivencia que ofrece, nunca antes se había presentado un panorama tan
Las muestras de la investigación, con los extractos de este árbol milagroso,
son alentadoras. Veamos algunas conclusiones:
– Es una terapia natural que no causa náuseas extrema, ni pérdida de
peso o del cabello.
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
– Protege el sistema inmunológico, evitando las infecciones mortales
– La persona se siente más fuerte y más saludable a lo largo del
– Esa energía renovada mejora sus perspectivas en la vida
La fuente de esta información es fascinante: procede de uno de los
fabricantes de medicinas más grandes del mundo, quien afirma que después
de más de 20 pruebas de laboratorio, realizadas a partir de 1970 los
extractos revelaron que:
Destruye las células malignas en 12 tipos de Cáncer, incluyendo el de
colon, de pecho, de próstata, del pulmón y del páncreas…
Los compuestos de este árbol demostraron actuar 10,000 veces
mejor retardando el crecimiento de las células de Cáncer que el
producto Adriamycin, una droga quimioterapéutica, normalmente
usada en el mundo.
Y lo que es todavía más asombroso: este tipo de terapia, con el
extracto de Graviola, o Guanábana, destruye tan sólo las malignas
células del Cáncer y no afecta las células sanas.
La pregunta que surge es: Y si las propiedades anti-cancerígenas de la
Graviola han sido investigadas tan intensamente, por qué usted nunca había
oído hablar al respecto ¿Si ese extracto tuviera tan siquiera el 50% de la
importancia que se le atribuye, por qué los oncólogo, en los hospitales no
instan a sus pacientes a usarlo?
La respuesta es sencilla: nuestras mismas vidas y nuestra salud están bajo
el control del poder económico. Y la Graviola es una planta que trabaja muy
Una corporación americana, multimillonaria, inició la búsqueda de una cura
para el Cáncer y su investigación se centró en la Graviola.
Todas sus partes mostraron ser útiles:, hojas, raíces, la pulpa y las semillas–
se han sido usada durante siglos por los curanderos y los indígenas nativos
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
en América del Sur, en el tratamiento de enfermedades del corazón, asma,
problemas artritis.
Ante las primeras evidencias, la mencionada compañía gastó ingentes sumas
de dinero para probar las propiedades anti-cancerígenas del árbol y se
asombró por los resultados. Parecía que se iba a convertir en la fuente de
millonarias utilidades. Pero se encontraron con un obstáculo insalvable: el
árbol de Graviola (Guanábana) –es completamente natural, razón por la cual
no es patentable bajo la ley federal. No era posible obtener las jugosas
utilidades que se esperaban de ella. No hay ninguna manera de hacer
ganancias serias de él.
La compañía optó entonces por tratar de sintetizar dos de los ingredientes
del potente anti- cancerígeno del árbol de la Graviola. Si ellos hubieran
podido aislarlos, estarían en condiciones de patentarlo y ganar billones de
dólares. Pero se encontraron con un muro infranqueable.
El original simplemente es imposible de reproducir. No había manera alguna
para que la compañía mencionada pudiera protegerse comercialmente si
divulgara los resultados de sus investigaciones, sin obtener antes una
patente exclusiva.
Como ese sueño se ha evaporado, la compañía archivó el proyecto decidió
abstenerse de publicar los resultados de su investigación.
Por suerte, un científico que participó en investigación, cuya ética profesional
no le permitiría cohonestar tal decisión, resolvió arriesgarse poniéndose en
contacto con una firma dedicada a estudiar las plantas de la Amazonia y se
hizo el milagro.
Cuando los investigadores del Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud se enteraron
de las buenas nuevas, comenzaron a investigar la posibilidad de que la
Graviola pudiera combatir el Cáncer. La evidencia de la efectividad
asombrosa de Graviola y la forma como se pretendió encubrir esa verdad no
se hicieron esperan, levantando una ola de indignación.
El Instituto Nacional del Cáncer realizó la primera investigación científica en
1976. Los resultados mostraron que las hojas de la Graviola y sus tallos son
eficaces atacando y destruyendo las células malignas. Inexplicablemente, los
resultados se recogieron en un informe confidencial y nunca fueron
entregados a la opinión pública.
Desde entonces, la Graviola ha mostrado en 20 pruebas de laboratorio,
independientes, que su poder anti-cancerígeno es muy potente, aunque
todavía no se ha adelantado pruebas a ciegas (doble-ciego) que son las
utilizadas por la ciencia médica como referencia para juzgar el valor de
tratamiento, este se comenzó.
Un estudio publicó en el Periódico Natural Products ( Productos Naturales),
recogió siguiendo un reciente estudio de la Universidad Católica de Corea
Sur, declaró que un elemento, un químico de la Graviola (Guanábana) fue
utilizado para matar las células de Cáncer de Colon de manera selectiva, con
una potencia “10,000 superior a la Adriamicina normalmente usada…
La parte más significativa del estudio de la Universidad Católica de Corea
afirma que la Graviola mostró ser selectiva al atacar las células del Cáncer,
mientras dejaba intactas las células sanas, al contrario de la quimioterapia
tradicional que ataca, sin discriminación a las células en proceso de
reproducción (como las de el estómago y el cabello), causando efectos
colaterales a menudo devastadores como náusea s y la pérdida del pelo en
los pacientes que la reciben.
Otro estudio reciente, de la Universidad de Purdue, Lafayette, Indiana,
encontró que las hojas del árbol de Graviola matan las células de seis tipos
de Cáncer, en especial de la próstata, el páncreas y los pulmones. !Una
verdad ocultada por más de siete años al fin ha sido revelada!.
Un suministro limitado de extracto de Graviola, cultivado y obtenido por las
los indígenas del Brasil, está finalmente disponible en América.
Ese crucial reporte (con cinco reportes más GRATIS) se puede obtener en el
Instituto de las Ciencias de La Salud.
Instituto de Ciencias de la Salud
L.L.C. 819 N. Charles Street
Baltimore, MD
Rodolfo J. Méndez M.
martes, 11 de enero de 2011
Voz de un Maestro
“Si hablan mientras comen, se deteriorará el sistema digestivo. Una vez que se ha deteriorado, les confrontarán varias dolencias. Antes de servirse su comida, recen en silencio a Dios, manteniendo los ojos cerrados. Coman en silencio, en un ambiente tranquilo. No levanten la voz, no hablen ni parloteen mientras coman. Tampoco lloren o rían. No piensen en sus preocupaciones antes de comer o mientras comen. Estas son algunas de las precauciones que se deben tomar para llevar una vida feliz”.
lunes, 10 de enero de 2011
Benefits of Neem leaves..
Azadirachta indica For centuries, millions have used various parts of the plant:
Neem twigs for cleaning teeth.
Neem cream healing skin disorders.
Neem leaf juice, taken Neem as a tonic,
Neem leaves in beds, books, grain bins, cupboards, and closets to keep away insects.
Various parts of the plant for treatment of ailments like fever, infections and other complaints.
Neem leaf extract substantially increases the state of oxidation in red blood cells
Neem reduces erosion deforestation and controlling the global warming process.
Only in recent years, scientists in the Western countries started believing that this tree could be the source for providing tremendous benefit.
Today, researchers are saying that Neem could be called "a wonder tree" and eventually expect it to benefit everyone on the planet. This tree is expected to usher in a new era in pest control, provide millions with inexpensive medicines, cut down the rate of pollution growth, reduce erosion, deforestation and control the global warming process. This wonder tree has pesticide, germicidal and medicinal properties, and is capable of solving many problems facing mankind today. The wood is termite resistant and is used for carpentry as well as construction work. These trees grow quickly, thrive on marginal and poor soils, and neutralize soil acidity with its alkaline leaves.
Therefore, an increased commercial plantations and agroforestry involving Neem can enhance the economical potential of this tree with positive and large externalities for pesticides, fertilizers, live stocks, dairying and other value-added products
Native to east India and Burma, it grows in much of Southeast Asia and West Africa.
The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is a fast growing (up to twenty feet in three years) tropical evergreen related to mahogany. Outdoors, in locations where temperatures don't drop much below freezing, it may reach up to 50 feet tall. It will grow where rainfall is as little as 18 inches per year and thrives in areas that experience extreme heat of up to 120 degrees F. They are reported to live for up to 200 years.
The tree is often covered in delicate flowers in the early summer. It has a semi-sweet, olive-sized fruit. The seed inside is rich in oil with tremendous medicinal and botanical properties. The oil is easily obtained by pressing the kernels in a juicer. It generally begins bearing fruit at three to five years, and can produce up to 110 lbs. of fruit annually when mature.
Neem is a tropical tree; it must be protected from hard freezes. In northern climates it may be grown in pots with the care and appearance of the more-common ficus tree. Neem makes an ideal indoor plant because it grows well with a minimum of maintenance. For optimum growth, Neem should be placed near a sunny window during the winter and moved outside during summer months. However, they will survive indoors even if they don't receive any natural light at all. Its blooms are small, white flowers with a very sweet, jasmine-like scent. They are relatively heavy feeders, responding to organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion, bone meal and kelp with lush new growth.
Few pests attack the Neem tree and most problems with Neem are directly related to over watering. Several different types of fungal diseases can cause die-back, and slugs that thrive in soggy spaces will eat the bottom leaves of small trees.
Health and Diseases:
Resolution of 80% of the cases. Drink one glass three times a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 5g of Neem leaves, 15g of brown olives (for taste) in 3 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Elimination of the problem within one week. Drink one glass three times a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 5g of Neem leaves in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Effective at managing the disease and in some cases healing after some time. Drink one glass a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 10g of Neem leaves in 2 litters of water for 20 minutes.
Completely cured in 3 weeks. Drink one glass a day of hot Neem leaf extract made by boiling 2g of Neem leaves in one cup of water for 20 minutes. Chest related cases. Clears the chest within 3 days. Drink one glass a day of hot Neem leaf extract made by boiling 2g of Neem leaves in one cup of water for 20 minutes.
Cures the disease completely in one week, very good in persistent cases. Drink one glass three times a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 30g of Neem leaves in 3 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Malaria is transmitted from an infected person to a non-infected person by the bites of certain species of mosquito. The insect bite injects gamete into the blood stream where it travels to the kidney to mature. Neem can block the development of the gamete in an infected person. This not only prevents the infected person from developing malaria but also stops the disease from spreading.
Neem leaf extract substantially increases the state of oxidation in red blood cells, preventing normal development of the malaria plasmodia.
Some westerners familiar with Neem often substitute an occasional Neem leaf tea to drinking quinine on trips to malaria-infested areas of Africa and India as a preventive measure. Neem extracts tested by the Malaria Institute were found to repel the mosquito that causes malaria for up to twelve hours. Neem provides protection from not only mosquitoes but also from biting flies, sand fleas and ticks. Because of Neem’s proven effectiveness insect repellents made with Neem are being used in malaria prone tropical countries.
Heart Disease:
High blood pressure, blood clots, high cholesterol levels and arrhythmic heart action are major causes of heart attack. Neem leaf extracts have been shown to reduce clotting, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, slow rapid heartbeat, and inhibit irregularities of the rhythms of the heart. There are also reports that some compounds can produce effects similar to mild sedatives reducing anxiety and other emotional and physical states that can precipitate heart attacks. This may be a calming effect similar to that witnessed with other herbal teas or a psychological result of physiological effects of blood vessel dilation and lower blood pressure.
Hypertension or High blood pressure:
The antihistamine properties of nimbidin in leaf extracts cause blood vessels to dilate and may be responsible for reducing blood pressure. Alcoholic extract of Neem leaf (intravenous) produced a significant and immediate decrease in blood pressure, which lasted for several hours. Another Neem leaf extract, sodium nimbidinate, administered to people with congestive cardiac failure acted successfully as a diuretic.
Neem leaf extracts reduced cholesterol levels significantly in recent studies. Alcoholic extract of Neem leaves reduced serum cholesterol by about 30% beginning two hours after administration and kept the level low for an additional four hours until the test ended.
Arrhythmia/rapid heartbeat:
Neem leaf extract exhibited anti-arrhythmic activity, returning to normal within eight minutes of administration, artificially induced arrhythmia. Neem extracts can also decrease abnormally high heart rates.
Neem oil is probably the best product currently available for treating psoriasis. It moisturizes and protects the skin while it helps heal the lesions, scaling and irritation. Experiments and reports from patients with psoriasis have shown taking Neem leaf orally combined with topical treatment with Neem extracts and Neem seed oil appear to be at least as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis.
The broad range of beneficial effects neem has on skin makes it one of the better treatments for eczema (dermatitis). Though neem oil is preferred because of the concentration of active compounds, topical applications of even the weaker leaf extracts have cured acute eczema.
There have been numerous studies on the ability of extracts of neem leaf to reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis. The ailments can be autoimmune disorders, infections, and the result of wear on the joints or simply inflammation. Generally though it is the inflammation or the pain associated with it that is treated regardless of the origin. Neem's antibacterial properties can help kill infectious causes while its inflammation reducing properties and pain-suppressing properties can alleviate the symptoms.
Leaf compounds have been shown to be more potent inhibitors of prostaglandin than aspirin.
Limonoids and catechin in the leaf and seed may provide additional beneficial effects. Other possible explanations point to an inhibition of the release of mediators of acute inflammation.
The active constituents in neem leaves have outstanding anti-inflammatory activity, comparable even to the well-known modern drug phenyl butazone and cortisone. They relieve pain by acting on the prostaglandin mechanism and significantly reduce acute paw edema.
Neem leaf is a traditional herb for treating diabetes and has been scientifically proven effective in treating and preventing diabetes. Diabetes is an incurable, chronic metabolic disorder that develops when the pancreas can no longer produce sufficient insulin. Blood sugar levels rapidly elevate yet the body is unable to use the energy contained in the sugar leading to weakness and eventually unconsciousness. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people ages 25 to 74, damages nerves, kidneys, the heart and blood vessels and may result in the amputation of limbs.
Oral doses of Neem leaf extracts significantly reduced insulin requirements for non-insulin dependent diabetes. Neem oil has also proven effective and has been able to inhibit increases in blood sugar levels by as much as 45% in test animals.
The Indian government has approved the sale by pharmaceutical companies of Neem tablets for diabetics. (Some of these preparations are really nothing more than powdered Neem leaves.)
Researchers in India, Europe and Japan have now found that polysaccharides and limonoids found in Neem bark, leaves and seed oil reduced tumors and cancers and showed effectiveness against lymphocytic leukemia. In several patents issued in Japan hot water Neem bark extracts showed remarkable effectiveness against several types of tumors. Several of the extracts were equal to or better than the standard anti- cancer agent against solid tumors. Another researcher used an extract of Neem leaves to prevent the adhesion of cancer cells to other cells in the body. Without the ability to stick to other cells, cancers cannot spread through the body and are more easily destroyed by the body's own immune system or by other treatments. In general, Neem is known for its ability to affect cancers. Injections of Neem extract around tumors showed remarkable reduction in size in just a few weeks.
Skin Cancer
A number of reports have been made by patients that skin cancers have disappeared after several months of daily application of a Neem-based cream.
Digestive Disorders
Neem is regularly taken to correct problems with the stomach and bowels. Neem promotes a healthy digestive system by protecting the stomach, aiding in elimination and removing toxins and harmful bacteria.
Heartburn and Indigestion:
They are effective because some Neem extracts reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Other compounds with apparent prostaglandin inhibition capabilities may also play a part in reducing gastric secretions. At the onset of indigestion traditional Ayurvedic practice is to drink a strong Neem tea made with five Neem leaves along with 1/4 teaspoon each of ginger and baking soda. The mixture is said to protect the stomach and reduce the discomfort.
Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers:
Neem is a generally accepted in the Ayurvedic medical tradition as a therapy for ulcers and gastric discomfort. People throughout the Indian subcontinent take Neem leaves for relief of stomach problems of any sort. Scientific validation of these practices is consistent in studies of the effectiveness of Neem and Neem extracts for gastric relief.
Compounds in Neem have been proven to have anti-ulcerative effects. Oral doses of Neem leaf extracts gave significant protection against peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers and enhanced the healing process of gastric lesions. Nimbidin from seed extracts taken orally prevented duodenal lesions and peptic ulcers. They provided significant reductions in acid output and peptic activity of gastric fluids. The effects were most pronounced when doses were low (20 to 40 mg/kg) and increased dosages actually reduced the effectiveness of Neem’s anti-ulcerative effects. Neem seed extracts also showed significant healing effects from this compound for existing lesions. Similar compounds have been found in leaf extracts in lesser concentrations.
Neem extracts reduce the concentration of acid in the stomach and have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief from the effects of gastritis.
Nervous Disorders:
One hour after taking aqueous leaf extracts -- or Neem tea -- weak excitation and increased activity are seen, while decreased activity and lower muscular tone occur after five hours. Nimbidin has a mild suppressive effect on the central nervous system. Neem leaf extracts produce lower activity, respiratory rate and muscle tone passivity as well as dose-dependent hypothermia. The active compounds may be limonoids, because most seem to be able to pass the blood-brain barrier.
One of the most recent discoveries for Neem revealed that extracts of Neem leaves have been able to reduce anxiety and stress when ingested in small quantities. In an experiment to see what, if any, effect Neem leaf extract had on anxiety and stress fresh Neem leaves were crushed and the liquid squeezed out to obtain a leaf extract. The extract was then given orally to test animals that were placed in two different standard stress tests and the behavior noted. As controls and for comparison three main sets of animals were used. One group received salt water to act as a base control, another group received diazepam (Valium) and another set received the Neem leaf extract. To determine if Neem leaf extract worked differently at different amounts the Neem extract group was subdivided into sets that received ever-larger doses.
The amazing part of the experiment isn't that Neem can reduce anxiety. That is something that had been reported many times before scientific experimentation finally quantified it. The explanation for Neem’s anti-anxiety effect may rest with its ability to increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. The amazing part is that Neem extracts will only work in small doses. This unique quality of Neem could make Neem extract a safer alternative than drugs currently used for stress that compound their effects with higher doses up to a point where they can become dangerous.
Wound healing
Neem is a healing herb that is famous for its wound healing properties. Cuts, scrapes and poison oak and ivy can be salved with Neem oil lotions..
Azadirachta indica For centuries, millions have used various parts of the plant:
Neem twigs for cleaning teeth.
Neem cream healing skin disorders.
Neem leaf juice, taken Neem as a tonic,
Neem leaves in beds, books, grain bins, cupboards, and closets to keep away insects.
Various parts of the plant for treatment of ailments like fever, infections and other complaints.
Neem leaf extract substantially increases the state of oxidation in red blood cells
Neem reduces erosion deforestation and controlling the global warming process.
Only in recent years, scientists in the Western countries started believing that this tree could be the source for providing tremendous benefit.
Today, researchers are saying that Neem could be called "a wonder tree" and eventually expect it to benefit everyone on the planet. This tree is expected to usher in a new era in pest control, provide millions with inexpensive medicines, cut down the rate of pollution growth, reduce erosion, deforestation and control the global warming process. This wonder tree has pesticide, germicidal and medicinal properties, and is capable of solving many problems facing mankind today. The wood is termite resistant and is used for carpentry as well as construction work. These trees grow quickly, thrive on marginal and poor soils, and neutralize soil acidity with its alkaline leaves.
Therefore, an increased commercial plantations and agroforestry involving Neem can enhance the economical potential of this tree with positive and large externalities for pesticides, fertilizers, live stocks, dairying and other value-added products
Native to east India and Burma, it grows in much of Southeast Asia and West Africa.
The neem tree (Azadirachta indica) is a fast growing (up to twenty feet in three years) tropical evergreen related to mahogany. Outdoors, in locations where temperatures don't drop much below freezing, it may reach up to 50 feet tall. It will grow where rainfall is as little as 18 inches per year and thrives in areas that experience extreme heat of up to 120 degrees F. They are reported to live for up to 200 years.
The tree is often covered in delicate flowers in the early summer. It has a semi-sweet, olive-sized fruit. The seed inside is rich in oil with tremendous medicinal and botanical properties. The oil is easily obtained by pressing the kernels in a juicer. It generally begins bearing fruit at three to five years, and can produce up to 110 lbs. of fruit annually when mature.
Neem is a tropical tree; it must be protected from hard freezes. In northern climates it may be grown in pots with the care and appearance of the more-common ficus tree. Neem makes an ideal indoor plant because it grows well with a minimum of maintenance. For optimum growth, Neem should be placed near a sunny window during the winter and moved outside during summer months. However, they will survive indoors even if they don't receive any natural light at all. Its blooms are small, white flowers with a very sweet, jasmine-like scent. They are relatively heavy feeders, responding to organic fertilizers such as fish emulsion, bone meal and kelp with lush new growth.
Few pests attack the Neem tree and most problems with Neem are directly related to over watering. Several different types of fungal diseases can cause die-back, and slugs that thrive in soggy spaces will eat the bottom leaves of small trees.
Health and Diseases:
Resolution of 80% of the cases. Drink one glass three times a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 5g of Neem leaves, 15g of brown olives (for taste) in 3 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Elimination of the problem within one week. Drink one glass three times a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 5g of Neem leaves in 2 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Effective at managing the disease and in some cases healing after some time. Drink one glass a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 10g of Neem leaves in 2 litters of water for 20 minutes.
Completely cured in 3 weeks. Drink one glass a day of hot Neem leaf extract made by boiling 2g of Neem leaves in one cup of water for 20 minutes. Chest related cases. Clears the chest within 3 days. Drink one glass a day of hot Neem leaf extract made by boiling 2g of Neem leaves in one cup of water for 20 minutes.
Cures the disease completely in one week, very good in persistent cases. Drink one glass three times a day of Neem leaf extract made by boiling 30g of Neem leaves in 3 liters of water for 20 minutes.
Malaria is transmitted from an infected person to a non-infected person by the bites of certain species of mosquito. The insect bite injects gamete into the blood stream where it travels to the kidney to mature. Neem can block the development of the gamete in an infected person. This not only prevents the infected person from developing malaria but also stops the disease from spreading.
Neem leaf extract substantially increases the state of oxidation in red blood cells, preventing normal development of the malaria plasmodia.
Some westerners familiar with Neem often substitute an occasional Neem leaf tea to drinking quinine on trips to malaria-infested areas of Africa and India as a preventive measure. Neem extracts tested by the Malaria Institute were found to repel the mosquito that causes malaria for up to twelve hours. Neem provides protection from not only mosquitoes but also from biting flies, sand fleas and ticks. Because of Neem’s proven effectiveness insect repellents made with Neem are being used in malaria prone tropical countries.
Heart Disease:
High blood pressure, blood clots, high cholesterol levels and arrhythmic heart action are major causes of heart attack. Neem leaf extracts have been shown to reduce clotting, lower blood pressure and cholesterol, slow rapid heartbeat, and inhibit irregularities of the rhythms of the heart. There are also reports that some compounds can produce effects similar to mild sedatives reducing anxiety and other emotional and physical states that can precipitate heart attacks. This may be a calming effect similar to that witnessed with other herbal teas or a psychological result of physiological effects of blood vessel dilation and lower blood pressure.
Hypertension or High blood pressure:
The antihistamine properties of nimbidin in leaf extracts cause blood vessels to dilate and may be responsible for reducing blood pressure. Alcoholic extract of Neem leaf (intravenous) produced a significant and immediate decrease in blood pressure, which lasted for several hours. Another Neem leaf extract, sodium nimbidinate, administered to people with congestive cardiac failure acted successfully as a diuretic.
Neem leaf extracts reduced cholesterol levels significantly in recent studies. Alcoholic extract of Neem leaves reduced serum cholesterol by about 30% beginning two hours after administration and kept the level low for an additional four hours until the test ended.
Arrhythmia/rapid heartbeat:
Neem leaf extract exhibited anti-arrhythmic activity, returning to normal within eight minutes of administration, artificially induced arrhythmia. Neem extracts can also decrease abnormally high heart rates.
Neem oil is probably the best product currently available for treating psoriasis. It moisturizes and protects the skin while it helps heal the lesions, scaling and irritation. Experiments and reports from patients with psoriasis have shown taking Neem leaf orally combined with topical treatment with Neem extracts and Neem seed oil appear to be at least as effective as coal tar and cortisone in treating psoriasis.
The broad range of beneficial effects neem has on skin makes it one of the better treatments for eczema (dermatitis). Though neem oil is preferred because of the concentration of active compounds, topical applications of even the weaker leaf extracts have cured acute eczema.
There have been numerous studies on the ability of extracts of neem leaf to reduce the inflammation caused by arthritis. The ailments can be autoimmune disorders, infections, and the result of wear on the joints or simply inflammation. Generally though it is the inflammation or the pain associated with it that is treated regardless of the origin. Neem's antibacterial properties can help kill infectious causes while its inflammation reducing properties and pain-suppressing properties can alleviate the symptoms.
Leaf compounds have been shown to be more potent inhibitors of prostaglandin than aspirin.
Limonoids and catechin in the leaf and seed may provide additional beneficial effects. Other possible explanations point to an inhibition of the release of mediators of acute inflammation.
The active constituents in neem leaves have outstanding anti-inflammatory activity, comparable even to the well-known modern drug phenyl butazone and cortisone. They relieve pain by acting on the prostaglandin mechanism and significantly reduce acute paw edema.
Neem leaf is a traditional herb for treating diabetes and has been scientifically proven effective in treating and preventing diabetes. Diabetes is an incurable, chronic metabolic disorder that develops when the pancreas can no longer produce sufficient insulin. Blood sugar levels rapidly elevate yet the body is unable to use the energy contained in the sugar leading to weakness and eventually unconsciousness. Diabetes is the leading cause of blindness in people ages 25 to 74, damages nerves, kidneys, the heart and blood vessels and may result in the amputation of limbs.
Oral doses of Neem leaf extracts significantly reduced insulin requirements for non-insulin dependent diabetes. Neem oil has also proven effective and has been able to inhibit increases in blood sugar levels by as much as 45% in test animals.
The Indian government has approved the sale by pharmaceutical companies of Neem tablets for diabetics. (Some of these preparations are really nothing more than powdered Neem leaves.)
Researchers in India, Europe and Japan have now found that polysaccharides and limonoids found in Neem bark, leaves and seed oil reduced tumors and cancers and showed effectiveness against lymphocytic leukemia. In several patents issued in Japan hot water Neem bark extracts showed remarkable effectiveness against several types of tumors. Several of the extracts were equal to or better than the standard anti- cancer agent against solid tumors. Another researcher used an extract of Neem leaves to prevent the adhesion of cancer cells to other cells in the body. Without the ability to stick to other cells, cancers cannot spread through the body and are more easily destroyed by the body's own immune system or by other treatments. In general, Neem is known for its ability to affect cancers. Injections of Neem extract around tumors showed remarkable reduction in size in just a few weeks.
Skin Cancer
A number of reports have been made by patients that skin cancers have disappeared after several months of daily application of a Neem-based cream.
Digestive Disorders
Neem is regularly taken to correct problems with the stomach and bowels. Neem promotes a healthy digestive system by protecting the stomach, aiding in elimination and removing toxins and harmful bacteria.
Heartburn and Indigestion:
They are effective because some Neem extracts reduce the concentration of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Other compounds with apparent prostaglandin inhibition capabilities may also play a part in reducing gastric secretions. At the onset of indigestion traditional Ayurvedic practice is to drink a strong Neem tea made with five Neem leaves along with 1/4 teaspoon each of ginger and baking soda. The mixture is said to protect the stomach and reduce the discomfort.
Peptic and Duodenal Ulcers:
Neem is a generally accepted in the Ayurvedic medical tradition as a therapy for ulcers and gastric discomfort. People throughout the Indian subcontinent take Neem leaves for relief of stomach problems of any sort. Scientific validation of these practices is consistent in studies of the effectiveness of Neem and Neem extracts for gastric relief.
Compounds in Neem have been proven to have anti-ulcerative effects. Oral doses of Neem leaf extracts gave significant protection against peptic ulcers, duodenal ulcers and enhanced the healing process of gastric lesions. Nimbidin from seed extracts taken orally prevented duodenal lesions and peptic ulcers. They provided significant reductions in acid output and peptic activity of gastric fluids. The effects were most pronounced when doses were low (20 to 40 mg/kg) and increased dosages actually reduced the effectiveness of Neem’s anti-ulcerative effects. Neem seed extracts also showed significant healing effects from this compound for existing lesions. Similar compounds have been found in leaf extracts in lesser concentrations.
Neem extracts reduce the concentration of acid in the stomach and have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can provide relief from the effects of gastritis.
Nervous Disorders:
One hour after taking aqueous leaf extracts -- or Neem tea -- weak excitation and increased activity are seen, while decreased activity and lower muscular tone occur after five hours. Nimbidin has a mild suppressive effect on the central nervous system. Neem leaf extracts produce lower activity, respiratory rate and muscle tone passivity as well as dose-dependent hypothermia. The active compounds may be limonoids, because most seem to be able to pass the blood-brain barrier.
One of the most recent discoveries for Neem revealed that extracts of Neem leaves have been able to reduce anxiety and stress when ingested in small quantities. In an experiment to see what, if any, effect Neem leaf extract had on anxiety and stress fresh Neem leaves were crushed and the liquid squeezed out to obtain a leaf extract. The extract was then given orally to test animals that were placed in two different standard stress tests and the behavior noted. As controls and for comparison three main sets of animals were used. One group received salt water to act as a base control, another group received diazepam (Valium) and another set received the Neem leaf extract. To determine if Neem leaf extract worked differently at different amounts the Neem extract group was subdivided into sets that received ever-larger doses.
The amazing part of the experiment isn't that Neem can reduce anxiety. That is something that had been reported many times before scientific experimentation finally quantified it. The explanation for Neem’s anti-anxiety effect may rest with its ability to increase the amount of serotonin in the brain. The amazing part is that Neem extracts will only work in small doses. This unique quality of Neem could make Neem extract a safer alternative than drugs currently used for stress that compound their effects with higher doses up to a point where they can become dangerous.
Wound healing
Neem is a healing herb that is famous for its wound healing properties. Cuts, scrapes and poison oak and ivy can be salved with Neem oil lotions..
miércoles, 5 de enero de 2011
Diet and Lifestyle
* Diet and Lifestyle.emlDiet and Lifestyle.eml
¿Cuál de estas 16 personalidades es la tuya? ¡Descubre quién eres realmente!
There is much suffering in the world today. The "standard of living" is rising everywhere, but the "standard of health" is at its lowest! Pay a casual visit to any hospital anywhere in the world and you will see what man's "standards" have come to.
Natural calamities apart, most of today's suffering is man-made.
The poor suffer from diseases of "deprivation". These include malnutrition (including beri beri, scurvy and extreme situations like marasmus, as in Ethiopia), blindness, and diseases caused by unsanitary living conditions like dysentry, cholera, typhoid, malaria and jaundice.
The rich, on the other hand, suffer from diseases of "plenty" or "excess". These include diabetes, rheumatism and arthritis, high blood pressure, heart trouble (cholestrol), kidney failure, asthma, osteoporosis, depression, skin problems, Parkinsons disease, prostate problems, cancer, acidity and ulcers, colitis, spondylitis, thyroid problems, migraine, obesity and its associated problems, multiple sclerosis, haemmerhoids (piles), sinusitis, septicaemia - the list is endless.
There used to be a system, we believe, in ancient China, where the family doctor was paid at the end of the month - but only if no one in the family had fallen ill during the month. If someone fell ill, it was the doctor's duty to get him well AND the doctor was NOT paid for that month. Why? Because he had not done his job properly! It was the doctor's job to practise "preventive" health care - to guide the family's food and living habits in a manner conducive to maintaining good physical and mental health. In other words, the doctor had a vested interest in your NOT FALLING SICK.
Today, we have reversed the process. We go to the doctor and PAY him when we are SICK. Let us be honest - the medical profession is not responsible for this - WE are, and only WE can change this.
When the words "health care" are used, we are programmed to think of vaccinations, innoculations, medical check ups, pap smear tests, biopsies, prostate tests, urine tests, blood tests, CT scans, Ultra sound scans, MRI's etc. - in fact the list is endless and the more it costs us to get these tests done, the more we feel satisfied that a "lot" is being done by us for our health! Not withstanding all this, nations are getting more sick by the day.
While all governments all over the world have "health" ministries, "health" services, "health" insurance - health is quite conspicuous by its absence! What we have in fact are "disease" ministries, "disease" services, "disease" insurance and so on. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on "health care" annually, most conspicuously by countries who are at the forefront of medical technology. Yet - ill-health, not health, is the order of the day.
Why? Because, dear brothers and sisters, health cannot be "bought" in a pharmacy. It doesn't "cost" money - it only demands an uncompromising quest for wellness. The pathway of peaceful and harmonious co-existence with Mother Nature and all her creatures is the ONLY way to wellness.
Is it not ironical - we first spend money to acquire ill-health (through indiscriminate overindulgence) and then we spend more money and vast amounts of national and personal resources trying to regain our health?
Mind you, while we are visiting doctors and hospitals we continue to guzzle vast quantities of wrong foods and live lifestyles of indulgence and indolence, all of which only adds to our woes.
Disease has overtaken us completely and we are all looking for quick-fix solutions.
Let us take an example - I have a headache. What is my response? I pop a pain-killer into my mouth. The pain goes away - for the moment. A few hours, a few days, a few weeks later it returns. I pop some more pills into my mouth. At each recurrence, the pain gets worse, the frequency is greater and the duration is longer. Soon I have to increase the number of pills I take because the pain is no longer "responding".
This goes on getting worse until I am a full blown case of "migraine" operating at an efficiency level which is only a fraction of what God intended for me. Worse still, I will develop hyperacidity (which is a side effect of pain killers) and maybe a full blown ulcer. For this I will in turn start taking antacids which over a period of time will destroy my liver. The kidneys will be next in line - all quick-fix "solutions" have a domino effect until all our vital functions are destroyed.
Meanwhile, I will go on stuffing myself with some or all of the following disease producing "foods".
1. Undigestible foods which act as slow poisons for our body e.g.. milk, refined oils etc.
2. Foods of himsa or violence (non-veg.foods), which convert our bodies into putrefying burial grounds.
3. Carcinogenic (cancer causing), nerve-destroying additives like artificial colours, preservatives, flavours, MSG., all found in most packaged foods and drinks.
4. Caustic soda, formaline, urea, Oxytocin - (a female hormone) all in milk.
5. Irradiated foods, Microwaved foods - the disastrous effects of which are only now being understood.
Let us go back to the example of a headache given above. Pain is NOT a disease. It is the body's way of telling me that a problem AT A DEEPER LEVEL exists.
What does the body expect me to do?
The body expects me to respond in a more intelligent and responsible manner. The easiest and the best thing to do under the circumstances would be to abstain from normal food - just stay with diluted fresh fruit juice or fruit or a clear soup or best of all, just fast with lemon water and honey. Responding in this way opens up a communication channel between me and my body. Within a few hours I will know what the problem is. Most likely it is constipation or a sluggish liver.
Digesting what we eat takes up more "energy" than any other activity. When there is a headache, refraining from eating or eating only fruits (which digest themselves), is the kindest thing I can do for my body. Elimination of waste matter from the body is vastly more important than eating. This function too needs "energy" The body would be most grateful if it could use its available resources of energy to get rid of the "garbage", which, to put it mildly, is raising a "stink" inside me. That stink is the "headache".
Let us say the headache was not due to constipation but was in fact due to clogged up sinuses (there are nine sinuses behind and around each eye). My response of "fasting" would still be the best response - clogged sinuses are "garbage dumps". When there is excessive mucous being produced by the body (milk and milk products are the main culprits), the body pours the mucous into the sinuses to get it out of the way, so that normal body functions can carry on. Sinuses are empty air pockets - the body's built-in garbage bags - and the body intelligence uses them as such. When they are close to filling up, the resulting build-up of pressure in the forehead area results in the headache.
When I respond by fasting, the body takes advantage of the energy bonus to throw out the mucous. I might get severe cold symptoms with a heavy discharge from the nose. The headache backs off immediately. Being aware that it is better to have the garbage outside me than inside me - I am happy with my "cold". I continue to either fast with lemon water and honey, or I eat only fruits, boost my immune system with the Sanjeevinis, and if possible take a day off from heavy routine.
Once the garbage has been eliminated, I will be "in tune" with ME, with my inner Shakthi, and my instincts will begin to tell me what to eat.
Negative emotions like resentment, jealousy and anger set off chemical reactions within us which cause us to self destruct. There are latent tendencies in all of us towards certain diseases, handed down through heredity. Our negative emotions trigger off storms within us which wake up these latent tendencies and cause disease.
What is disease but dis-ease?
Our desires are like a fire - the more we feed them the more brightly they burn. Since desires cannot always be fulfilled, frustration, anger and resentment set in.
Disease is Mother Nature's response to our indulgence and our unmitigated efforts to self-destruct through over-indulgence. Disease is Nature's way of slowing us down. In Her compassion she warns us first with minor ailments that we are headed towards a precipice. When we stubbornly refuse to listen She limits us with severe illnesses.
Health, on the other hand, is a joyous journey back to harmony. Desires, material possessions, sense gratification are viewed in their proper perspective. Love, faith, compassion, sharing and caring take the place of the negative emotions. This puts us in touch with our Inner Guide. If we are listening, if we tune in, the Inner Guide never fails to guide us.
In the Sanathana (timeless - natural) way of healing (in this we include Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, Homoeopathy, Radionics, Vibro-healing, Spiritual healing and all systems where the patient is treated holistically i.e. he is looked upon as being made up of body, mind and spirit and treatment is at all three levels), we awaken the body's own healing power - THAT Cosmic Energy which when balanced, sets right all disorders at all levels of existence. This healing power is known by various names - in Yoga we call it Prana; in Acupuncture it is known as Chi; in Homoeopathy and other natural systems it is known as the Vital Force.
Therefore, in Sanathana health care we would work towards keeping THAT healing power ALIVE, AWAKE AND ACTIVE.
Our food habits are guided by :
1. Our sense of taste
2. Conditioning through advertisements (remember, a lot of the knowledge that is acquired by the medical profession is also through advertising. This could be directly from the television or worse, in an indirect but more insidious way by vested interests who periodically come up with "studies" which are aimed at showing that "their product" is good for health). The medical profession becomes an unwitting pawn in the hands of commercial interests.
3. Conditioning through social interaction. This also includes the conditioning we receive throughout our childhood.
Many eastern nations are known for their hospitality. In India we have a saying - "atithi devo bhava". (The unexpected visitor is God). We go all out to treat the visitor like "God". We lay out the delicacies before Him which, when chemically translated, are disease causing indigestible toxins. (Please refer to the relevant section on different "foods" to understand this).
There is a general lack of awareness about the harmful effects of such foods - but what is most disturbing and unfortunate is that even those who are aware continue to serve these indigestible foods. The excuse is that it is the done thing, that the visitor would take offence if he was not given a bottled drink to quench his thirst and sugared sweets made from milk to please his palate.
It is precisely this kind of conditioning and peer pressure that we have to rise above.
Our sense of taste was provided by God to be used as a tool to verify that only wholesome, balanced food is ingested by us. But due to our senses having taken control of us, all balance has been lost. We are now slaves to our 5 senses and our tongue has lost the discrimination - that instinct - to eat only what is good for us.
In the wild, animals don't have doctors - their instinct tells them how to revert to a state of health when disease strikes. We too have the same instinct, hidden in the sense of taste, to revert to good health. Given half a chance, the body will know how to heal itself.
When we are not in harmony with nature, when we are violating God's bounty at every step, when our planet, mother earth, the animals, the underprivileged, are all crying out at the abuse heaped on them by us for our own selfish ends - our instincts become numbed and slowly die.
We will have to rise above the conditioning we are constantly being bombarded with, through the media and through social and peer pressure. We will have to return to nature and to harmony - harmony with our surroundings and with ourselves. Slowly but surely, our instincts will begin to re-awaken and guide us to a state of vibrant health.
We can regain our health and vitality by following the Pathway to Harmony.
The only lasting way to return to good health (it is possible!), is through acute awareness of what is causing dis-ease in our lives. An honest self-examination is called for and with courage and determination we must embark on a programme of change. What do we change?
1. Remove all that is wrong and dis-ease promoting from our Diet and Lifestyle.
2. Add all that is good and health promoting to our Diet and Lifestyle.
"A strong will is the best tonic. The will becomes strong when you know that you are a child of Immortality or a person who has earned the Grace of the Lord. Medicine and hospitalisation are for those who doubt and hesitate and argue about this doctor being more efficient than the other and this drug being more powerful than the rest. For those who rely on the Supreme Doctor, His Name is the drug that cures."
We begin by giving you a list of what to remove from the diet followed by a brief write-up on the reasons. This is a brief note on diet - not a treatise. What is given here is generally applicable. Whilst what is positively good for each person may differ, what is harmful for almost each one of us is being listed here with very brief reasons.
* Meats, chicken, fish, eggs (all non-veg.)
* Refined sugar, sweets, chocolates, bottled drinks, aerated
* waters, packet juices.
* Packaged foods like chips, soups, cornflakes, sauces.
* Milk, processed cheese, icecreams, mithais (Indian sweets),
* desserts, puddings.
* Refined foods including refined oil, refined salt,white flour(maida),polished white rice.
* Cooked tomatoes.
* Alcohol, smoking, tobacco products, drugs.
* Usage of medicinal drugs - give the body a chance to heal itself.
* This food putrifies within a few hours and since we are by nature not equipped to pass out excreta in less than 24 hours, the putrefaction takes place within us. We are carrying around decaying corpses within us (we cannot be more graphic) and the delicate lining of the intestines and the colon absorb the resulting toxins. This is the reason that countries where meat is consumed in large quantities have the highest rates of colon cancer.
* If we wish to live long and be strong and hardworking let's learn from nature. The elephant, the bull, the horse (we measure power as horse power) are all vegetarians. The elephant lives 100 years and more. The lion and all other carnivores on the other hand live only 15 years. The lion is vicious and violent and works hard only to kill for food. The rest of the time it spends sleeping (20 hours per day).
When Shaw turned vegetarian at 25, his doctors warned that his diet would kill him. When an old man, he was asked why he didn't go back and show them what good it had done him. He replied, "I would, but they all passed away years ago".
* Our stomach has to produce a lot more acid to digest these foods. They themselves are very acidic (producing large quantities of uric acid), so anyone suffering from ulcers, arthritis, psoriasis and other skin problems, renal failure, you often don't have to look far for the cause.
* The adrenal glands or stress glands become very active in the animal during captivityand during the butchering process. The adrenal so produced is recycled to humans
* thus causing unnecessary panic, stress and fears (many present day psychiatric problems may be attributed to this).
* Further , the animals are fed all sorts of hormones and drugs to fatten them up - these are also recycled to humans and result in severe hormonal disturbances in men and women. Antibiotics are a routine part of their diet. Ingesting these will make us immune to their action should we ever need to use them.
* Besides, it makes no sense from the economics and world food shortage point of view. It takes anywhere between 12 to 20 pounds of vegetable products (as animal feed) to produce one pound of meat (enough only to feed 2 humans).
The water resources on our planet are running out. It takes 60 litres of water to grow 1 kilo of wheat, 200 litres to grow I kilo of green beans, 3000 litres to produce 1 kilo of eggs, 8200 litres to produce 1 kilo of chicken 16400 litres to produce 1 kilo of pork and 50,000 litres to produce 1 kilo of beef (Source : Higher Taste - see"Recommended Reading").
The Ogalala Water Resource in North America, probably the world's largest underground reservoir of water, was a gift to mankind from the Ice Ages. In a few years it will be completely dry. The rain forests of Africa and South America have been "cleared" to make place for growing grain for cattle for producing hamburgers for the meat eating population of the world.
We did not inherit this planet from our forefathers -WE HAVE BORROWED IT FROM OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS! Remember, everytime you eat meat, you are permanently destroying this planet.
It is indeed horrifying that thousands of gallons of blood and other waste matter from abattoirs are being poured EVERY DAY into rivers all over India.
Could this be one reason for the high incidence of gall stones in young people in India today?
Morally and spiritually, how can we justify killing another animal to satisfy our tongue. There is only one God. He created the animal too and it is to Him that we pray for compassion when we are sick or in trouble. How can we possibly expect compassion from Him when we so ruthlessly and needlessly kill and harm HIS Creation. Think about it!
"We pray on Sundays that we may have light
To guide our footsteps on the path we tread.
We are sick of war, we don't want to fight,
And yet we gorge ourselves upon the dead"
- George Bernard Shaw
- As for eggs - they rot as fast as meat and fish. Eggs provide the largest quantity of cholestrol. Besides, the unfertilized eggs are virtual chemical factories. The hens are kept in the most shocking conditions - never allowed to roam free in the sun, always sitting in one position to produce "assembly line" eggs. They are fed hormones (for better produce) and artificial yellow colour (which is one of the worst offenders in children's behavioural disorders) to make the eggs look more appetising. Unfertilized eggs are nothing but the waste matter of the hen.
That eggs are "nuggets of concentrated nutrition" is a myth that we have swallowed for too long. One egg contains almost zero iron, 1200 IU of Vitamin A, a large quantity of Vitamin D and is loaded with Cholestrol! Compare that to 6000 IU of Vitamin A in a small bunch of drumstick leaves and 10,000 IU in an even smaller bunch of coriander leaves. Both these are also very rich sources of iron (as are all green leafy vegetables). Vitamin D is available from the sun - it is formed directly on the skin by the action of the sun. AND vegetable products do not contain any cholestrol!
Most worms, ulcer, arthritis, eczema, asthma, psychiatric, heart, blood pressure, cancer, and kidney cases respond quite dramatically when all non-vegetarian foods are eliminated from the diet.
All these items have zero nutritional value. They are "empty calories" which the body must up. The so-called "juices" and "fresh juices" in packets are made from concentrate and/or pure chemicals - they contain water, sugar, artificial flavour citric acid, preservative and ZERO NUTRITION.
The level of awareness however, is so low - even in professional circles - that this kind juice is being administered as food to seriously ill patients in "modern" hospitals.
Sugar is ACID. It wears down our tissues and leaves us open to all sorts of scourges. The process of refining requires several corroding chemicals to be added to the sugar. The number of diseases which are caused/aggravated by sugar would fill a book. (In fact there is an excellent book on the subject - Sugar Blues). We will list only a few of the common ones - all behavioural problems in children (hyperactivity, tantrums, poor concentration, lagging behind in studies, lack of interest in studies , insomnia, frequent mood changes), ulcers, skin problems, arthritis, kidney problems.
Sugar unbalances us and can cause brainstorms . People suffering from psychiatric disorders, depression, phobias, fears, paranoia, compulsive behaviour and epilepsy must omit refined sugar and other products containing sugar from their diet.
We have seen many people refrain from adding sugar to their tea (and of course it's an achievement), but they undo the whole thing in the next instant by eating sweets and chocolates, gulping down colas and other bottled "soft" drinks. An eight ounce "soft" drink contains 8 teaspoons of sugar; one square inch of chocolate can containupto 20 teaspoons of sugar. A "soft" drink is anything but soft on your system. Besides sugar it contains phosphoric acid which is corrosive and prevents calcium from being utilized in the body. It makes mush out of children's teeth and can actually retard their physical and mental growth. Drinks containing caffiene (all colas) are addictive and can ruin our kidneys. Those drinks that are labelled "Diet ..." and contain no sugar, add other sweeteners which are so dangerous that they require a statutory warning in some countries (like cigarettes).
We have seen children being asked to leave schools because the school can no longer cope with them. Some schools label them retarded" which indeed they are well on the way to becoming. The irony is it's usually what the parent is feeding the child !
We earnestly appeal to parents and teachers not to give a chocolate or other junk food to a child as reward for being good. That's a contradiction. You cannot reward a child for being good with a substance that will prove harmful for him or her.
Beware of additives in these commercial goods. Most additives are well known carcinogens (cancer promoting). Nutritionally, these packaged "goodies" cannot be classified as "food" by any stretch of imagination. MSG (monosodium glutamate or ajinomoto), which is added to most of these foods is responsible for nerve impairment and can and does retard mental growth of children. It is responsible for hyperactivity, loss of concentration, headaches and neck pains.
Contrary to popular belief, cornflakes are not as nutritious as they are made out to be. They contain 80% sugar and refined flour (nutritionally zero) and the remaining 20% are chemicals with fancy names. "Vitamins added" is another gimmick in actual fact these are in a form which is impossible for our bodies to assimilate and end up being treated as toxins by our system which of course means that our liver and kidneys take a beating.
We have seen perfectly good and healthy children deteriorate into sleepless demons who cannot be managed - at home or school. The trauma these children and parents suffer must be seen to be believed. But the truth is - it is of their own making. These are "junkies" of the 90's - living on junk food.
Although awareness in the West is growing, in India and other third world countries it is not yet understood what a damaging "food" milk is. We give below some reasons for not drinking milk. We do recommend that you further educate yourself by reading books on the subject (refer to Appendix - "Recommended Reading").
Let us look at it using our common sense - is there any other animal in nature that drinks another animal's milk after it has been weaned away from the mother's milk? Even a calf, once weaned will not drink cow's milk - so why do humans? Domestic pets (dogs and cats) drink milk because we have corrupted them into doing this.
The calcium in milk is bound up in casein. Casein and lactose are broken down in our body by rennin and lactase respectively. Both these enzymes are all but missing from the human body by the age of 3 - in many cases even earlier. (There is 300 times more casein in cow's milk than in human milk). Casein, incidentally, is the substance from which wood glue (Fevicol!) is made ! This gluey substance in milk remains undigested in our body where it sticks to the mucous membrane of the intestines. The intestines react by secreting more mucous to wash it off. Soon it begins to degenerate and putrify due to the bacteria feeding on it. This putrid matter is then pushed around in the body - never able to leave and causing more and more mucous to be produced which the body endeavours to throw out through its orifices. If you suffer from tonsilitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, asthma, discharging eyes, vaginal discharges, amoebiasis, migraine, colitis STOP THE MILK.
The calcium in the milk is in fact a red herring - we go after it and acquire all sorts of diseases. The truth is - the more milk we drink, the more we are likely to suffer from calcium deficiency ! The high phosphorus content in milk upsets the delicate balance which the blood maintains betweeen phosphorus and calcium. Due to the high phosphorus content, the blood is forced to DRAW calcium from healthy bones and teeth - so drinking milk can actually cause osteoporosis (brittle bones) and can cause teeth to decay. Which are the countries with maximum osteoporosis? The milk guzzling countries - Sweden, USA, Finland and UK have the highest rates of osteoporosis.
The excess calcium so carried by the blood is then deposited in soft tissues causing tumours, cataracts, kidney and gall stones, spurs and bony growths, spondylitis, sciatica, thyroid problems, prostate problems, atherosclerosis (deposits in arteries) many more diseases.
What is the first thing the body does when the milk is ingested ?
The body produces acidic enzymes in order to curdle the milk so that it can stay longer in the stomach for digestion.
So how do we (please let's use common sense here) expect ulcer patients to get well with milk when its direct action is to instantly produce more acid in the body? And of course you must have heard that "cold milk" must be taken. Why? Why cold milk? Why not hot milk? Again let's use our common sense - because it is the "cold" that is working to give you temporary relief - not the milk. Cold water would be a better bet.
The things that you are told not to have are sour things. In fact lemon water and tamarind water are both powerful antacids. (This may sound peculiar when doctors keep telling us that these two items are acidic). What we view under the "microscope" in the laboratory is not necessarily how the inside of our body views it.
Inside the body both these remove acid. Take a cue from our traditional eating patterns - our chutneys, chaats, sambars, rasams - which are "hot and spicy" - always use tamarind in the recipes to antidote the ulcer causing chillies.
Another thing that antidotes the chillies is pure desi ghee (clarified butter). Again let us take a cue from our South Indian food - Every serving of rice is liberally "garnished" with desi ghee to antidote the chillies in the "hot" sambars and rasams. People with operable peptic and duodenal ulcers have been saved from the surgeon's knife by simply changing these two things :
1. giving up all non-vegetarian foods, eggs and dairy products EXCEPT ghee (cooking everything in ghee - no oil) butter and homemade yoghurt (curds).
2. introducing fresh lemon and water into their early morning regimen on waking (honey may be added but no salt or sugar).
Try it - don't take our word for it ! Within 10-15 days you will see the difference if not sooner. You may get what looks like an aggravation of cold symptoms for a few days, but that will pass - it's nothing but the body cashing in on the unexpected break to throw out accumulated garbage. Joints may also pain as the uric acid begins to come away from the joints. In a month you will fee like a new person.
There may be weight loss. This causes a lot of people to panic that they are getting "weak" Unfortunately, in India people associate "health" with being fat. Again, the awareness level is so low - very few in the medical world pay any attention to educating their patients that "fat" is not healthy. Many people are aware that at the age of 40 being overweight is not good - but few are able to comprehend that the foundation of "fat" is laid in childhood - that the foundation of all diseases starts with wrong eating patterns acquired through childhood conditioning.
It is naive and ridiculous for parents, grandparents & "well wishers" to respond to this information with the statement : "But the children must "enjoy" their childhood." Yes - enjoy their childhood visiting doctors every month, guzzling antibiotics & suffer their adult-hood with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disorders, heart trouble, arthritis, cancer or worse!
Rennin and lactase were being produced in our bodies not long ago. Why has the human body stopped producing these two enzymes now? Why is milk consumption proving to be disastrous for mankind?
Consider this:
We call the cow "mother cow" because like the mother she gives her milk to us. In fact she is more than mother because she feeds us at the cost of her own babies.
How have we treated this mother?
Go to any modern dairy and see how the cow is treated. Over fattened with drugs, this gentle herbivore is fed chicken bones in its feed. She is not gently milked by a loving cowherd - instead her udder is hooked to a machine. She stands long hours parting with milk in this crude way all the year round. Her milk is produced at the behest of hormones.
In India, this great land of ahimsa, the conditions are even more shocking! "Oxytocin" is a hormone which is meant to be used by obstetricians during childbirth in women where the contractions of the uterus are insufficient. Oxytocin produces contractions in the uterus.
Indian milkmen inject the cows and buffalos with oxytocin TWICE a day - causing "labour pains" in the animal TWICE A DAY. They do this because this causes the milk to flow faster. Oxytocin is a "banned" drug worldwide for animals, but is available at a throw-away cost in India and almost every milkman uses it. Besides the fact that this hormone causes several disorders in humans when they drink this milk, it causes acute torture to the animal.
As if this is not enough, Indian milkmen push an iron rod into the uterus of the cow and crudely shake it about to cause pain, which they believe will make the milk flow faster. Dear sisters, can you imagine what this must feel like? What kind of milk do you think a cow that goes through this kind of torture, will "gift" us? Nutritious? Imagine you are that cow. What kind of sentiments would you have towards man? Would you bless man that he thrives on the milk or would you "CURSE" him that he suffers? As we sow so shall we reap. Perhaps we are suffering from the collective curse of the cows of the world!
Please read Maneka Gandhi's "Heads and Tails". It chronicles horror stories about the cattle pounds (where stray cattle are kept), about what happens to male calfs when they are born (they are starved to death) about thousands of healthy buffalos and cows being killed every year in Bombay ALONE due to mistaken economic reasons. You will then understand why milk is causing so many diseases!
When the word "refined" is used, it usually means that the natural state of the product as provided by Nature, has been tampered with by removing the nutrients and adding several chemicals which will ensure longer shelf life for the product.
The product "looks" better, it probably even "tastes" better BUT is it "good" for our health?
(a) refined oil - do you know that a law exists in America against the advertising of refined oil as "better for health". Why? Because studies have shown beyond doubt that the chemicals added to the oil during refining are producing cancer and that refined oil is NOT in any way better than butter and ghee in preventing heart disease.In India our media blares out advertisements declaring refined oil to be better. The conditioning has become so strong that even the medical profession has been taken for a ride and you now find doctors passing on the information provided in the advertisements, to their hapless patients. Unrefined oil is a much better bet - different geographic regions have their own typical oils - mustard oil, coconut oil, sesame (til) oil, olive oil etc.
(b) refined salt - sea salt and rock salt were provided by nature and that is the way they must be had. India fought and won the battle of independence over "salt"- do we have to fight another battle over it - a battle of disease? Under the pretext of adding "iodine" to salt, which God has provided in its most natural and subtle way in the sea salt, commerce has snatched the right from the common man of having salt as God intended him to. Is it not a shame that we now find it almost impossible to find natural sea salt?"Scientists" (who are funded by commerce!) have convinced our government that thyroid problems are a result of a lack of iodine. But, did we ever see so many thyroid cases as we do now? Ask all these thyroid patients which salt they have been using and the answer will almost always be "refined salt". Iodine is a deadly chemical. How on earth can it be added across the board to allsalt? Some people eat less salt, while others consume a larger quantity. Indian pickles, for example, are loaded with it. Surely, if it is an essential "chemical", it must be provided in a controlled way!
No, brothers and sisters, because that would not suit commercial interests - what would they then package, advertise and sell at an exorbitant price? In European countries people have the right to choose - natural sea weed, sea salt or refined salt. In India, the Government has assumed the right to choose for all of us!
Refined salt is ACID. The body which has an intelligence of its own, retains water to neutralise this acid. The water retention causes your tissues to become clogged (not unlike slushy slums in the rains) which in turn causes capillaries and arteries and veins to get choked causing pressure to build up in these channels - leading to high blood pressure. Add to this the residue left behind by the undigested casein from milk, cholestrol from meat, eggs and cheese (which is carried by the blood and deposited at random in the arteries) and you have a perfect case for by-pass surgery or stroke.
High blood pressure patients are given di-uretics - drugs that encourage the water to leave the body. Unfortunately, the acid is left behind! That is the reason that those high B.P. patients who are on di-uretics, invariably get severe skin irritation. This is the acid trying to excrete itself through the skin. Many high BP patients also end up damaging the Kidneys with this acid.
(c) refined flour (maida) - Wheat is a wonderful food, very nutritious and wholesome.
When it is "refined" all the goodness is removed - the "germ", and the "fibre" have been stripped from it so that it can last longer on the supermarket shelf. Buying flour with "vitamins" and "amino acids" added is no use because these are not natural and cannot be absorbed by our body. Stay with the whole-wheat. In India there are flour mills (using stone crushing method), where unpolished whole wheat is available and the mills grind it into flour in your presence.
Do not fall into the trap of buying "brown" bread - it is usually only colour added.
What you want to buy is "whole-wheat" bread. Request your local bakery to make your bread with whole wheat flour, without preservatives, eggs, colour, milk. The bakery usually requires an order of about 10 loaves which 2 or 3 families can order together and share (until the entire neighbourhood switches to the healthy bread!)
Note : there are many people who are allergic to wheat and others who convert every grain of wheat they eat into mucous which causes several disorders like chronic sinusitis, pus in the ears (leading to Meniere's disease and Tinnitus), bronchitis etc.
(d) white polished rice (all varieties of it) - As in the case of flour, in white rice too the goodness has been removed. What we should eat is par-boiled rice (known as Sela rice in North India). This rice has been boiled while still in its husk so that all the goodness has seeped into the grain. After this process the rice is dehusked.
Brown, unpolished rice is nutritionally very sound but the vast majority of people find it very difficult to digest it. Use it only if you can digest it.
Tomatoes, when cooked, turn very acidic. Since it is our endeavour to remove "acid-causing" foods from our diet (a number of diseases have their root in acid or are made worse by acidic foods) it makes sense to use tomatoes, if we have to, only in their uncooked, but ripe, form.
Besides, they have entered into our diet very recently (a couple of hundred years ago in India) and replaced tamarind. Tamarind has a very unique quality of binding Flouride and removing it from our body thus preventing flourosis in populations which receive drinking water which is high in flouride content.
A number of villages in Andhra Pradesh have very high rates of flourosis. The reason is these villages have en masse switched over to tomatoes and discontinued the usage of tamarind.
The awareness level of the ill effects of these substances is very high - what non-smokers have to be aware of is that they are subject constantly to passive smoking. Please do not hesitate to speak up when you feel that your child or you are being deprived of your fundamental right to smoke-free air. If someone in your home is a compulsive smoker or drinker, we suggest you try the Addictions Sanjeevini on them (see Addictions combination under "Selected Sanjeevini Combinations). This Sanjeevini, given with compassion and understanding has helped many people to give up their addictions including smoking and drinking.
Smoking damages your lungs, arteries and bones; alcohol damages your liver; together they destroy your life. Drugs destroy our mind and intelligence and through these, our body and soul.
What we have to resist is the "first time" for tobacco, for alcohol, for cigarettes, for drugs. Peer pressure is responsible, but let us remember - we live our lives for ourselves and not for our peers. If we pay undue importance to what others think of us we are no better than puppets on a string - living our lives as others want us to live.
* Water, fresh seasonal fruits, fresh seasonal vegetables, gur(jaggery), butter, pure ghee, home-made curds (yoghurt), butter milk.
* Whole grains (according to season) eg.wheat, jawar, bajra, barley, parboiled and/or unpolished rice.
* Lentils, dals, beans, grams. (add tamarind always) Nuts & seeds - sesame (til), sunflower, almonds, walnuts, pistas and coconut.
* Dry fruits (in winter)
* Fresh lemon water (without sugar)
* Tamarind - to our lentils (to prevent flourosis and acidity).
* Sprouted or living foods.
* Wheatgrass and Rejuvelac (see separate chapter)
* Note : If you have to have fried food, use only UNREFINED OIL. If you are on the wrong side of 30 - minimise fried food.
ADD -For growing children - milk made from sesame seeds (til), sweet melon seeds. soya beans, wheat, coconut, almonds, peanuts combining with dates and honey, flavouring with cardommom (ilaichi), saffron (natural kesar - not artificial flavour), kewra, natural vanilla etc. These can be given to new born children also (diluted) where mother's milk is not available for some reason. Recipes are given in the chapter called "Recipes".
Where do we get our protein, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iron?
* Protein comes from amino acids - you can never ever be short of these - everything that grows from the earth has amino acids. Where does the elephant, the cow, the horse, the bull get its amino acids from? From grains and grasses!
All grains, lentils (daals), ALL vegetables are rich in proteins.
* Calcium - nature abounds with it and in readily assimilable form with phosphorus and magnesium in the correct ratios - in all green leafy vegetables and nuts especially sesame (til) seeds and almonds. Even tiny babies can be given milk made from sesame seeds, coconut, wheat, almonds, soya bean, if for some reason mother's milk is not available.
* Vitamin A - green leafy vegetables and naturally yellow fruits - mangoes, papayas, carrots, peaches - are rich in Vitamin A. The drumstick plant - its leaves, flowers and fruit, coriander leaves, fresh mint - all these are the richest sources of Vitamin A on this planet.
* Vitamin B12 - we are told this comes from animal sources only - true - from animal's residing in our intestinal tract - the friendly bacteria, provided you have killed them off with antibiotics. If you have - please take homemade yoghurt freely (never after sunset) and Rejuvelac. Normally, if you are into natural healing and antibiotics are not part of your regimen directly or indirectly - you don't have to worry. Your body knows how to balance itself.
* Iron - All green leafy vegetables are full of iron as are dry fruits and most fruits (especially the ones that turn brown if left exposed after cutting or pealing). That milk or meat or eggs are essential to fulfill our iron requirement is a story fed to us by vested commercial interests. One humble bowl of spinach (palak) contains as much iron as 60 gallons of milk. In eggs, iron is almost non-existent.
We must eat with awareness. Not only awareness of what we eat but with acute awareness of how grateful we have to be for our food.
* Try and eat in silence, starting by saying a small "thank you" prayer to God - just visualise how many hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces of a jig-saw puzzle have come together to bring this plate of food to you.
* Chew your food properly - there is a saying that we must "eat" our liquids and "drink" our solids. Which is to say, juices, buttermilk etc. must be had very slowly and moved around in our mouth so that they combine well with the saliva and then swallowed. Solids, on the other hand, must first be liquified by chewing well, and then drunk. A great deal of digestion, especially of starches, takes place in our mouth.
* Eat only half a stomachful. Leave the remaining space for the "cooking" of food with digestive juices.
* When you are ill or down - either abstain totally from eating or eat only fruits (fruits are better than juices because we chew them) and drink only lemon and water with honey added. Food uses up energy for digestion - valuable energy which we need for recovering and recouping.
Please note : What has been given in this chapter is A VIEW POINT. Please accept it only if it appeals to your common sense - otherwise reject it. It is not a treatise on Natural Healing - it is only a beginning in your quest for being in tune with Nature. Your health is in your hands. How far you go from here depends entirely on you. We also encourage you to understand your Personal Constitution (Prakruti) - please refer to "Recommended Reading". An understanding of the Tridoshas will result in perfect "tuning in" to your OWN dietary requirements.
"Sathwic (pure, health promoting) diet does not mean simply the food we take through our mouth but also means the pure air we breathe through our nose, the pure vision we see through our eyes, the pure sounds we hear through our ears and the pure objects we touch through our feet and hands. All that we take in through the doors of our five sense organs may be described as diet. Listening to bad sounds, looking at bad sights, touching bad things do not constitute sathwic diet."
"Motherhood is the most precious gift of God. Mothers are the makers of a nation's fortune or misfortune, for they shape the sinews of its soul. Those sinews are toughened by two lessons they should teach: fear of sin, and fondness for virtue. Both these are based on faith in God being the inner motivator of all. If you want to know how advanced a nation is, study the mothers: are they free from fear and anxiety, are they full of Love towards all, are they trained in fortitude and virtue? If you like to imbibe the glory of a culture, watch the mothers, rocking the cradles, feeding, fostering, teaching, and fondling the babies. As the mother, so the progress of the nation; as the mother, so the sweetness of the culture."
We are aware that many of you who will read this may already be following most of what is given here. However, as healers it helps to have on hand "printed" guidelines which, if you lack time, can be photocopied and passed on.
The sum total of what we do (or fail to do), from the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, day after day, is lifestyle.
If day after day we watch television and read books and magazines that feed our sensuous desires; if we listen to music that only conjures up base emotions; if we use our hands to engage in activity that is anti-peace and anti-God (read that as anti-anyone), if we smell of perfumes created to stir the senses, we can be sure of perpetuating negative samskaras for future lives as well, besides causing several dreadful diseases in the present life-time.
If we fail to do what it is our duty to do according to our station in our life (as wife, mother, husband, father, daughter, son, employee, employer etc.) we are indulging in adharma or "sinful acts".
We begin by listing what needs to be removed from our lifestyle and why, followed by what we must add to our life in order to bring about a qualitative change in our purpose, our perspective, and consequently our wellbeing.
Remove mind polluting books and magazines, T.V., junkie/sensuous music, gossip, criticism, judgement, perfumes, unrighteous or adharmic activities.
Our body and mind is fed not only by what we eat with our mouth but also everything that enters through all our sense organs.
Let us begin with what we "eat" with our eyes! A lot of what we see can be described as "involuntary" i.e. we have no control over it. What we CAN control is the subject of discussion here. It is by choice that we read what we do; it is by choice that we switch on the television; it is by choice that we stop and look at defiling cinema posters.
Baba has renamed television "televisham". "Visham" means poison. Do we really understand what Baba is saying? He is saying TELEVISION IS POISON.
Most people attribute Baba's condemnatioin of the television to the negative impact of the programmes on the mind. This is the truth but only half the truth. What most people are not aware of is that TELEVISION EMITS REAL RADIATION. There is growing evidence that radiation from T.V. can be a cause of epileptic type of convulsions in children, anaemias of various types (leukaemia?), skin problems, behavioural problems in children and what is most alarming - birth defects in children born to mothers having prolonged exposure to radiation from T.V. and computer screens (VDU's).
Television's impact on the mind cannot be overemphasised. ALL generations are victims to this invasion from the skies - but the SWITCH IS IN OUR OWN HANDS. The junk, and we cannot call it anything but that, pollutes our minds, erodes our cultural values and makes us impervious to violence and moral degradation. Violence and immorality have now become accepted norms.
Till about 15 years ago television played a very insignificant part in our lives - if at all it played a part. Interpersonal relationships within families have taken a plunge because no one talks any more - the idiot box is a priority. Our food is eaten in front of the television and conversations revolve around the previous day's serial!
Try removing the poison from your life - unplug it - put it away (or atleast reduce it to news only) - and see the difference.
Now let us talk about books. They can provide the best Satsang (company of the good and holy) and also the worst kind of "bad company" - it all depends on our choice of books and magazines. Those of you who have stopped reading yellow literature, love stories and gossip magazines - please do not keep these storehouses of sensuousness on your bookshelves. Don't give them or sell them to others either - BURN THEM. You will then never be tempted to read a book like that again.
Our senses of hearing, smell, touch and taste, can likewise become gateways for garbage to enter our bodies. Gossip, criticism and sensuous music would obviously not fall into the category of "good food" for the mind and body. Music, it is said, is food for the soul but to achieve this lofty goal, it must be uplifting - raising us to higher levels of consciousness.
Not many people realise just how powerful our sense of smell is. The memory imprint of smells is like a computerised recall and often a passing fragrance will bring a complete flashback of a scene which we never imagined was alive in our memory. It is not possible to control smells and fragrances brought to us by the wind or by other people, but we CAN control the kind of fragrance we ourselves carry around with us. Most perfumes today are made with the sole purpose of arousing the senses. BESIDES - perfumes are known to cause epileptic/epilepsy type seizures in children, asthma attacks, allergic sneezing bouts, headaches, nausea and a host of other symptoms. Would you like to cause these
problems in innocent children you meet everyday?
Touch includes all activities that our hands engage in . Any anti-God activity (read that as anti-ANYONE activity) will take us further from the ideal state of "ease" or health and harmony.
ADD Good uplifting books, and magazines.
Devotiional, classical, enobling music - vocal or instrumental.
Satsang of sages who teach the eternal values of truth, righteousness, peace, love, non-violence, compassion, tolerance, harmony - leading to fostering of brotherhood of man.
Selfless service - Maanava seva is Madhava Seva - resulting in self purification.
Moderate exercise - just one round of Surya Namaskara is a good starting point.
Deep breathing taking care to breathe out deeply as well as breathe in deeply.
Right at the beginning of this note in the section entitled "Introduction", we talked about the poor suffering from the diseases of deprivation and the rich suffering from the diseases of plenty or excess. True harmony will reign in this beautiful world of ours when the "haves" begin to look at the "have nots" as their brothers and sisters. If even ten percent of the rich decided to alter their lifestyles and eating patterns in a way that they did not fall sick, we feel sure that enough resources could be generated to completely eradicate diseases of deprivation in the whole world.
Something to think about!
Each of us can start in our own way - taking care of one or two persons from the underprivileged classes in our very own homes. There need be no hunger, no deprivation, no disease.
We just need to shift our awareness from our own narrow lives and see ourselves as a very small part of the beautiful "whole".
" Practice silence. For the voice of God can be heard in the region of the heart only when the tongue is still....Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker. Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love. Hate screeches, fear squeals, conceit trumpets - but love sings lullabies; it soothes, it applies balm."
"Without giving ear to patent lies born out of malice and greed, I would advise you to form "satsang" where you will meet and exchange truths and virtuous talk; where you will study holy books and discourse on the glory of God. Why waste precious time in scandals about others and criticism of others' behaviour? Cultivating envy, malice, hatred and anger against others is an evil past-time that recoils on oneself. In everyone there is resident the self-same Divine spark; so cavilling at the neighbour is tantamount to cavilling at Divinity."
And - how we harm ourselves by eating them wrongly
There are many arguments about whether man is herbivore (vegetarian), carnivore (meat-eater) or omnivore (one who can eat and digest both). In actual fact, there is mounting evidence to suggest that man was a fruitivore! It is possible to live only on a combination of fruits and nuts and never suffer any malnutrition - in fact we would probably live in the "pink" of health.
However, fruits as they are eaten at present by most of the world, can be positively harmful.
Most people eat fruits :
(a) after food,
(b) combined with milk for dessert,
(c) cooked or stewed or baked.
This is not right.
Fruit must be eaten on an empty stomach.
Fruit must never be combined with milk or grains.
Fruit must be had uncooked.
Why? This becomes clear when we understand how fruit is digested in the body.
After being chewed well in the mouth, fruit enters the stomach for a short period (15 to 20 minutes for most fruits, 1/2 hour for bananas,) and then proceeds to the intestines where it digests itself with its own enzymes. If it is eaten after a meal it sits on top of the food and ferments because it does not get a clear passage to go down to the intestines. Not only is the fruit rendered completely useless -it can become a cause of acidity, indigestion, gas, colic, constipation and other diseases.
For this same reason it must not be combined with any other foods. The other foods need to sit in the stomach for several hours for digestion.
Cooking the fruit destroys its self-digesting enzymes and it becomes a burden for the body.
In fact acidity, colic, indigestion, constipation can all be helped substantially by eating fruits atleast 1/2 hour before food. Chronic sufferers of these problems should abstain from having any cereal, bread, roti or paratha for breakfast - they must have only fresh fruits.
When "dying" of hunger, fruits are your best bet. They provide energy very quickly and efficiently without using up valuable energy reserves of the body (other foods use massive amounts of energy in the process of digestion).
"You sit in Meditation for ten minutes after the evening Bhajan session; so far so good. But, let me ask, when you rise after the ten minutes and move about, do you see everyone in a clearer light as endowed with Divinity? If not, Meditation is a waste of time. Do you love more, do you talk less, do you serve others more earnestly? These are the signs of success in Meditation. Your progress must be authenticated by your character and behaviour. Meditation must transmute your attitude towards beings and things, else it is a hoax. Even a boulder will, through the action of sun and rain, heat and cold, disintigrate into mud and become food for a tree. Even the hardest heart can be softened so that the Divine can sprout therein."
"Worship is not a uniform to be put on and off at stated hours of the day. Render every thought into a flower, worthy to be held in His Fingers; Render every deed into a fruit, full of the sweet juice of Love, fit to be placed in His Hand; render every tear holy and pure, fit to wash His Feet."
This is highly nutritious food at a very low cost. It contains a good amount of protein, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Can be used where famine strikes and whenever there is a problem of anaemia or under-nourishment- whether at home or in the slums.
Ingredients :
Whole wheat 400 gms
Mung lentils. 300 gms
Ground nuts (peanuts) 100 gms
White til (sesame seeds) 100 gms
Gur (jaggery) 200 gms
Cardamom (elaichi) few pods
Dried ginger
Optional - Pure ghee (clarified butter) for roasting wheat
Preparation :
Dry roast whole wheat (or add ghee which increases the nutritive value considerably) adding cardamon. Roast mung, ground nuts (peanuts), til (sesame) and dried ginger - separately.
Dry grind all roasted ingredients when cool. Add jaggery. Makes 12 to 15 servings of very nutritious food. This can be eaten dry or made into a porridge by adding to boiling water.
Alternatives for home use - do not add cardamom and gur (jaggery) to the mixture. Make the ground mixture into a soup adding a seasonal vegetable, sea salt and pepper to taste. Gur to be eaten after the soup as dessert!
This is a soup which tastes so good you don't have to wait to get flu to have it. During flu however it makes the patient feel really refreshed. It is easy to digest and removes kapha (mucous) from the body.
a. Ingredients for the Rasam powder :
Equal quantities (say 1 tablespoon) of each of the following :
Whole black pepper balls,
Whole coriander seeds,
Cummin seeds
Toor daal (arhar)
Preparation of the rasam powder:
Dry roast separately the above ingredients. Dry grind to a slightly rough textured powder. Store in a jar. Will keep for weeks.
b. Ingredients for the rasam (soup)
(To serve 4)
Ball of tamarind the size of a big lemon
1 tablespoon rasam powder (see recipe above)
1/2 tsp. turmeric
Salt to taste
2 pinches of asafoetida
1 tsp. mustasrd seeds
1 tsp. cummin seeds
Small bunch coriander leaves
Few curry leaves
1" piece ginger finely chopped
6 cups of water
1 1/2 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter)
Preparation of the rasam (soup)
Soak tamarind in 1 cup of water. Extract the juice. Add this juice to the remaining water and keep to heat.
Meanwhile add to this, rasam powder, a pinch of asafoetida, turmeric, ginger, salt and half the curry leaves. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow to cook for 20 - 30 minutes (until the raw smell of the rasam powder disappears).
In a small vessel heat the ghee. Add mustard seeds. When they stop spluttering add cummin, 1 pinch asafoetida and remaining curry leaves. Turn off the heat, give the spices 10 seconds to cook in the ghee; then add to the soup. Garnish liberally with fresh green coriander leaves. (Coriander leaves are a good way to pacify Pitta dosha -in this case fever).
May be had as an appetizer or soup or eaten with softly cooked rice. Top the soup/rice mixture with 1/2 tsp ghee (good to remove the heat from the body if there is fever).
Variation when eating for taste :
Add green chillies and 1/2 cup boiled tur (arhar) dal to the the ready soup just before adding the ghee/mustard seed garnishing.
The generation that grew up in the 50's and 60's cannot imagine cooking without tomatoes. Why must we cook without tomatoes? Tomatoes, when cooked, are very acidic. Besides, including tomatoes in the cooked food has done away with the abundantly sensible practice of using tamarind and lemon in our foods.
A lot of the water supply all over India (new regions are being discovered every few months) has too much flouride. Apart from causing the local population to have "blackened" teeth it causes the disease called flourosis which means their bodies and limbs are all twisted out of shape.
Tamarind has the unique quality of binding the excess flouride and removing it from the body. With large-scale conversion of villages from tamarind to tomatoes, flourosis has become a great menace. Tomatoes are not Indian - they were brought to India only 400 years ago by the Portuguese in Goa and other visitors from the North west.
In North Indian cooking, tamarind juice can replace tomatoes in almost all lentils and vegetables. Just add the juice during the cooking process. The juice can be thick and concentrated when cooking vegetables (to prevent over-cooking), so that 1 or 2 tablespoons are adequate to add a touch of sourness. In lentils and beans (including rajma (red kidney beans) and lobiya (black eyed beans/cow peas) the usage can be liberal and diluted. You will know with experience just how much is "tasty" for your family and how much is "too much".
Vegetables can be varied by adding lemon juice after the cooking is over.
Note : Tamarind and Lemon juice are ANTACIDS. Tomatoes are Acidic.
A variety of milks and milk shakes can be made from nuts, seeds and wheat which are nutritious, rich in calcium and protein and - delicious.
Coconut milk - Grate a coconut; add 5 cups of water (this can vary depending on the size of the coconut). Leave for 30 minutes. Blend in a blender. Strain. Add some more water to the pulp; blend again; strain. Add honey to sweeten or a seasonal fruit like mangoes, papaya, chikoos, or even pitted dates (add the fruit after straining, blend again but don't strain). If you are using dried dates, please soak over night and remove the seed before blending.
This milk can be varied by adding sprouted almonds (12 hours soaking time and 24 hours sprouting time), sprouted sesame (til) seeds (same as almonds), sweet melon seeds (with shells on), sprouted or unsprouted sunflower seeds.
You can use any of these seeds together in any combination - not necessarily with coconut milk.
Wheat milk - Wash and soak 1 cup whole wheat for 12 hours. Drain off water - allow to sprout in a closed container for 24 to 36 hours. Add 4 cups water; blend thoroughly. Strain. Sweeten with honey or dates. Vary as for coconut milk but DO NOT ADD FRUITS. (Fruits and grains do not combine well together for digestion - see separate note on "Fruits - the wonder food").
If the person for whom it is intended, has a Vata disorder, please heat the milk lightly adding cardommon and/or saffron.
Note : do not discard the strained out pulp. You can use it as a base to make a very nutritious soup adding vegetables which have been sauteed in a ghee, cummin and ginger base. If you tire of this, use the pulp as a natural fertilizer - add it back to the soil. (Even if you do not have a garden of your own, enrich the Municipality soil - Mother Earth will be most grateful!)
Soya milk - Soak 1 cup soya beans overnight. (If you allow the beans to sprout for another 10 hours, the nutritive value is greatly enhanced. But this is optional). When the beans are ready, put 6 cups of water in a large stainless steel pot to boil and another 2 1/2 cups in a smaller steel vessel to boil. Blend the soaked/sprouted soya beans with 3 cups of cold water. You may have to do this in two rounds if your blender is small.
Add this liquefied mass to the large pot of boiling water. When it comes to the boil again and begins to rise, turn off the heat. Strain through a clean cloth. Add this pulp to the smaller vessel of boiling water and repeat the process of straining. Put both the strained "milks" into one pot and bring to the boil again. Turn the heat to "low" and allow it to boil for 5 - 7 minutes.
It is essential to follow this procedure for soya beans other wise the milk is very difficult to digest.
Note : do not throw away the pulp. Use it as a filling for parathas (add onions and suitable spices to taste).
Add to the pulp 1/2 cup Rejuvelac (see recipe in Wheatgrass section) and/or lemon, sea salt, pepper, (if you do not have Rejuvelac ready add 1/2 cup water with lemon juice added). Blend again. Cover and keep to ferment for 24 hours. You have a reasonable cheese spread to which you can add cucumber pieces or green coriander -mint chutney and sprouts to make delicious sandwiches with whole wheat bread Iced smoothies
Use seasonal fruits like melons, mangoes, chikoos, bananas, apples, pears, oranges/ orange juice, pineapple/pineapple juice, fresh figs, papaya, peaches, grapes in any combination.
Blend together and chill for smoothies and freeze for iced lollies - healthful iced lollies! Add honey if the fruit is not sweet enough (before chilling or freezing).
Kulfi (Indian Ice-cream)
Yes it's possible to make kulfi the healthful way!
Make 2 - 3 cups milk from seeds (of melon, sunflower etc.), almonds, wheat. See method given above. Strain. To the strained milk, you can add roasted peanuts, pistachio nuts, cashew nuts (whichever flavour you fancy!). In a small vessel boil 1 cup of water adding to it crushed cardammom (elaichi) and saffron (kesar). Allow the water to boil down to 1/2 cup. Let cool. Add to above mixture. To this add one cup bread crumbs made from fresh brown bread. Add honey to taste. (If it is a once in a blue-moon indulgence you can use sugar). Blend this whole mixture. Taste it to see that sweet and elaichi flavour are adequate.
Freeze in kulfi cups. (You can use an ice tray too). Once frozen, remove from the container and cut into slices. Splash on rose water or kewra water. Garnish with crushed almonds or pistachios. Delicious!
Note : If you are using seed or nut milk (not wheat milk) - you can combine seasonal fruits to make flavoured ice-cream. In that case, leave out the cardammon, saffron and bread crumbs.
"Let the petty wishes for which you now approach God be realised or not, let the plans for promotion and progress which you place before God, be fulfilled or not; they are not so important after all. The primary aim should be to become Masters of yourselves, to hold intimate and constant communion with the Divine that is in you as well as in the Universe of which you are a part. Welcome disappointments, for they toughen you and test your fortitude."
"In this fast-paced world it is too frequently the case that people accept what society, family members and the authorities, whom no body ever seems to question, believe regarding how to live their lives. And yet, the happiest people I know have been those who have accepted the primary responsibility for their own spiritual and physical well-being - those who have inner strength, courage, determination, common sense, and faith in the process of creating more balanced and satisfying lives for themselves."
- Ann Wigmore
"Be Your own Doctor" by Ann Wigmore is a comprehensive book on the health-giving properties and value of Wheat Grass and we recommend it to all those who are interested in "healing themselves". (See Recommended Reading).
Wheat grass and / or its juice is a specific food which can assist in fighting a whole range of chronic ailments - from simple anaemia to leukamia; from a simple skin rash to skin cancer, from worms to ulcers. It can be chewed slowly or drunk as a juice.
How to grow wheat-grass
1. Soak adequate quantity of unpolished wheat-grain overnight in water in any container (after cleaning and washing it thoroughly).
2. Keep a few pots (preferably 7 to 9 pots- one to be sown each day of the week) ready with ordinary soil. Do not add any chemicals or fertilizers. Cow-dung or goat-dung may be added as manure if needed.
3. Spread the soaked wheat on the surface of the soil so that the grains are touching one another.
4. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the wheat grains .
5. Cover the pot with a newspaper to provide darkness which helps the sprouting and also to prevent the birds from eating the wheat.
6. Keep the pot in a balcony or a windowsill or a covered verandah.
7. Next day uncover the pot and spray on some water and again cover it with the newspaper.
8. Repeat step 7 everyday until you see green leaves sprouting through the soil. Stop covering the pot as soon as the green leaves appear.
9. Everyday water the pot lightly but adequately depending upon the season and also depending upon the pots used - whether they have holes or not. Beautiful green blades of grass keep growing in height everyday.
10. As soon as the grass is about 8 inches tall ( which usually happens around the 7th to the 9th day from the date of sowing) harvest the grass by cutting with a clean pair of scissors about 1/2" above the surface of the soil.
11. The harvested wheat grass is now ready to be chewed or juiced or stored.
12. A second round of wheat grass will again grow in about 6 to 7 days with daily watering as before.
13. After the second harvest from the same pot, remove all the soil in the pot onto a newspaper- breakup all the roots and mix them with the soil. Add a bit of cowdung to this to rejuvenate the soil.
14. The soil is now ready for reuse for a fresh sowing of wheat.
Choice of pots
Clay pots with or without holes can be used. However we find plastic basins of about 6 to 8 inches diameter and about 3 inches deep ideal. These can be filled upto 2 1/2 inches with soil. Also trays made from wood or plastic or steel may be used.
How much wheat to sow everday?
For a family of 4 healthy persons, about 100 grams can be sown every day in a new pot or basin so that a continous supply is available. 7 to 9 pots would ensure a fresh harvest every day of the week.
For a person who is sick the amount of wheat required to be sown everyday is about 50 to 100 grams. Again 7 to 9 pots growing at any given time would ensure one pot maturing for cutting everyday (since it takes about 7 to 9 days to get the harvest).
How to store wheat grass
The wheat grass can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container or a good quality cellophane bag for about 3 days. but the juice must be drunk as soon as juiced orwithin1/2 hour of juicing.
How to juice wheat grass
Please do not use electric blenders for juicing as the rapid blade movement causes oxidation of the chlorophyll and renders it useless.
A manual mince maker maybe used or you can use any stone crushing method available in the home for making chutneys.
Add a little water while grinding or pounding- strain the juice through a clean cloth into a cup or a glass. Grind again adding water - repeat this process until the remaining grass is almost white. Do not throw the leftover grass. Put it in your plants as manure.
How to use wheat grass
1. For a healthy person - a good mouthful (fairly well stuffed) and more if you wish, should be taken early morning and chewed until the remaining cud in the mouth is almost white. This can be eaten or thrown out. (Constipated people are advised to eat the cud as it provides roughage for a better bowel movement).
If being taken in juice form, a healthy person can take 1/4 to 1/3 of a glass everyday. but remember that the juice must be drunk immediately on juicing.
2. For a sick person - 1/4 to 1/2 glass of wheat grass juice is required to start with. If possible this should be spread over 2 to 3 times during the day - the important thing of course being to drink the juice soon after juicing.
The quantity should be gradually increased to about 8 ounces a day (approx one glass full).
3. Wheat can be crushed thoroughly and applied externally on Cancers and Ulcers as a poultice.
4. Wheat grass juice can be used as a rectal implant for cleansing and rejuvenating. Use an enema syringe to implant the juice in the rectum. Try and retain it for 20 minutes.
5. Wheat grass juice is also effective as an eye-bath (using an eye-cup).
How does wheat grass help our system:
Wheat Grass is almost like a blood transfusion. It is a wonderful cleanser and rejuvenator which means it helps your body to throw out toxins that have built up over the years and helps it replace old dead cells with new cells. These are the two essential factors that cause disease in our bodies and which wheat grass sets right.
In chronic ailments including cancer, there may be an attempt by the body to throw out accumulated toxins which could result in diarrhoea or vomiting. Both these conditions are to be WELCOMED. If this does happen, cut down on the quantity of wheat grass juice being consumed to half and use it diluted. Gradually begin to increase the quantity as the body begins to handle the removal of toxins in a more gentle way.
Wheat grass seva can become an important part of all our lives. Let us grow wheat grass in abundance and make it available to chronically sick patients especially those suffering from cancer, AIDS., asthma and kidney failure.
What is Rejuvelac?
Rejuvelac is a tonic drink made from wheat. It is rich in enzymes and many nutrients.
Who can have Rejuvelac?
The healthy and the sick, children and adults can have it. Diabetics can have small quantities in diluted form.
How do we make Rejuvelac?
Rejuvelac is made at home from unpolished wheat.
1. Wash one cup of wheat thoroughly.
2. Soak in 5 cups of water.
3. Leave for 48 hours.
4. After 48 hours drain off the liquid into another container.
5. To this liquid add 2-3 teaspoons of honey.
6. Store in the refrigerator.
7. When serving add a dash of lemon juice.
8. Add 5 cups of water to the wheat remaining in the first container.
9. Leave only for 24 hours this time.
10. Repeat steps 4 to 7.
11. Add 5 cups of water to the wheat remaining in the first container.
12. Leave for 24 hours.
13. Drain the liquid into another container as before, adding honey. Store and serve as before.
14. The wheat remaining now must be discarded - it can provide very good manure for your soil.
Note : At first you might feel that there is a "bad" smell, but when you add lemon juice it goes away and you also get used to some of it. The nutrition it provides is worth the initial hesitation you might have in drinking it.
Rejuvelac is an excellent tonic for the entire system. It particularly benefits the intestines and the colon. It is rich in natural enzymes and goes a long way in replacing the flora and fauna of the intestines which have been lost due to the consumption of antibiotics. Antibiotics do not have an "intelligence" that discriminates between the "unfriendly bacteria" and the "friendly bacteria" which are necessary for our very survival.
A word of caution : If you are suffering from a severe Vata imbalance (Vayu Vikara), this drink may not suit you. Please try it for a few days and use your judgement about its suitability for you.
Wishing you joy in your seva and spiritual rejuvenation.
Please note : What has been given in the section Guidelines on Diet & Lifestyle is A VIEW POINT. Please accept it only if it appeals to your common sense - otherwise reject it. It is not a treatise on Natural Healing - it is only a beginning in your quest for being in tune with Nature. Your health is in your hands. How far you go from here depends entirely on you. We also encourage you to understand your Personal Constitution (Prakruti) - please refer to "Recommended Reading". An understanding of the Tridoshas will result in perfect "tuning in" to your OWN dietary requirements.
"We require no one else to make us happy for we are happiness itself. The first sign that you are becoming religious is that you are becoming cheerful. When a man is gloomy that may be dyspepsia (indigestion) but it is not religion."
"However high a bird may soar, it has sooner or later to perch on a tree top, to enjoy quiet. So too a day will come when even the most haughty, the most willful, the most unbelieving, even those who assert that there is no joy or peace in the contemplation of the Highest Self, will have to pray: "God grant me peace, grant me consolation, strength and joy."
¿Cuál de estas 16 personalidades es la tuya? ¡Descubre quién eres realmente!
There is much suffering in the world today. The "standard of living" is rising everywhere, but the "standard of health" is at its lowest! Pay a casual visit to any hospital anywhere in the world and you will see what man's "standards" have come to.
Natural calamities apart, most of today's suffering is man-made.
The poor suffer from diseases of "deprivation". These include malnutrition (including beri beri, scurvy and extreme situations like marasmus, as in Ethiopia), blindness, and diseases caused by unsanitary living conditions like dysentry, cholera, typhoid, malaria and jaundice.
The rich, on the other hand, suffer from diseases of "plenty" or "excess". These include diabetes, rheumatism and arthritis, high blood pressure, heart trouble (cholestrol), kidney failure, asthma, osteoporosis, depression, skin problems, Parkinsons disease, prostate problems, cancer, acidity and ulcers, colitis, spondylitis, thyroid problems, migraine, obesity and its associated problems, multiple sclerosis, haemmerhoids (piles), sinusitis, septicaemia - the list is endless.
There used to be a system, we believe, in ancient China, where the family doctor was paid at the end of the month - but only if no one in the family had fallen ill during the month. If someone fell ill, it was the doctor's duty to get him well AND the doctor was NOT paid for that month. Why? Because he had not done his job properly! It was the doctor's job to practise "preventive" health care - to guide the family's food and living habits in a manner conducive to maintaining good physical and mental health. In other words, the doctor had a vested interest in your NOT FALLING SICK.
Today, we have reversed the process. We go to the doctor and PAY him when we are SICK. Let us be honest - the medical profession is not responsible for this - WE are, and only WE can change this.
When the words "health care" are used, we are programmed to think of vaccinations, innoculations, medical check ups, pap smear tests, biopsies, prostate tests, urine tests, blood tests, CT scans, Ultra sound scans, MRI's etc. - in fact the list is endless and the more it costs us to get these tests done, the more we feel satisfied that a "lot" is being done by us for our health! Not withstanding all this, nations are getting more sick by the day.
While all governments all over the world have "health" ministries, "health" services, "health" insurance - health is quite conspicuous by its absence! What we have in fact are "disease" ministries, "disease" services, "disease" insurance and so on. Hundreds of billions of dollars are spent on "health care" annually, most conspicuously by countries who are at the forefront of medical technology. Yet - ill-health, not health, is the order of the day.
Why? Because, dear brothers and sisters, health cannot be "bought" in a pharmacy. It doesn't "cost" money - it only demands an uncompromising quest for wellness. The pathway of peaceful and harmonious co-existence with Mother Nature and all her creatures is the ONLY way to wellness.
Is it not ironical - we first spend money to acquire ill-health (through indiscriminate overindulgence) and then we spend more money and vast amounts of national and personal resources trying to regain our health?
Mind you, while we are visiting doctors and hospitals we continue to guzzle vast quantities of wrong foods and live lifestyles of indulgence and indolence, all of which only adds to our woes.
Disease has overtaken us completely and we are all looking for quick-fix solutions.
Let us take an example - I have a headache. What is my response? I pop a pain-killer into my mouth. The pain goes away - for the moment. A few hours, a few days, a few weeks later it returns. I pop some more pills into my mouth. At each recurrence, the pain gets worse, the frequency is greater and the duration is longer. Soon I have to increase the number of pills I take because the pain is no longer "responding".
This goes on getting worse until I am a full blown case of "migraine" operating at an efficiency level which is only a fraction of what God intended for me. Worse still, I will develop hyperacidity (which is a side effect of pain killers) and maybe a full blown ulcer. For this I will in turn start taking antacids which over a period of time will destroy my liver. The kidneys will be next in line - all quick-fix "solutions" have a domino effect until all our vital functions are destroyed.
Meanwhile, I will go on stuffing myself with some or all of the following disease producing "foods".
1. Undigestible foods which act as slow poisons for our body e.g.. milk, refined oils etc.
2. Foods of himsa or violence (non-veg.foods), which convert our bodies into putrefying burial grounds.
3. Carcinogenic (cancer causing), nerve-destroying additives like artificial colours, preservatives, flavours, MSG., all found in most packaged foods and drinks.
4. Caustic soda, formaline, urea, Oxytocin - (a female hormone) all in milk.
5. Irradiated foods, Microwaved foods - the disastrous effects of which are only now being understood.
Let us go back to the example of a headache given above. Pain is NOT a disease. It is the body's way of telling me that a problem AT A DEEPER LEVEL exists.
What does the body expect me to do?
The body expects me to respond in a more intelligent and responsible manner. The easiest and the best thing to do under the circumstances would be to abstain from normal food - just stay with diluted fresh fruit juice or fruit or a clear soup or best of all, just fast with lemon water and honey. Responding in this way opens up a communication channel between me and my body. Within a few hours I will know what the problem is. Most likely it is constipation or a sluggish liver.
Digesting what we eat takes up more "energy" than any other activity. When there is a headache, refraining from eating or eating only fruits (which digest themselves), is the kindest thing I can do for my body. Elimination of waste matter from the body is vastly more important than eating. This function too needs "energy" The body would be most grateful if it could use its available resources of energy to get rid of the "garbage", which, to put it mildly, is raising a "stink" inside me. That stink is the "headache".
Let us say the headache was not due to constipation but was in fact due to clogged up sinuses (there are nine sinuses behind and around each eye). My response of "fasting" would still be the best response - clogged sinuses are "garbage dumps". When there is excessive mucous being produced by the body (milk and milk products are the main culprits), the body pours the mucous into the sinuses to get it out of the way, so that normal body functions can carry on. Sinuses are empty air pockets - the body's built-in garbage bags - and the body intelligence uses them as such. When they are close to filling up, the resulting build-up of pressure in the forehead area results in the headache.
When I respond by fasting, the body takes advantage of the energy bonus to throw out the mucous. I might get severe cold symptoms with a heavy discharge from the nose. The headache backs off immediately. Being aware that it is better to have the garbage outside me than inside me - I am happy with my "cold". I continue to either fast with lemon water and honey, or I eat only fruits, boost my immune system with the Sanjeevinis, and if possible take a day off from heavy routine.
Once the garbage has been eliminated, I will be "in tune" with ME, with my inner Shakthi, and my instincts will begin to tell me what to eat.
Negative emotions like resentment, jealousy and anger set off chemical reactions within us which cause us to self destruct. There are latent tendencies in all of us towards certain diseases, handed down through heredity. Our negative emotions trigger off storms within us which wake up these latent tendencies and cause disease.
What is disease but dis-ease?
Our desires are like a fire - the more we feed them the more brightly they burn. Since desires cannot always be fulfilled, frustration, anger and resentment set in.
Disease is Mother Nature's response to our indulgence and our unmitigated efforts to self-destruct through over-indulgence. Disease is Nature's way of slowing us down. In Her compassion she warns us first with minor ailments that we are headed towards a precipice. When we stubbornly refuse to listen She limits us with severe illnesses.
Health, on the other hand, is a joyous journey back to harmony. Desires, material possessions, sense gratification are viewed in their proper perspective. Love, faith, compassion, sharing and caring take the place of the negative emotions. This puts us in touch with our Inner Guide. If we are listening, if we tune in, the Inner Guide never fails to guide us.
In the Sanathana (timeless - natural) way of healing (in this we include Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Yoga, Acupuncture, Acupressure, Reflexology, Homoeopathy, Radionics, Vibro-healing, Spiritual healing and all systems where the patient is treated holistically i.e. he is looked upon as being made up of body, mind and spirit and treatment is at all three levels), we awaken the body's own healing power - THAT Cosmic Energy which when balanced, sets right all disorders at all levels of existence. This healing power is known by various names - in Yoga we call it Prana; in Acupuncture it is known as Chi; in Homoeopathy and other natural systems it is known as the Vital Force.
Therefore, in Sanathana health care we would work towards keeping THAT healing power ALIVE, AWAKE AND ACTIVE.
Our food habits are guided by :
1. Our sense of taste
2. Conditioning through advertisements (remember, a lot of the knowledge that is acquired by the medical profession is also through advertising. This could be directly from the television or worse, in an indirect but more insidious way by vested interests who periodically come up with "studies" which are aimed at showing that "their product" is good for health). The medical profession becomes an unwitting pawn in the hands of commercial interests.
3. Conditioning through social interaction. This also includes the conditioning we receive throughout our childhood.
Many eastern nations are known for their hospitality. In India we have a saying - "atithi devo bhava". (The unexpected visitor is God). We go all out to treat the visitor like "God". We lay out the delicacies before Him which, when chemically translated, are disease causing indigestible toxins. (Please refer to the relevant section on different "foods" to understand this).
There is a general lack of awareness about the harmful effects of such foods - but what is most disturbing and unfortunate is that even those who are aware continue to serve these indigestible foods. The excuse is that it is the done thing, that the visitor would take offence if he was not given a bottled drink to quench his thirst and sugared sweets made from milk to please his palate.
It is precisely this kind of conditioning and peer pressure that we have to rise above.
Our sense of taste was provided by God to be used as a tool to verify that only wholesome, balanced food is ingested by us. But due to our senses having taken control of us, all balance has been lost. We are now slaves to our 5 senses and our tongue has lost the discrimination - that instinct - to eat only what is good for us.
In the wild, animals don't have doctors - their instinct tells them how to revert to a state of health when disease strikes. We too have the same instinct, hidden in the sense of taste, to revert to good health. Given half a chance, the body will know how to heal itself.
When we are not in harmony with nature, when we are violating God's bounty at every step, when our planet, mother earth, the animals, the underprivileged, are all crying out at the abuse heaped on them by us for our own selfish ends - our instincts become numbed and slowly die.
We will have to rise above the conditioning we are constantly being bombarded with, through the media and through social and peer pressure. We will have to return to nature and to harmony - harmony with our surroundings and with ourselves. Slowly but surely, our instincts will begin to re-awaken and guide us to a state of vibrant health.
We can regain our health and vitality by following the Pathway to Harmony.
The only lasting way to return to good health (it is possible!), is through acute awareness of what is causing dis-ease in our lives. An honest self-examination is called for and with courage and determination we must embark on a programme of change. What do we change?
1. Remove all that is wrong and dis-ease promoting from our Diet and Lifestyle.
2. Add all that is good and health promoting to our Diet and Lifestyle.
"A strong will is the best tonic. The will becomes strong when you know that you are a child of Immortality or a person who has earned the Grace of the Lord. Medicine and hospitalisation are for those who doubt and hesitate and argue about this doctor being more efficient than the other and this drug being more powerful than the rest. For those who rely on the Supreme Doctor, His Name is the drug that cures."
We begin by giving you a list of what to remove from the diet followed by a brief write-up on the reasons. This is a brief note on diet - not a treatise. What is given here is generally applicable. Whilst what is positively good for each person may differ, what is harmful for almost each one of us is being listed here with very brief reasons.
* Meats, chicken, fish, eggs (all non-veg.)
* Refined sugar, sweets, chocolates, bottled drinks, aerated
* waters, packet juices.
* Packaged foods like chips, soups, cornflakes, sauces.
* Milk, processed cheese, icecreams, mithais (Indian sweets),
* desserts, puddings.
* Refined foods including refined oil, refined salt,white flour(maida),polished white rice.
* Cooked tomatoes.
* Alcohol, smoking, tobacco products, drugs.
* Usage of medicinal drugs - give the body a chance to heal itself.
* This food putrifies within a few hours and since we are by nature not equipped to pass out excreta in less than 24 hours, the putrefaction takes place within us. We are carrying around decaying corpses within us (we cannot be more graphic) and the delicate lining of the intestines and the colon absorb the resulting toxins. This is the reason that countries where meat is consumed in large quantities have the highest rates of colon cancer.
* If we wish to live long and be strong and hardworking let's learn from nature. The elephant, the bull, the horse (we measure power as horse power) are all vegetarians. The elephant lives 100 years and more. The lion and all other carnivores on the other hand live only 15 years. The lion is vicious and violent and works hard only to kill for food. The rest of the time it spends sleeping (20 hours per day).
When Shaw turned vegetarian at 25, his doctors warned that his diet would kill him. When an old man, he was asked why he didn't go back and show them what good it had done him. He replied, "I would, but they all passed away years ago".
* Our stomach has to produce a lot more acid to digest these foods. They themselves are very acidic (producing large quantities of uric acid), so anyone suffering from ulcers, arthritis, psoriasis and other skin problems, renal failure, you often don't have to look far for the cause.
* The adrenal glands or stress glands become very active in the animal during captivityand during the butchering process. The adrenal so produced is recycled to humans
* thus causing unnecessary panic, stress and fears (many present day psychiatric problems may be attributed to this).
* Further , the animals are fed all sorts of hormones and drugs to fatten them up - these are also recycled to humans and result in severe hormonal disturbances in men and women. Antibiotics are a routine part of their diet. Ingesting these will make us immune to their action should we ever need to use them.
* Besides, it makes no sense from the economics and world food shortage point of view. It takes anywhere between 12 to 20 pounds of vegetable products (as animal feed) to produce one pound of meat (enough only to feed 2 humans).
The water resources on our planet are running out. It takes 60 litres of water to grow 1 kilo of wheat, 200 litres to grow I kilo of green beans, 3000 litres to produce 1 kilo of eggs, 8200 litres to produce 1 kilo of chicken 16400 litres to produce 1 kilo of pork and 50,000 litres to produce 1 kilo of beef (Source : Higher Taste - see"Recommended Reading").
The Ogalala Water Resource in North America, probably the world's largest underground reservoir of water, was a gift to mankind from the Ice Ages. In a few years it will be completely dry. The rain forests of Africa and South America have been "cleared" to make place for growing grain for cattle for producing hamburgers for the meat eating population of the world.
We did not inherit this planet from our forefathers -WE HAVE BORROWED IT FROM OUR FUTURE GENERATIONS! Remember, everytime you eat meat, you are permanently destroying this planet.
It is indeed horrifying that thousands of gallons of blood and other waste matter from abattoirs are being poured EVERY DAY into rivers all over India.
Could this be one reason for the high incidence of gall stones in young people in India today?
Morally and spiritually, how can we justify killing another animal to satisfy our tongue. There is only one God. He created the animal too and it is to Him that we pray for compassion when we are sick or in trouble. How can we possibly expect compassion from Him when we so ruthlessly and needlessly kill and harm HIS Creation. Think about it!
"We pray on Sundays that we may have light
To guide our footsteps on the path we tread.
We are sick of war, we don't want to fight,
And yet we gorge ourselves upon the dead"
- George Bernard Shaw
- As for eggs - they rot as fast as meat and fish. Eggs provide the largest quantity of cholestrol. Besides, the unfertilized eggs are virtual chemical factories. The hens are kept in the most shocking conditions - never allowed to roam free in the sun, always sitting in one position to produce "assembly line" eggs. They are fed hormones (for better produce) and artificial yellow colour (which is one of the worst offenders in children's behavioural disorders) to make the eggs look more appetising. Unfertilized eggs are nothing but the waste matter of the hen.
That eggs are "nuggets of concentrated nutrition" is a myth that we have swallowed for too long. One egg contains almost zero iron, 1200 IU of Vitamin A, a large quantity of Vitamin D and is loaded with Cholestrol! Compare that to 6000 IU of Vitamin A in a small bunch of drumstick leaves and 10,000 IU in an even smaller bunch of coriander leaves. Both these are also very rich sources of iron (as are all green leafy vegetables). Vitamin D is available from the sun - it is formed directly on the skin by the action of the sun. AND vegetable products do not contain any cholestrol!
Most worms, ulcer, arthritis, eczema, asthma, psychiatric, heart, blood pressure, cancer, and kidney cases respond quite dramatically when all non-vegetarian foods are eliminated from the diet.
All these items have zero nutritional value. They are "empty calories" which the body must up. The so-called "juices" and "fresh juices" in packets are made from concentrate and/or pure chemicals - they contain water, sugar, artificial flavour citric acid, preservative and ZERO NUTRITION.
The level of awareness however, is so low - even in professional circles - that this kind juice is being administered as food to seriously ill patients in "modern" hospitals.
Sugar is ACID. It wears down our tissues and leaves us open to all sorts of scourges. The process of refining requires several corroding chemicals to be added to the sugar. The number of diseases which are caused/aggravated by sugar would fill a book. (In fact there is an excellent book on the subject - Sugar Blues). We will list only a few of the common ones - all behavioural problems in children (hyperactivity, tantrums, poor concentration, lagging behind in studies, lack of interest in studies , insomnia, frequent mood changes), ulcers, skin problems, arthritis, kidney problems.
Sugar unbalances us and can cause brainstorms . People suffering from psychiatric disorders, depression, phobias, fears, paranoia, compulsive behaviour and epilepsy must omit refined sugar and other products containing sugar from their diet.
We have seen many people refrain from adding sugar to their tea (and of course it's an achievement), but they undo the whole thing in the next instant by eating sweets and chocolates, gulping down colas and other bottled "soft" drinks. An eight ounce "soft" drink contains 8 teaspoons of sugar; one square inch of chocolate can containupto 20 teaspoons of sugar. A "soft" drink is anything but soft on your system. Besides sugar it contains phosphoric acid which is corrosive and prevents calcium from being utilized in the body. It makes mush out of children's teeth and can actually retard their physical and mental growth. Drinks containing caffiene (all colas) are addictive and can ruin our kidneys. Those drinks that are labelled "Diet ..." and contain no sugar, add other sweeteners which are so dangerous that they require a statutory warning in some countries (like cigarettes).
We have seen children being asked to leave schools because the school can no longer cope with them. Some schools label them retarded" which indeed they are well on the way to becoming. The irony is it's usually what the parent is feeding the child !
We earnestly appeal to parents and teachers not to give a chocolate or other junk food to a child as reward for being good. That's a contradiction. You cannot reward a child for being good with a substance that will prove harmful for him or her.
Beware of additives in these commercial goods. Most additives are well known carcinogens (cancer promoting). Nutritionally, these packaged "goodies" cannot be classified as "food" by any stretch of imagination. MSG (monosodium glutamate or ajinomoto), which is added to most of these foods is responsible for nerve impairment and can and does retard mental growth of children. It is responsible for hyperactivity, loss of concentration, headaches and neck pains.
Contrary to popular belief, cornflakes are not as nutritious as they are made out to be. They contain 80% sugar and refined flour (nutritionally zero) and the remaining 20% are chemicals with fancy names. "Vitamins added" is another gimmick in actual fact these are in a form which is impossible for our bodies to assimilate and end up being treated as toxins by our system which of course means that our liver and kidneys take a beating.
We have seen perfectly good and healthy children deteriorate into sleepless demons who cannot be managed - at home or school. The trauma these children and parents suffer must be seen to be believed. But the truth is - it is of their own making. These are "junkies" of the 90's - living on junk food.
Although awareness in the West is growing, in India and other third world countries it is not yet understood what a damaging "food" milk is. We give below some reasons for not drinking milk. We do recommend that you further educate yourself by reading books on the subject (refer to Appendix - "Recommended Reading").
Let us look at it using our common sense - is there any other animal in nature that drinks another animal's milk after it has been weaned away from the mother's milk? Even a calf, once weaned will not drink cow's milk - so why do humans? Domestic pets (dogs and cats) drink milk because we have corrupted them into doing this.
The calcium in milk is bound up in casein. Casein and lactose are broken down in our body by rennin and lactase respectively. Both these enzymes are all but missing from the human body by the age of 3 - in many cases even earlier. (There is 300 times more casein in cow's milk than in human milk). Casein, incidentally, is the substance from which wood glue (Fevicol!) is made ! This gluey substance in milk remains undigested in our body where it sticks to the mucous membrane of the intestines. The intestines react by secreting more mucous to wash it off. Soon it begins to degenerate and putrify due to the bacteria feeding on it. This putrid matter is then pushed around in the body - never able to leave and causing more and more mucous to be produced which the body endeavours to throw out through its orifices. If you suffer from tonsilitis, bronchitis, sinusitis, ear infections, asthma, discharging eyes, vaginal discharges, amoebiasis, migraine, colitis STOP THE MILK.
The calcium in the milk is in fact a red herring - we go after it and acquire all sorts of diseases. The truth is - the more milk we drink, the more we are likely to suffer from calcium deficiency ! The high phosphorus content in milk upsets the delicate balance which the blood maintains betweeen phosphorus and calcium. Due to the high phosphorus content, the blood is forced to DRAW calcium from healthy bones and teeth - so drinking milk can actually cause osteoporosis (brittle bones) and can cause teeth to decay. Which are the countries with maximum osteoporosis? The milk guzzling countries - Sweden, USA, Finland and UK have the highest rates of osteoporosis.
The excess calcium so carried by the blood is then deposited in soft tissues causing tumours, cataracts, kidney and gall stones, spurs and bony growths, spondylitis, sciatica, thyroid problems, prostate problems, atherosclerosis (deposits in arteries) many more diseases.
What is the first thing the body does when the milk is ingested ?
The body produces acidic enzymes in order to curdle the milk so that it can stay longer in the stomach for digestion.
So how do we (please let's use common sense here) expect ulcer patients to get well with milk when its direct action is to instantly produce more acid in the body? And of course you must have heard that "cold milk" must be taken. Why? Why cold milk? Why not hot milk? Again let's use our common sense - because it is the "cold" that is working to give you temporary relief - not the milk. Cold water would be a better bet.
The things that you are told not to have are sour things. In fact lemon water and tamarind water are both powerful antacids. (This may sound peculiar when doctors keep telling us that these two items are acidic). What we view under the "microscope" in the laboratory is not necessarily how the inside of our body views it.
Inside the body both these remove acid. Take a cue from our traditional eating patterns - our chutneys, chaats, sambars, rasams - which are "hot and spicy" - always use tamarind in the recipes to antidote the ulcer causing chillies.
Another thing that antidotes the chillies is pure desi ghee (clarified butter). Again let us take a cue from our South Indian food - Every serving of rice is liberally "garnished" with desi ghee to antidote the chillies in the "hot" sambars and rasams. People with operable peptic and duodenal ulcers have been saved from the surgeon's knife by simply changing these two things :
1. giving up all non-vegetarian foods, eggs and dairy products EXCEPT ghee (cooking everything in ghee - no oil) butter and homemade yoghurt (curds).
2. introducing fresh lemon and water into their early morning regimen on waking (honey may be added but no salt or sugar).
Try it - don't take our word for it ! Within 10-15 days you will see the difference if not sooner. You may get what looks like an aggravation of cold symptoms for a few days, but that will pass - it's nothing but the body cashing in on the unexpected break to throw out accumulated garbage. Joints may also pain as the uric acid begins to come away from the joints. In a month you will fee like a new person.
There may be weight loss. This causes a lot of people to panic that they are getting "weak" Unfortunately, in India people associate "health" with being fat. Again, the awareness level is so low - very few in the medical world pay any attention to educating their patients that "fat" is not healthy. Many people are aware that at the age of 40 being overweight is not good - but few are able to comprehend that the foundation of "fat" is laid in childhood - that the foundation of all diseases starts with wrong eating patterns acquired through childhood conditioning.
It is naive and ridiculous for parents, grandparents & "well wishers" to respond to this information with the statement : "But the children must "enjoy" their childhood." Yes - enjoy their childhood visiting doctors every month, guzzling antibiotics & suffer their adult-hood with high blood pressure, diabetes, kidney disorders, heart trouble, arthritis, cancer or worse!
Rennin and lactase were being produced in our bodies not long ago. Why has the human body stopped producing these two enzymes now? Why is milk consumption proving to be disastrous for mankind?
Consider this:
We call the cow "mother cow" because like the mother she gives her milk to us. In fact she is more than mother because she feeds us at the cost of her own babies.
How have we treated this mother?
Go to any modern dairy and see how the cow is treated. Over fattened with drugs, this gentle herbivore is fed chicken bones in its feed. She is not gently milked by a loving cowherd - instead her udder is hooked to a machine. She stands long hours parting with milk in this crude way all the year round. Her milk is produced at the behest of hormones.
In India, this great land of ahimsa, the conditions are even more shocking! "Oxytocin" is a hormone which is meant to be used by obstetricians during childbirth in women where the contractions of the uterus are insufficient. Oxytocin produces contractions in the uterus.
Indian milkmen inject the cows and buffalos with oxytocin TWICE a day - causing "labour pains" in the animal TWICE A DAY. They do this because this causes the milk to flow faster. Oxytocin is a "banned" drug worldwide for animals, but is available at a throw-away cost in India and almost every milkman uses it. Besides the fact that this hormone causes several disorders in humans when they drink this milk, it causes acute torture to the animal.
As if this is not enough, Indian milkmen push an iron rod into the uterus of the cow and crudely shake it about to cause pain, which they believe will make the milk flow faster. Dear sisters, can you imagine what this must feel like? What kind of milk do you think a cow that goes through this kind of torture, will "gift" us? Nutritious? Imagine you are that cow. What kind of sentiments would you have towards man? Would you bless man that he thrives on the milk or would you "CURSE" him that he suffers? As we sow so shall we reap. Perhaps we are suffering from the collective curse of the cows of the world!
Please read Maneka Gandhi's "Heads and Tails". It chronicles horror stories about the cattle pounds (where stray cattle are kept), about what happens to male calfs when they are born (they are starved to death) about thousands of healthy buffalos and cows being killed every year in Bombay ALONE due to mistaken economic reasons. You will then understand why milk is causing so many diseases!
When the word "refined" is used, it usually means that the natural state of the product as provided by Nature, has been tampered with by removing the nutrients and adding several chemicals which will ensure longer shelf life for the product.
The product "looks" better, it probably even "tastes" better BUT is it "good" for our health?
(a) refined oil - do you know that a law exists in America against the advertising of refined oil as "better for health". Why? Because studies have shown beyond doubt that the chemicals added to the oil during refining are producing cancer and that refined oil is NOT in any way better than butter and ghee in preventing heart disease.In India our media blares out advertisements declaring refined oil to be better. The conditioning has become so strong that even the medical profession has been taken for a ride and you now find doctors passing on the information provided in the advertisements, to their hapless patients. Unrefined oil is a much better bet - different geographic regions have their own typical oils - mustard oil, coconut oil, sesame (til) oil, olive oil etc.
(b) refined salt - sea salt and rock salt were provided by nature and that is the way they must be had. India fought and won the battle of independence over "salt"- do we have to fight another battle over it - a battle of disease? Under the pretext of adding "iodine" to salt, which God has provided in its most natural and subtle way in the sea salt, commerce has snatched the right from the common man of having salt as God intended him to. Is it not a shame that we now find it almost impossible to find natural sea salt?"Scientists" (who are funded by commerce!) have convinced our government that thyroid problems are a result of a lack of iodine. But, did we ever see so many thyroid cases as we do now? Ask all these thyroid patients which salt they have been using and the answer will almost always be "refined salt". Iodine is a deadly chemical. How on earth can it be added across the board to allsalt? Some people eat less salt, while others consume a larger quantity. Indian pickles, for example, are loaded with it. Surely, if it is an essential "chemical", it must be provided in a controlled way!
No, brothers and sisters, because that would not suit commercial interests - what would they then package, advertise and sell at an exorbitant price? In European countries people have the right to choose - natural sea weed, sea salt or refined salt. In India, the Government has assumed the right to choose for all of us!
Refined salt is ACID. The body which has an intelligence of its own, retains water to neutralise this acid. The water retention causes your tissues to become clogged (not unlike slushy slums in the rains) which in turn causes capillaries and arteries and veins to get choked causing pressure to build up in these channels - leading to high blood pressure. Add to this the residue left behind by the undigested casein from milk, cholestrol from meat, eggs and cheese (which is carried by the blood and deposited at random in the arteries) and you have a perfect case for by-pass surgery or stroke.
High blood pressure patients are given di-uretics - drugs that encourage the water to leave the body. Unfortunately, the acid is left behind! That is the reason that those high B.P. patients who are on di-uretics, invariably get severe skin irritation. This is the acid trying to excrete itself through the skin. Many high BP patients also end up damaging the Kidneys with this acid.
(c) refined flour (maida) - Wheat is a wonderful food, very nutritious and wholesome.
When it is "refined" all the goodness is removed - the "germ", and the "fibre" have been stripped from it so that it can last longer on the supermarket shelf. Buying flour with "vitamins" and "amino acids" added is no use because these are not natural and cannot be absorbed by our body. Stay with the whole-wheat. In India there are flour mills (using stone crushing method), where unpolished whole wheat is available and the mills grind it into flour in your presence.
Do not fall into the trap of buying "brown" bread - it is usually only colour added.
What you want to buy is "whole-wheat" bread. Request your local bakery to make your bread with whole wheat flour, without preservatives, eggs, colour, milk. The bakery usually requires an order of about 10 loaves which 2 or 3 families can order together and share (until the entire neighbourhood switches to the healthy bread!)
Note : there are many people who are allergic to wheat and others who convert every grain of wheat they eat into mucous which causes several disorders like chronic sinusitis, pus in the ears (leading to Meniere's disease and Tinnitus), bronchitis etc.
(d) white polished rice (all varieties of it) - As in the case of flour, in white rice too the goodness has been removed. What we should eat is par-boiled rice (known as Sela rice in North India). This rice has been boiled while still in its husk so that all the goodness has seeped into the grain. After this process the rice is dehusked.
Brown, unpolished rice is nutritionally very sound but the vast majority of people find it very difficult to digest it. Use it only if you can digest it.
Tomatoes, when cooked, turn very acidic. Since it is our endeavour to remove "acid-causing" foods from our diet (a number of diseases have their root in acid or are made worse by acidic foods) it makes sense to use tomatoes, if we have to, only in their uncooked, but ripe, form.
Besides, they have entered into our diet very recently (a couple of hundred years ago in India) and replaced tamarind. Tamarind has a very unique quality of binding Flouride and removing it from our body thus preventing flourosis in populations which receive drinking water which is high in flouride content.
A number of villages in Andhra Pradesh have very high rates of flourosis. The reason is these villages have en masse switched over to tomatoes and discontinued the usage of tamarind.
The awareness level of the ill effects of these substances is very high - what non-smokers have to be aware of is that they are subject constantly to passive smoking. Please do not hesitate to speak up when you feel that your child or you are being deprived of your fundamental right to smoke-free air. If someone in your home is a compulsive smoker or drinker, we suggest you try the Addictions Sanjeevini on them (see Addictions combination under "Selected Sanjeevini Combinations). This Sanjeevini, given with compassion and understanding has helped many people to give up their addictions including smoking and drinking.
Smoking damages your lungs, arteries and bones; alcohol damages your liver; together they destroy your life. Drugs destroy our mind and intelligence and through these, our body and soul.
What we have to resist is the "first time" for tobacco, for alcohol, for cigarettes, for drugs. Peer pressure is responsible, but let us remember - we live our lives for ourselves and not for our peers. If we pay undue importance to what others think of us we are no better than puppets on a string - living our lives as others want us to live.
* Water, fresh seasonal fruits, fresh seasonal vegetables, gur(jaggery), butter, pure ghee, home-made curds (yoghurt), butter milk.
* Whole grains (according to season) eg.wheat, jawar, bajra, barley, parboiled and/or unpolished rice.
* Lentils, dals, beans, grams. (add tamarind always) Nuts & seeds - sesame (til), sunflower, almonds, walnuts, pistas and coconut.
* Dry fruits (in winter)
* Fresh lemon water (without sugar)
* Tamarind - to our lentils (to prevent flourosis and acidity).
* Sprouted or living foods.
* Wheatgrass and Rejuvelac (see separate chapter)
* Note : If you have to have fried food, use only UNREFINED OIL. If you are on the wrong side of 30 - minimise fried food.
ADD -For growing children - milk made from sesame seeds (til), sweet melon seeds. soya beans, wheat, coconut, almonds, peanuts combining with dates and honey, flavouring with cardommom (ilaichi), saffron (natural kesar - not artificial flavour), kewra, natural vanilla etc. These can be given to new born children also (diluted) where mother's milk is not available for some reason. Recipes are given in the chapter called "Recipes".
Where do we get our protein, calcium, Vitamin A, Vitamin B12, Iron?
* Protein comes from amino acids - you can never ever be short of these - everything that grows from the earth has amino acids. Where does the elephant, the cow, the horse, the bull get its amino acids from? From grains and grasses!
All grains, lentils (daals), ALL vegetables are rich in proteins.
* Calcium - nature abounds with it and in readily assimilable form with phosphorus and magnesium in the correct ratios - in all green leafy vegetables and nuts especially sesame (til) seeds and almonds. Even tiny babies can be given milk made from sesame seeds, coconut, wheat, almonds, soya bean, if for some reason mother's milk is not available.
* Vitamin A - green leafy vegetables and naturally yellow fruits - mangoes, papayas, carrots, peaches - are rich in Vitamin A. The drumstick plant - its leaves, flowers and fruit, coriander leaves, fresh mint - all these are the richest sources of Vitamin A on this planet.
* Vitamin B12 - we are told this comes from animal sources only - true - from animal's residing in our intestinal tract - the friendly bacteria, provided you have killed them off with antibiotics. If you have - please take homemade yoghurt freely (never after sunset) and Rejuvelac. Normally, if you are into natural healing and antibiotics are not part of your regimen directly or indirectly - you don't have to worry. Your body knows how to balance itself.
* Iron - All green leafy vegetables are full of iron as are dry fruits and most fruits (especially the ones that turn brown if left exposed after cutting or pealing). That milk or meat or eggs are essential to fulfill our iron requirement is a story fed to us by vested commercial interests. One humble bowl of spinach (palak) contains as much iron as 60 gallons of milk. In eggs, iron is almost non-existent.
We must eat with awareness. Not only awareness of what we eat but with acute awareness of how grateful we have to be for our food.
* Try and eat in silence, starting by saying a small "thank you" prayer to God - just visualise how many hundreds, if not thousands, of pieces of a jig-saw puzzle have come together to bring this plate of food to you.
* Chew your food properly - there is a saying that we must "eat" our liquids and "drink" our solids. Which is to say, juices, buttermilk etc. must be had very slowly and moved around in our mouth so that they combine well with the saliva and then swallowed. Solids, on the other hand, must first be liquified by chewing well, and then drunk. A great deal of digestion, especially of starches, takes place in our mouth.
* Eat only half a stomachful. Leave the remaining space for the "cooking" of food with digestive juices.
* When you are ill or down - either abstain totally from eating or eat only fruits (fruits are better than juices because we chew them) and drink only lemon and water with honey added. Food uses up energy for digestion - valuable energy which we need for recovering and recouping.
Please note : What has been given in this chapter is A VIEW POINT. Please accept it only if it appeals to your common sense - otherwise reject it. It is not a treatise on Natural Healing - it is only a beginning in your quest for being in tune with Nature. Your health is in your hands. How far you go from here depends entirely on you. We also encourage you to understand your Personal Constitution (Prakruti) - please refer to "Recommended Reading". An understanding of the Tridoshas will result in perfect "tuning in" to your OWN dietary requirements.
"Sathwic (pure, health promoting) diet does not mean simply the food we take through our mouth but also means the pure air we breathe through our nose, the pure vision we see through our eyes, the pure sounds we hear through our ears and the pure objects we touch through our feet and hands. All that we take in through the doors of our five sense organs may be described as diet. Listening to bad sounds, looking at bad sights, touching bad things do not constitute sathwic diet."
"Motherhood is the most precious gift of God. Mothers are the makers of a nation's fortune or misfortune, for they shape the sinews of its soul. Those sinews are toughened by two lessons they should teach: fear of sin, and fondness for virtue. Both these are based on faith in God being the inner motivator of all. If you want to know how advanced a nation is, study the mothers: are they free from fear and anxiety, are they full of Love towards all, are they trained in fortitude and virtue? If you like to imbibe the glory of a culture, watch the mothers, rocking the cradles, feeding, fostering, teaching, and fondling the babies. As the mother, so the progress of the nation; as the mother, so the sweetness of the culture."
We are aware that many of you who will read this may already be following most of what is given here. However, as healers it helps to have on hand "printed" guidelines which, if you lack time, can be photocopied and passed on.
The sum total of what we do (or fail to do), from the moment we wake up to the time we go to sleep, day after day, is lifestyle.
If day after day we watch television and read books and magazines that feed our sensuous desires; if we listen to music that only conjures up base emotions; if we use our hands to engage in activity that is anti-peace and anti-God (read that as anti-anyone), if we smell of perfumes created to stir the senses, we can be sure of perpetuating negative samskaras for future lives as well, besides causing several dreadful diseases in the present life-time.
If we fail to do what it is our duty to do according to our station in our life (as wife, mother, husband, father, daughter, son, employee, employer etc.) we are indulging in adharma or "sinful acts".
We begin by listing what needs to be removed from our lifestyle and why, followed by what we must add to our life in order to bring about a qualitative change in our purpose, our perspective, and consequently our wellbeing.
Remove mind polluting books and magazines, T.V., junkie/sensuous music, gossip, criticism, judgement, perfumes, unrighteous or adharmic activities.
Our body and mind is fed not only by what we eat with our mouth but also everything that enters through all our sense organs.
Let us begin with what we "eat" with our eyes! A lot of what we see can be described as "involuntary" i.e. we have no control over it. What we CAN control is the subject of discussion here. It is by choice that we read what we do; it is by choice that we switch on the television; it is by choice that we stop and look at defiling cinema posters.
Baba has renamed television "televisham". "Visham" means poison. Do we really understand what Baba is saying? He is saying TELEVISION IS POISON.
Most people attribute Baba's condemnatioin of the television to the negative impact of the programmes on the mind. This is the truth but only half the truth. What most people are not aware of is that TELEVISION EMITS REAL RADIATION. There is growing evidence that radiation from T.V. can be a cause of epileptic type of convulsions in children, anaemias of various types (leukaemia?), skin problems, behavioural problems in children and what is most alarming - birth defects in children born to mothers having prolonged exposure to radiation from T.V. and computer screens (VDU's).
Television's impact on the mind cannot be overemphasised. ALL generations are victims to this invasion from the skies - but the SWITCH IS IN OUR OWN HANDS. The junk, and we cannot call it anything but that, pollutes our minds, erodes our cultural values and makes us impervious to violence and moral degradation. Violence and immorality have now become accepted norms.
Till about 15 years ago television played a very insignificant part in our lives - if at all it played a part. Interpersonal relationships within families have taken a plunge because no one talks any more - the idiot box is a priority. Our food is eaten in front of the television and conversations revolve around the previous day's serial!
Try removing the poison from your life - unplug it - put it away (or atleast reduce it to news only) - and see the difference.
Now let us talk about books. They can provide the best Satsang (company of the good and holy) and also the worst kind of "bad company" - it all depends on our choice of books and magazines. Those of you who have stopped reading yellow literature, love stories and gossip magazines - please do not keep these storehouses of sensuousness on your bookshelves. Don't give them or sell them to others either - BURN THEM. You will then never be tempted to read a book like that again.
Our senses of hearing, smell, touch and taste, can likewise become gateways for garbage to enter our bodies. Gossip, criticism and sensuous music would obviously not fall into the category of "good food" for the mind and body. Music, it is said, is food for the soul but to achieve this lofty goal, it must be uplifting - raising us to higher levels of consciousness.
Not many people realise just how powerful our sense of smell is. The memory imprint of smells is like a computerised recall and often a passing fragrance will bring a complete flashback of a scene which we never imagined was alive in our memory. It is not possible to control smells and fragrances brought to us by the wind or by other people, but we CAN control the kind of fragrance we ourselves carry around with us. Most perfumes today are made with the sole purpose of arousing the senses. BESIDES - perfumes are known to cause epileptic/epilepsy type seizures in children, asthma attacks, allergic sneezing bouts, headaches, nausea and a host of other symptoms. Would you like to cause these
problems in innocent children you meet everyday?
Touch includes all activities that our hands engage in . Any anti-God activity (read that as anti-ANYONE activity) will take us further from the ideal state of "ease" or health and harmony.
ADD Good uplifting books, and magazines.
Devotiional, classical, enobling music - vocal or instrumental.
Satsang of sages who teach the eternal values of truth, righteousness, peace, love, non-violence, compassion, tolerance, harmony - leading to fostering of brotherhood of man.
Selfless service - Maanava seva is Madhava Seva - resulting in self purification.
Moderate exercise - just one round of Surya Namaskara is a good starting point.
Deep breathing taking care to breathe out deeply as well as breathe in deeply.
Right at the beginning of this note in the section entitled "Introduction", we talked about the poor suffering from the diseases of deprivation and the rich suffering from the diseases of plenty or excess. True harmony will reign in this beautiful world of ours when the "haves" begin to look at the "have nots" as their brothers and sisters. If even ten percent of the rich decided to alter their lifestyles and eating patterns in a way that they did not fall sick, we feel sure that enough resources could be generated to completely eradicate diseases of deprivation in the whole world.
Something to think about!
Each of us can start in our own way - taking care of one or two persons from the underprivileged classes in our very own homes. There need be no hunger, no deprivation, no disease.
We just need to shift our awareness from our own narrow lives and see ourselves as a very small part of the beautiful "whole".
" Practice silence. For the voice of God can be heard in the region of the heart only when the tongue is still....Silence is the speech of the spiritual seeker. Soft sweet speech is the expression of genuine love. Hate screeches, fear squeals, conceit trumpets - but love sings lullabies; it soothes, it applies balm."
"Without giving ear to patent lies born out of malice and greed, I would advise you to form "satsang" where you will meet and exchange truths and virtuous talk; where you will study holy books and discourse on the glory of God. Why waste precious time in scandals about others and criticism of others' behaviour? Cultivating envy, malice, hatred and anger against others is an evil past-time that recoils on oneself. In everyone there is resident the self-same Divine spark; so cavilling at the neighbour is tantamount to cavilling at Divinity."
And - how we harm ourselves by eating them wrongly
There are many arguments about whether man is herbivore (vegetarian), carnivore (meat-eater) or omnivore (one who can eat and digest both). In actual fact, there is mounting evidence to suggest that man was a fruitivore! It is possible to live only on a combination of fruits and nuts and never suffer any malnutrition - in fact we would probably live in the "pink" of health.
However, fruits as they are eaten at present by most of the world, can be positively harmful.
Most people eat fruits :
(a) after food,
(b) combined with milk for dessert,
(c) cooked or stewed or baked.
This is not right.
Fruit must be eaten on an empty stomach.
Fruit must never be combined with milk or grains.
Fruit must be had uncooked.
Why? This becomes clear when we understand how fruit is digested in the body.
After being chewed well in the mouth, fruit enters the stomach for a short period (15 to 20 minutes for most fruits, 1/2 hour for bananas,) and then proceeds to the intestines where it digests itself with its own enzymes. If it is eaten after a meal it sits on top of the food and ferments because it does not get a clear passage to go down to the intestines. Not only is the fruit rendered completely useless -it can become a cause of acidity, indigestion, gas, colic, constipation and other diseases.
For this same reason it must not be combined with any other foods. The other foods need to sit in the stomach for several hours for digestion.
Cooking the fruit destroys its self-digesting enzymes and it becomes a burden for the body.
In fact acidity, colic, indigestion, constipation can all be helped substantially by eating fruits atleast 1/2 hour before food. Chronic sufferers of these problems should abstain from having any cereal, bread, roti or paratha for breakfast - they must have only fresh fruits.
When "dying" of hunger, fruits are your best bet. They provide energy very quickly and efficiently without using up valuable energy reserves of the body (other foods use massive amounts of energy in the process of digestion).
"You sit in Meditation for ten minutes after the evening Bhajan session; so far so good. But, let me ask, when you rise after the ten minutes and move about, do you see everyone in a clearer light as endowed with Divinity? If not, Meditation is a waste of time. Do you love more, do you talk less, do you serve others more earnestly? These are the signs of success in Meditation. Your progress must be authenticated by your character and behaviour. Meditation must transmute your attitude towards beings and things, else it is a hoax. Even a boulder will, through the action of sun and rain, heat and cold, disintigrate into mud and become food for a tree. Even the hardest heart can be softened so that the Divine can sprout therein."
"Worship is not a uniform to be put on and off at stated hours of the day. Render every thought into a flower, worthy to be held in His Fingers; Render every deed into a fruit, full of the sweet juice of Love, fit to be placed in His Hand; render every tear holy and pure, fit to wash His Feet."
This is highly nutritious food at a very low cost. It contains a good amount of protein, calcium, iron and other nutrients. Can be used where famine strikes and whenever there is a problem of anaemia or under-nourishment- whether at home or in the slums.
Ingredients :
Whole wheat 400 gms
Mung lentils. 300 gms
Ground nuts (peanuts) 100 gms
White til (sesame seeds) 100 gms
Gur (jaggery) 200 gms
Cardamom (elaichi) few pods
Dried ginger
Optional - Pure ghee (clarified butter) for roasting wheat
Preparation :
Dry roast whole wheat (or add ghee which increases the nutritive value considerably) adding cardamon. Roast mung, ground nuts (peanuts), til (sesame) and dried ginger - separately.
Dry grind all roasted ingredients when cool. Add jaggery. Makes 12 to 15 servings of very nutritious food. This can be eaten dry or made into a porridge by adding to boiling water.
Alternatives for home use - do not add cardamom and gur (jaggery) to the mixture. Make the ground mixture into a soup adding a seasonal vegetable, sea salt and pepper to taste. Gur to be eaten after the soup as dessert!
This is a soup which tastes so good you don't have to wait to get flu to have it. During flu however it makes the patient feel really refreshed. It is easy to digest and removes kapha (mucous) from the body.
a. Ingredients for the Rasam powder :
Equal quantities (say 1 tablespoon) of each of the following :
Whole black pepper balls,
Whole coriander seeds,
Cummin seeds
Toor daal (arhar)
Preparation of the rasam powder:
Dry roast separately the above ingredients. Dry grind to a slightly rough textured powder. Store in a jar. Will keep for weeks.
b. Ingredients for the rasam (soup)
(To serve 4)
Ball of tamarind the size of a big lemon
1 tablespoon rasam powder (see recipe above)
1/2 tsp. turmeric
Salt to taste
2 pinches of asafoetida
1 tsp. mustasrd seeds
1 tsp. cummin seeds
Small bunch coriander leaves
Few curry leaves
1" piece ginger finely chopped
6 cups of water
1 1/2 tablespoon ghee (clarified butter)
Preparation of the rasam (soup)
Soak tamarind in 1 cup of water. Extract the juice. Add this juice to the remaining water and keep to heat.
Meanwhile add to this, rasam powder, a pinch of asafoetida, turmeric, ginger, salt and half the curry leaves. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and allow to cook for 20 - 30 minutes (until the raw smell of the rasam powder disappears).
In a small vessel heat the ghee. Add mustard seeds. When they stop spluttering add cummin, 1 pinch asafoetida and remaining curry leaves. Turn off the heat, give the spices 10 seconds to cook in the ghee; then add to the soup. Garnish liberally with fresh green coriander leaves. (Coriander leaves are a good way to pacify Pitta dosha -in this case fever).
May be had as an appetizer or soup or eaten with softly cooked rice. Top the soup/rice mixture with 1/2 tsp ghee (good to remove the heat from the body if there is fever).
Variation when eating for taste :
Add green chillies and 1/2 cup boiled tur (arhar) dal to the the ready soup just before adding the ghee/mustard seed garnishing.
The generation that grew up in the 50's and 60's cannot imagine cooking without tomatoes. Why must we cook without tomatoes? Tomatoes, when cooked, are very acidic. Besides, including tomatoes in the cooked food has done away with the abundantly sensible practice of using tamarind and lemon in our foods.
A lot of the water supply all over India (new regions are being discovered every few months) has too much flouride. Apart from causing the local population to have "blackened" teeth it causes the disease called flourosis which means their bodies and limbs are all twisted out of shape.
Tamarind has the unique quality of binding the excess flouride and removing it from the body. With large-scale conversion of villages from tamarind to tomatoes, flourosis has become a great menace. Tomatoes are not Indian - they were brought to India only 400 years ago by the Portuguese in Goa and other visitors from the North west.
In North Indian cooking, tamarind juice can replace tomatoes in almost all lentils and vegetables. Just add the juice during the cooking process. The juice can be thick and concentrated when cooking vegetables (to prevent over-cooking), so that 1 or 2 tablespoons are adequate to add a touch of sourness. In lentils and beans (including rajma (red kidney beans) and lobiya (black eyed beans/cow peas) the usage can be liberal and diluted. You will know with experience just how much is "tasty" for your family and how much is "too much".
Vegetables can be varied by adding lemon juice after the cooking is over.
Note : Tamarind and Lemon juice are ANTACIDS. Tomatoes are Acidic.
A variety of milks and milk shakes can be made from nuts, seeds and wheat which are nutritious, rich in calcium and protein and - delicious.
Coconut milk - Grate a coconut; add 5 cups of water (this can vary depending on the size of the coconut). Leave for 30 minutes. Blend in a blender. Strain. Add some more water to the pulp; blend again; strain. Add honey to sweeten or a seasonal fruit like mangoes, papaya, chikoos, or even pitted dates (add the fruit after straining, blend again but don't strain). If you are using dried dates, please soak over night and remove the seed before blending.
This milk can be varied by adding sprouted almonds (12 hours soaking time and 24 hours sprouting time), sprouted sesame (til) seeds (same as almonds), sweet melon seeds (with shells on), sprouted or unsprouted sunflower seeds.
You can use any of these seeds together in any combination - not necessarily with coconut milk.
Wheat milk - Wash and soak 1 cup whole wheat for 12 hours. Drain off water - allow to sprout in a closed container for 24 to 36 hours. Add 4 cups water; blend thoroughly. Strain. Sweeten with honey or dates. Vary as for coconut milk but DO NOT ADD FRUITS. (Fruits and grains do not combine well together for digestion - see separate note on "Fruits - the wonder food").
If the person for whom it is intended, has a Vata disorder, please heat the milk lightly adding cardommon and/or saffron.
Note : do not discard the strained out pulp. You can use it as a base to make a very nutritious soup adding vegetables which have been sauteed in a ghee, cummin and ginger base. If you tire of this, use the pulp as a natural fertilizer - add it back to the soil. (Even if you do not have a garden of your own, enrich the Municipality soil - Mother Earth will be most grateful!)
Soya milk - Soak 1 cup soya beans overnight. (If you allow the beans to sprout for another 10 hours, the nutritive value is greatly enhanced. But this is optional). When the beans are ready, put 6 cups of water in a large stainless steel pot to boil and another 2 1/2 cups in a smaller steel vessel to boil. Blend the soaked/sprouted soya beans with 3 cups of cold water. You may have to do this in two rounds if your blender is small.
Add this liquefied mass to the large pot of boiling water. When it comes to the boil again and begins to rise, turn off the heat. Strain through a clean cloth. Add this pulp to the smaller vessel of boiling water and repeat the process of straining. Put both the strained "milks" into one pot and bring to the boil again. Turn the heat to "low" and allow it to boil for 5 - 7 minutes.
It is essential to follow this procedure for soya beans other wise the milk is very difficult to digest.
Note : do not throw away the pulp. Use it as a filling for parathas (add onions and suitable spices to taste).
Add to the pulp 1/2 cup Rejuvelac (see recipe in Wheatgrass section) and/or lemon, sea salt, pepper, (if you do not have Rejuvelac ready add 1/2 cup water with lemon juice added). Blend again. Cover and keep to ferment for 24 hours. You have a reasonable cheese spread to which you can add cucumber pieces or green coriander -mint chutney and sprouts to make delicious sandwiches with whole wheat bread Iced smoothies
Use seasonal fruits like melons, mangoes, chikoos, bananas, apples, pears, oranges/ orange juice, pineapple/pineapple juice, fresh figs, papaya, peaches, grapes in any combination.
Blend together and chill for smoothies and freeze for iced lollies - healthful iced lollies! Add honey if the fruit is not sweet enough (before chilling or freezing).
Kulfi (Indian Ice-cream)
Yes it's possible to make kulfi the healthful way!
Make 2 - 3 cups milk from seeds (of melon, sunflower etc.), almonds, wheat. See method given above. Strain. To the strained milk, you can add roasted peanuts, pistachio nuts, cashew nuts (whichever flavour you fancy!). In a small vessel boil 1 cup of water adding to it crushed cardammom (elaichi) and saffron (kesar). Allow the water to boil down to 1/2 cup. Let cool. Add to above mixture. To this add one cup bread crumbs made from fresh brown bread. Add honey to taste. (If it is a once in a blue-moon indulgence you can use sugar). Blend this whole mixture. Taste it to see that sweet and elaichi flavour are adequate.
Freeze in kulfi cups. (You can use an ice tray too). Once frozen, remove from the container and cut into slices. Splash on rose water or kewra water. Garnish with crushed almonds or pistachios. Delicious!
Note : If you are using seed or nut milk (not wheat milk) - you can combine seasonal fruits to make flavoured ice-cream. In that case, leave out the cardammon, saffron and bread crumbs.
"Let the petty wishes for which you now approach God be realised or not, let the plans for promotion and progress which you place before God, be fulfilled or not; they are not so important after all. The primary aim should be to become Masters of yourselves, to hold intimate and constant communion with the Divine that is in you as well as in the Universe of which you are a part. Welcome disappointments, for they toughen you and test your fortitude."
"In this fast-paced world it is too frequently the case that people accept what society, family members and the authorities, whom no body ever seems to question, believe regarding how to live their lives. And yet, the happiest people I know have been those who have accepted the primary responsibility for their own spiritual and physical well-being - those who have inner strength, courage, determination, common sense, and faith in the process of creating more balanced and satisfying lives for themselves."
- Ann Wigmore
"Be Your own Doctor" by Ann Wigmore is a comprehensive book on the health-giving properties and value of Wheat Grass and we recommend it to all those who are interested in "healing themselves". (See Recommended Reading).
Wheat grass and / or its juice is a specific food which can assist in fighting a whole range of chronic ailments - from simple anaemia to leukamia; from a simple skin rash to skin cancer, from worms to ulcers. It can be chewed slowly or drunk as a juice.
How to grow wheat-grass
1. Soak adequate quantity of unpolished wheat-grain overnight in water in any container (after cleaning and washing it thoroughly).
2. Keep a few pots (preferably 7 to 9 pots- one to be sown each day of the week) ready with ordinary soil. Do not add any chemicals or fertilizers. Cow-dung or goat-dung may be added as manure if needed.
3. Spread the soaked wheat on the surface of the soil so that the grains are touching one another.
4. Sprinkle a thin layer of soil on the wheat grains .
5. Cover the pot with a newspaper to provide darkness which helps the sprouting and also to prevent the birds from eating the wheat.
6. Keep the pot in a balcony or a windowsill or a covered verandah.
7. Next day uncover the pot and spray on some water and again cover it with the newspaper.
8. Repeat step 7 everyday until you see green leaves sprouting through the soil. Stop covering the pot as soon as the green leaves appear.
9. Everyday water the pot lightly but adequately depending upon the season and also depending upon the pots used - whether they have holes or not. Beautiful green blades of grass keep growing in height everyday.
10. As soon as the grass is about 8 inches tall ( which usually happens around the 7th to the 9th day from the date of sowing) harvest the grass by cutting with a clean pair of scissors about 1/2" above the surface of the soil.
11. The harvested wheat grass is now ready to be chewed or juiced or stored.
12. A second round of wheat grass will again grow in about 6 to 7 days with daily watering as before.
13. After the second harvest from the same pot, remove all the soil in the pot onto a newspaper- breakup all the roots and mix them with the soil. Add a bit of cowdung to this to rejuvenate the soil.
14. The soil is now ready for reuse for a fresh sowing of wheat.
Choice of pots
Clay pots with or without holes can be used. However we find plastic basins of about 6 to 8 inches diameter and about 3 inches deep ideal. These can be filled upto 2 1/2 inches with soil. Also trays made from wood or plastic or steel may be used.
How much wheat to sow everday?
For a family of 4 healthy persons, about 100 grams can be sown every day in a new pot or basin so that a continous supply is available. 7 to 9 pots would ensure a fresh harvest every day of the week.
For a person who is sick the amount of wheat required to be sown everyday is about 50 to 100 grams. Again 7 to 9 pots growing at any given time would ensure one pot maturing for cutting everyday (since it takes about 7 to 9 days to get the harvest).
How to store wheat grass
The wheat grass can be stored in the refrigerator in a plastic container or a good quality cellophane bag for about 3 days. but the juice must be drunk as soon as juiced orwithin1/2 hour of juicing.
How to juice wheat grass
Please do not use electric blenders for juicing as the rapid blade movement causes oxidation of the chlorophyll and renders it useless.
A manual mince maker maybe used or you can use any stone crushing method available in the home for making chutneys.
Add a little water while grinding or pounding- strain the juice through a clean cloth into a cup or a glass. Grind again adding water - repeat this process until the remaining grass is almost white. Do not throw the leftover grass. Put it in your plants as manure.
How to use wheat grass
1. For a healthy person - a good mouthful (fairly well stuffed) and more if you wish, should be taken early morning and chewed until the remaining cud in the mouth is almost white. This can be eaten or thrown out. (Constipated people are advised to eat the cud as it provides roughage for a better bowel movement).
If being taken in juice form, a healthy person can take 1/4 to 1/3 of a glass everyday. but remember that the juice must be drunk immediately on juicing.
2. For a sick person - 1/4 to 1/2 glass of wheat grass juice is required to start with. If possible this should be spread over 2 to 3 times during the day - the important thing of course being to drink the juice soon after juicing.
The quantity should be gradually increased to about 8 ounces a day (approx one glass full).
3. Wheat can be crushed thoroughly and applied externally on Cancers and Ulcers as a poultice.
4. Wheat grass juice can be used as a rectal implant for cleansing and rejuvenating. Use an enema syringe to implant the juice in the rectum. Try and retain it for 20 minutes.
5. Wheat grass juice is also effective as an eye-bath (using an eye-cup).
How does wheat grass help our system:
Wheat Grass is almost like a blood transfusion. It is a wonderful cleanser and rejuvenator which means it helps your body to throw out toxins that have built up over the years and helps it replace old dead cells with new cells. These are the two essential factors that cause disease in our bodies and which wheat grass sets right.
In chronic ailments including cancer, there may be an attempt by the body to throw out accumulated toxins which could result in diarrhoea or vomiting. Both these conditions are to be WELCOMED. If this does happen, cut down on the quantity of wheat grass juice being consumed to half and use it diluted. Gradually begin to increase the quantity as the body begins to handle the removal of toxins in a more gentle way.
Wheat grass seva can become an important part of all our lives. Let us grow wheat grass in abundance and make it available to chronically sick patients especially those suffering from cancer, AIDS., asthma and kidney failure.
What is Rejuvelac?
Rejuvelac is a tonic drink made from wheat. It is rich in enzymes and many nutrients.
Who can have Rejuvelac?
The healthy and the sick, children and adults can have it. Diabetics can have small quantities in diluted form.
How do we make Rejuvelac?
Rejuvelac is made at home from unpolished wheat.
1. Wash one cup of wheat thoroughly.
2. Soak in 5 cups of water.
3. Leave for 48 hours.
4. After 48 hours drain off the liquid into another container.
5. To this liquid add 2-3 teaspoons of honey.
6. Store in the refrigerator.
7. When serving add a dash of lemon juice.
8. Add 5 cups of water to the wheat remaining in the first container.
9. Leave only for 24 hours this time.
10. Repeat steps 4 to 7.
11. Add 5 cups of water to the wheat remaining in the first container.
12. Leave for 24 hours.
13. Drain the liquid into another container as before, adding honey. Store and serve as before.
14. The wheat remaining now must be discarded - it can provide very good manure for your soil.
Note : At first you might feel that there is a "bad" smell, but when you add lemon juice it goes away and you also get used to some of it. The nutrition it provides is worth the initial hesitation you might have in drinking it.
Rejuvelac is an excellent tonic for the entire system. It particularly benefits the intestines and the colon. It is rich in natural enzymes and goes a long way in replacing the flora and fauna of the intestines which have been lost due to the consumption of antibiotics. Antibiotics do not have an "intelligence" that discriminates between the "unfriendly bacteria" and the "friendly bacteria" which are necessary for our very survival.
A word of caution : If you are suffering from a severe Vata imbalance (Vayu Vikara), this drink may not suit you. Please try it for a few days and use your judgement about its suitability for you.
Wishing you joy in your seva and spiritual rejuvenation.
Please note : What has been given in the section Guidelines on Diet & Lifestyle is A VIEW POINT. Please accept it only if it appeals to your common sense - otherwise reject it. It is not a treatise on Natural Healing - it is only a beginning in your quest for being in tune with Nature. Your health is in your hands. How far you go from here depends entirely on you. We also encourage you to understand your Personal Constitution (Prakruti) - please refer to "Recommended Reading". An understanding of the Tridoshas will result in perfect "tuning in" to your OWN dietary requirements.
"We require no one else to make us happy for we are happiness itself. The first sign that you are becoming religious is that you are becoming cheerful. When a man is gloomy that may be dyspepsia (indigestion) but it is not religion."
"However high a bird may soar, it has sooner or later to perch on a tree top, to enjoy quiet. So too a day will come when even the most haughty, the most willful, the most unbelieving, even those who assert that there is no joy or peace in the contemplation of the Highest Self, will have to pray: "God grant me peace, grant me consolation, strength and joy."
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